Edo Maajka - Klimaj Glavom - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - Klimaj Glavom

Klimaj Glavom
Nod Your Head
Kule daj mi beat
Kule, give me a beat
Da ti kažem iskreno ko brat bratu
To tell you honestly, like a brother to a brother
Ne da mi se više repat o ratu
I don't feel like rapping about war anymore
Ni raspravljat ni pričat
Neither arguing nor talking
O tome ko koga dijeli
About who divides whom
Ko nosi opanke, ko fesove
Who wears peasant shoes, who wears fezzes
Ko crven-bijeli
Who's red-white
Ko su zvijeri
Who are the beasts
Ko je klao, ko je počeo
Who slaughtered, who started
Ko stao, ko je ponosan na palež
Who stopped, who's proud of the arson
Kome Bosne žao
Who feels sorry for Bosnia
Moje Bosne, svačije, ničije
My Bosnia, everyone's, no one's
Jer svi mi na dželate i braću sličite
Because you all resemble both executioners and brothers
Čut ću sa radija pozive
I'll hear calls from the radio
Na mržnju i bolesne
To hatred and sickness
Laži će da te uzmu na sekundu
Lies will grab you for a second
Čut ćeš vođe što zovu na rat
You'll hear leaders calling for war
I džihad, da se ponašaš
And jihad, to behave
Kako se nisi ponašo nikad
As you've never behaved before
Pa će proklinjat sve što ih slušat neće
Then they'll curse all who won't listen to them
Ti ćeš iz straha prenosit to smeće
Out of fear, you'll transmit that garbage
Jer ovde je zajebano ne biti dio mase
Because here it's risky not to be part of the crowd
Bit sam protiv svih
To be against everyone
I pisat ovakav stih i pjevat
And write such a verse and sing
Jedi govna, klimaj glavom
Eat shit, nod your head
Poderi se lozom, travom
Get high on vine, on grass
Mirno spavaj, mirno puši
Sleep peacefully, smoke peacefully
Pa te iste zaokruži
Then circle the same ones
Ti biraš care, izaberi dobro
You choose, darling, choose well
Ti biraš care, izabro si govno
You choose, darling, you chose shit
Ti biraš opet, gaziš iste stope
You choose again, walking the same path
Ne mogu logori do Evrope doć
Concentration camps can't reach Europe
Đe god sam bio na Balkanu isti problemi
Wherever I've been in the Balkans, the same problems
Iste zastave, šalovi al' drugi dezeni
Same flags, scarves, but different designs
Neki na Thompsonu, neki na Ceci
Some on Thompson, some on Ceca
Neki na Merlinu, a mi smo ostali u Kreci
Some on Merlin, and we stayed in Krec
Svojoj djeci dajemo priče, istine iz rata
We give our children stories, truths from the war
O otadžbini koju pređem za dva sata
About the homeland that I cross in two hours
Jebo poso, vala ljudi jebo rad
Fuck work, man, fuck work
Ljudi navikli na mržnju i navikli na glad
People used to hatred and used to hunger
Ne treba radno mjesto kad živiš za desno
You don't need a job when you live for the right
Ljudi se hrane svojom zastavom i ratnom pjesmom
People feed on their flag and war songs
Fino se nahrane kad čuju crkve i ezane
They get well-fed when they hear churches and calls to prayer
Dok djeci dijeliš šljive, djeca bi banane
While you give your children plums, they want bananas
Djeca bi se igrala, boli ih kurac za tetke
Children want to play, they don't give a damn about aunts
Imaju po livadama bombe i metke, imaju i šprice
They have bombs and bullets in the meadows, they also have syringes
I nemaju ništa u planu, imaju roditelje
And they have nothing planned, they have parents
Koji nemaju ni za hranu
Who don't even have enough for food
Jedi govna, klimaj glavom
Eat shit, nod your head
Poderi se lozom, travom
Get high on vine, on grass
Mirno spavaj, mirno puši
Sleep peacefully, smoke peacefully
Pa te iste zaokruži
Then circle the same ones
Ti biraš care, izaberi dobro
You choose, darling, choose well
Ti biraš care, izabro si govno
You choose, darling, you chose shit
Ti biraš opet, gaziš iste stope
You choose again, walking the same path
Ne mogu logori do Evrope doć
Concentration camps can't reach Europe
A dijaspora još gora
And the diaspora is even worse
Nisu im bitni stihovi
Verses don't matter to them
Bitno je samo
The only important thing is
Jesmo li naši il' njihovi
Are we ours or theirs
Čiji si, ti si prezime, ime
Whose are you, you are a surname, a name
Dobro, naš si ko jebeniji
Okay, you're ours, the more fucked up the better
Il si Savo, Edo il si Šime sine
Are you Savo, Edo, or Šime, son
Naš si nema zime
You're ours, no worries
I dok se ljudi brate za te pate
And while people suffer for you, brother
Raznose trotilom
Blowing themselves up with TNT
Ja se buraz razbacujem s' kilom
I'm throwing around kilos
Umjesto da sam angažiran
Instead of being engaged
Treba nam dobar političar
We need a good politician
A ne ovaj ovde faširan
Not this stuffed one here
Svaki je lažiran
Each one is fake
A onaj dobar je faširan
And the good one is stuffed
Ne mogu bit u redu pa
I can't be okay, so
Suhtelom marširam
I march with a torch
Ne mogu šutit, rad više ne može me slušat, piju kafe
I can't be silent, work can't listen to me anymore, they drink coffee
Neće ni pokušat
They won't even try
Neće sranja u životu
They don't want shit in life
Na kurtone trčat
To run to the courts
Lakše smotat džoint
It's easier to roll a joint
U žilu se pucat
To shoot up
Lakše, ma kurac moj je lakše
Easier, fuck, mine is easier
Njima govno smrdi
The shit stinks to them
Ali kažu dobro je naše
But they say it's ours, so it's good
Jedi govna, klimaj glavom
Eat shit, nod your head
Poderi se lozom, travom
Get high on vine, on grass
Mirno spavaj, mirno puši
Sleep peacefully, smoke peacefully
Pa te iste zaokruži
Then circle the same ones
Ti biraš care, izaberi dobro
You choose, darling, choose well
Ti biraš care, izabro si govno
You choose, darling, you chose shit
Ti biraš opet, gaziš iste stope
You choose again, walking the same path
Ne mogu logori do Evrope doć
Concentration camps can't reach Europe
Do Evrope, do Evrope doć, do Evrope, do Evrope
To Europe, to Europe, to Europe, to Europe
Ti biraš care, izaberi dobro
You choose, darling, choose well
Ti biraš care, izabro si govno
You choose, darling, you chose shit
Ti biraš opet, gaziš iste stope
You choose again, walking the same path
Ne mogu logori do Evrope doć
Concentration camps can't reach Europe
Doć, do Evrope doć
Reach, reach Europe
Ti biraš care, izaberi dobro
You choose, darling, choose well
Ti biraš care, izabro si govno
You choose, darling, you chose shit
Ti biraš opet, gaziš iste stope
You choose again, walking the same path
Ne mogu logori do Evrope doć
Concentration camps can't reach Europe

Writer(s): Edin Osmic, Matko Sasek

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