Edo Maajka - Ove godine slavim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - Ove godine slavim

Ove godine slavim
This year I celebrate
Ove godine sam bolji, sebe više volim
This year I'm better, I love myself more
Bogu se više molim sretan što postojim
I pray more to God happy now that I exist
Sretan jer sam svjestan, sad sve znam
Happy because I am aware now I know everything
Loše je tu samo da bi došo dobar dan
The bad is just there to get a good day
Dobar dan, ja sam Edin Osmić, zovu me Maajka
Good day, I am Edin Osmic, his name is Maajka
Ove godine slavim jer pun mi kurac crnjaka
This year I celebrate because I am full of black people
Pun mi kurac depre, svake hevte
I'm full of depression, every week
Smršo 15 kila a nisam išo na dijete
I lost 15 pounds even though I didn't go on a diet
Ove godine ću dat sve od sebe da sam svjestan sebe
This year I will give everything of myself to be aware of myself
Trebam njenu guzu i jedno čebe
I need her ass and a blanket
Ne trebam ni plan ni stan, ni gun da me čuva
I don't need a plan or a flat, or a gun to protect me
Znam kako preživjet sa frtalj kruha
I know how to survive with a quarter of a loaf of bread
Ove godine su društvene norme pale u vodu
This year the social norms were dropped in the water
Volim sebe, imam svoju slobodu
I love myself, I have my freedom
Jebo modu, hitove i medije zguza
Screw fashion, hits and crap media
Moj krevet više neće biti ležaj od suza
My bed will no longer be a bed of tears
Ove godine slavim jer sam sebe našo
This year I celebrate because I found myself
Ove godine slavim, nemoj pitat zašto
This year I celebrate, don't ask me why
Nego slavi sa mnom, to je prvi korak
But celebrate with me, that's the first step
Sjeti se kolko je život dobar
Remember how good life is
Ove godine slavim jer sam sebe našo
This year I celebrate because I found myself
Ove godine slavim, nemoj pitat zašto
This year I celebrate, don't ask me why
Nego slavi sa mnom, to je prvi korak
But celebrate with me, that's the first step
Sjeti se kolko je život dobar
Remember how good life is
Ove godine no sikiriki sprovodim u djelo
This year without sikiriki I put into action
Ovo nije zgodno tijelo nego zgodno odijelo
This is not a beautiful body, but a beautiful dress
Koje tu i tam boli kad se čovjek ne voli
Which hurts here and there when a person does not love himself
I kad zaboravi svaki dan da slavi
And when he forgets to celebrate every day
Pazi, zaboravi šta kažu o tebi u školi
Hey, forget what they say about you at school
Profesori, doktori, popovi, šefovi, lopovi
Professors, doctors, popes, bosses, thieves
Svi se oni ispred tebe prave
They all pretend in front of you
Svaki dan da slave oni zaborave
They forget to celebrate every day
Ove godine slavim, neka svi to vide
This year I celebrate, let everyone see it
Misle da je nemoguće, ko u Bosni piramide
They think it's impossible, like in Bosnia pyramids
Mnogi se stide jer ih stvari krive
Many are ashamed because they are crooked
Hiljadu godina uče iz njihove kuće
A thousand years have been taught from their homes
I meni nemoguće sve te stvari zvuče
And for me too, all these things sound impossible
Srce zna istinu i zato sad jače tuče
The heart knows the truth and that's why it beats stronger
Zato se otvara i kad nema para
That's why it opens up when there's no money
Razlog pravi, ove godine Edo slavi
Real reason, this year Edo celebrates
Ove godine slavim jer sam sebe našo
This year I celebrate because I found myself
Ove godine slavim, nemoj pitat zašto
This year I celebrate, don't ask me why
Nego slavi sa mnom, to je prvi korak
But celebrate with me, that's the first step
Sjeti se kolko je život dobar
Remember how good life is
Ove godine slavim jer sam sebe našo
This year I celebrate because I found myself
Ove godine slavim, nemoj pitat zašto
This year I celebrate, don't ask me why
Nego slavi sa mnom, to je prvi korak
But celebrate with me, that's the first step
Sjeti se koliko je život dobar
Remember how good life is

Writer(s): edin osmic, matko sasek

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