Edo Maajka - Jesmo'L Sami - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - Jesmo'L Sami

Jesmo'L Sami
Are We Alone?
Ja sam tog dana obavljao najnormalnije funkcije, ovaj
That day, I was doing my normal routine, you know,
Jutarnje, zaljevao sam pesticidima polje iznad Bukovice
Morning stuff, I was spraying pesticides on the field above Bukovica
Kad se iznenada, na lijevoj strani sam u vidokrugu primjetio
When suddenly, on my left side, I noticed in the distance
Neki objekat nepoznat koji je bio blještav
Some unknown object that was shining
Ustvari mjenjo je boju
Actually, it was changing color
Ustvari bio je žut, zelenkaste boje
Actually, it was yellow, greenish
Onda sam iznenada, začudio sam se jer sam primjetio
Then suddenly, I was surprised because I noticed
Da avion jednostavno stoji na mjestu i da se elisa pri tom ne okreće
That the plane was simply standing still and the propeller wasn't spinning
A ja sam znao da se avion morao kretat
And I knew the plane had to be moving
Jer sam ga upalio i sve
Because I started it and everything
Međutim, motor je mirovao, sve je stajalo
However, the engine was idle, everything was still
Taj objekat je proletio par puta pored mene
That object flew past me a couple of times
Pogledo sam dole, pesticidi su, nisu padali po njivi
I looked down, the pesticides, they weren't falling on the field
Nego su na moje opšte iznenađenje stajali u zraku
But to my utter surprise, they were hanging in the air
Onda sam, s ovaj, nisam gubio pribranost ni jednog momenta
Then I, um, I didn't lose my composure for a moment
Pokušao sam da pokrenem avion, nije mi polazilo za rukom
I tried to start the plane, I couldn't do it
Kad kad mi se taj objekat izgubio
When that object disappeared
Nepoznati blješteći zeleni, ustvari crveni je bio
The unknown shiny green, actually it was red
Taj zelenkasti objekat kad, kad, kad se izgubio iz vidokruga
That greenish object when, when, when it disappeared from view
Avion je sam kreno naprijed i ja sam imao apsolutnu kontrolu
The plane started moving forward on its own and I had absolute control
Nemojte me više stvarno
Don't, really, just leave me alone
Bila je ponoć i satovi su stali
It was midnight and the clocks stopped
Na vrata mi pokucaše Mulder i Scully
Mulder and Scully knocked on my door
Kažu, "Tražimo svemirca, velka mu je glava"
They say, "We're looking for an alien, he's got a big head"
Reko, "Imam takvog u gaćama al' trenutno spava"
I said, "I've got one in my pants but he's sleeping right now"
Šala mala
Just a little joke
Da te pitam
Let me ask you
Da li imaju duge kose?
Do they have long hair?
Da li traperice nose?
Do they wear jeans?
Da li vjeruju u boga?
Do they believe in God?
Da li uzimaju droga?
Do they take drugs?
Da li ima smoga i kod njih na planetu?
Is there smog on their planet too?
Dive li se nama il nam žele možda nanjet štetu?
Do they admire us or maybe want to harm us?
Odakle dolaze ove naše mlječne staze?
Where do they come from, from this Milky Way of ours?
Je li dolaze u miru ili žele da nas zgaze?
Do they come in peace or do they want to crush us?
Zašto paze tolko na svoju diskreciju?
Why are they so careful about their discretion?
Da li možda žele na nama da naprave korekciju?
Do they maybe want to make a correction on us?
Pa da i mi dođemo do svjetskoga mira
So that we too can reach world peace
Al' možda i kod njih gore neka borbena svira
But maybe up there they have some kind of war going on
Možda je kod njih gore, samo se priznat stide
Maybe up there it's the same, they're just ashamed to admit it
Možda svoj opstanak na našoj zemlji vide
Maybe they see their survival on our planet
Pitam se
I wonder
Da li rade grafite?
Do they do graffiti?
Il' su im ulice totalno, ono totalno jebene čiste?
Or are their streets totally, like, totally fucking clean?
Tako čiste da se ono, sve pravo sjaji
So clean that, like, everything shines
Da li udobno žive ili umiru od gladi
Do they live comfortably or do they die of hunger?
Da li se trava sadi kod njih ko kod nas žito?
Do they grow weed like we grow wheat?
Da vidim svemirca to bih ga ja upito
If I saw an alien, I'd ask him
Da li imaju policiju?
Do they have police?
Da li i njih maltretira?
Do they harass them too?
Da li vole opoziciju i kako vlast se kod njih bira?
Do they like opposition and how is power chosen there?
Znaju li šta je piva?
Do they know what beer is?
Da li rocka kod njih ima?
Is there rock music there?
Da li ima kod njih boli?
Is there pain there?
Da li žena voli?
Do women love?
Duvaju li na flašu ili koriste roli?
Do they blow on the bottle or use rolling papers?
Je li ljepo tijelo kod njihovih žena?
Are their women's bodies beautiful?
Da li se i oni tuku zbog boje svoga tena?
Do they fight over their skin color too?
Kad dođu izbori jel se i kod njih laže?
When elections come, do they lie there too?
Da li im žene vole petting, vole l' tetovaže?
Do their women like petting, do they like tattoos?
Koja je valuta?
What's the currency?
I da li devalvira?
And does it devalue?
Da li i kod njih na ratu gore neko profitira?
Is there someone profiting from the war over there too?
Kojim danom po gebiru idu?
What day of the week do they follow?
I zašto nikad, baš nikad nas ne zovu na gidu?
And why don't they ever, ever invite us for a visit?
Je li imaju u vidu davat vize za strance?
Do they have in mind to issue visas for foreigners?
Hoće li primat ko' izbjeglice nas Bosance?
Will they accept us Bosnians as refugees?
Nek' me prime prvog, ovdje nemam plana, kuće, stana
Let them take me first, I don't have any plans, house, apartment here
Životnog elana ni volana da vozim
No zest for life or a steering wheel to drive
Ovdje mi je neugodno al' kod vas ću da prosim
I feel uncomfortable here, but I'll beg you to let me go
Nek' nam vrate Elvisa, Haseta, Bruce Lee-a
Let them bring back Elvis, Hase, Bruce Lee
A evo im silikoni, atomska i CIA
And here are silicone, atomic bombs and the CIA for them
Nek' nam vrate Elvisa, Haseta, Bruce Lee-a
Let them bring back Elvis, Hase, Bruce Lee
A evo im silikoni, atomska i CIA
And here are silicone, atomic bombs and the CIA for them
Nek' nam vrate Elvisa, Haseta, Bruce Lee-a
Let them bring back Elvis, Hase, Bruce Lee
A evo im silikoni, atomska i CIA
And here are silicone, atomic bombs and the CIA for them
Nek' nam vrate Elvisa, Haseta, Bruce Lee-a
Let them bring back Elvis, Hase, Bruce Lee
A evo im silikoni, atomska i CIA
And here are silicone, atomic bombs and the CIA for them
Evo im sve
Here's everything for them

Writer(s): Matko Sasek, Edin Osmic

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