Edo Maajka - Down - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - Down

Edo Maajka
Edo Maajka
Down Dragi Babo moj, voli te sin tvoj
Down My dear father, your son loves you
Na tebe mislim cesto, svaki dan od kad' si nest'o Pric'o nam je tetak, on je dobio metak
I think of you often, every day since you've been gone My uncle came to us, he got shot
Da ste se razdvojili ti, on i Sajo Onaj dan kad je grad pad'o Nikad necu zaboravit onaj dan Kad je Sajo dos'o iz logora
That you, he and Sajo had gone your separate ways That day when the city fell I'll never forget that day When Sajo came from the camp
Kad mi je rek'o "imas pozdrav od staroga" "Da ima Boga, dos'o bi i on na razmjeni"Svaki dan je mati od tad' govorila meni I tako cijeli rat smo zivjeli od razmjene do razmjene
When he told me "I have a greeting from the old man" "If there was a God, he would have come to the exchange too"Every day since then, my mother has told me And so we lived the entire war from exchange to exchange
Za sve si mrtav, al' Babo nisi i za mene Kod svake organizacije, trazio sam informacije
To everyone you're dead, but not to me, father At every organization, I asked for information
Makar bilo sta, al' niko ovdje ne zna nista Molim Boga da lazu, kad kazu da si mrtav
Whatever it was, but nobody here knows anything I pray to God they're lying, when they say you're dead
Al' i sam znas kakav je odvratan svijet nas Pric'o mi je jedan sto radi u muriji
But you know what a disgusting world ours is Someone who works in America told me
Da je bio zatvoren u Logoru, u Srbiji I da jedan isti ti, kleo se nema s cim nije
That he was locked up in a camp, in Serbia And that someone exactly like you, swore he had nothing to do with it
Bio zatvoren u istom Logoru, i to bas s njim A mati ko mati, Mati ko Mati, Babo ona najgore pati
He was locked up in the same camp, with him And mother like mother, Mother like Mother, Father she suffered the worst
Jedno vrijeme je pila, nije znala sta sa sobom da radi Isla je kod zena sto u grah ugledaju
For a while she drank, she didn't know what to do with herself She went to the women who looked into coffee grounds
Pomalo se nadala, nadu grahom povecavala Al dobro je, NO SIKIRIKI, sad je bolje
She gradually hoped, making her hope grow through the coffee grounds But it's alright, NO PROBLEM, it's better now
Ja sam dobro dijete, ona ima tablete i dobre je volje (Kad kidam veze pisem pisma i pjesme
I'm a good boy, she has pills and is in good spirits (When I break relationships I write letters and songs
Ja ne mogu vise gutat, a plakat se ne smije
I can't swallow anymore, but I'm not allowed to cry
Pa slazem pisma i punim svoje teke
So I fold letters and fill my jars
Zajebano pravo, nisam ni covjek ni dijete)...
A fucked up law, I'm neither a man nor a child)...
BABOOOOO... Dragi moj oce, ama dragi moj tata
FATHER... My dear father, oh my dear father
Sjecas se, tako sam te zvao prije rata Dok me jedan bradati nije poc'o zajebavat
Do you remember, that's how I called you before the war Until a bearded man started messing with me
Ne da mi se objasnjavat, al ti se s njima ne bi slag'o, garant Nema veze, sjecas li se kako sam ti pravio meze
I don't feel like explaining, but you wouldn't have agreed with them, I guarantee Never mind, do you remember how I used to make you appetizers
Sad ga pravim sebi, samo sljiva, znas da drogu ne bi' Nemoj se bojat', nisam peder, im'o sam ja zenski'Znas i sam da je to kod nas genetski Volio bih otic' s tobom na utakmicu, jednom bar
Now I make them for myself, just plums, you know I wouldn't do drugs Don't worry, I'm not a faggot, I've had womenYou know yourself that it's genetic with us I would have liked to go to a match with you, once
Stara mi je rekla kol'ko volis fudbal Samo da vidis, ima jedan Salihamidzic
My old lady told me how much you love football Just so you know, there's a guy called Salihamidzic
Malo mi na tebe slici, da vidis kako po boku pici Skoro sam se rasplak'o, da ti kazem, e ovako
He looks a little like you, you should see how he plays on the flank I almost burst into tears, let me tell you, something like this
Mi ti idemo u Australiju, tamo je otis'o skoro svako Tetak sredio ono nesto preko IOM-a
We're going to Australia, almost everyone has gone there My uncle fixed something up via IOM
Moramo ici odma'stari, ovdje je stvarno zivot koma Ako te bog zivog vrati, ako te nama donese
We have to go right away, old man, life is really a coma here If God brings you back alive, if He brings you to us
Nikad ne znas! Evo tu ispod, Babo, i adrese Evo ti telefonski broj, on je samo moj
You never know! Here below, Father, and the address Here is the telephone number, it's just mine
Ne brini, ja cu brinuti o staroj
Don't worry, I'll take care of the old lady
Voli te sin tvoj, Babo moj (4x) moj... moj... Ni znan ni lud, ni dobar ni grub
Your son loves you, my Father (4x) mine... mine... Neither wise nor mad, neither kind nor rough
Samo zeljan pravde, dobro dos'o u klub Plase nas, dijele, a nema niceg
Just thirsty for justice, welcome to the club They divide us into parts, but there's nothing left
Pa se ne bojim niceg, osim Onoga Viseg
So I'm not afraid of anything, except for the Highest Above

Writer(s): Rasi Simba Stephen Wellington-forbes, Teddy Sambas, Ashleigh Aloma Ludwig, Jimi Conway, Koffi Manou Wilfred Kouassi

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