Edo Maajka - To što se traži - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Edo Maajka - To što se traži

To što se traži
What is Demanded
Da bi bio na sceni moraš biti tvrde kože
To be on stage, babe, you gotta have thick skin
Njih ne zanimaš ko čovjek, nego ko prodaja ploče
They don't care about you as a person, just your record sales
Zato svaki šmrćo loče, hitove radit oće
That's why every snot-nosed kid wants to make hits
Nema ono, volim ono, nije bitno kako prođe
No more 'I love this', it's all about how it sells
Imali su to oni kod svog prvog albuma
They had that with their first album
Al' sad nema nigdje srca, vidim sve je ovo gluma
But now there's no heart anywhere, I see it's all an act
I oni to vide al' uporno mi poriču priču
And they see it too, but they keep denying it to me
Trendu supak ližu, dišu, s mjesta se ne miču
Sucking up to the trend, breathing it, not moving an inch
Zašto mjenjat zvuk, drug, ić' riskirat, srcem svirat?
Why change the sound, man, take a risk, play with heart?
Treba masi podilazit, samo tako ćeš zaradit
Gotta cater to the masses, that's the only way you'll earn
A masa sita istog bita, iste solaze vaše naše
And the masses are fed up with the same beat, the same old "yours and ours"
Nije čudo što nam više ni ne idu na gaže
No wonder they don't come to our gigs anymore
(Svi su, svi su) svi su u klišeu, rijetki nisu, rijetke raja voli
(Everyone is, everyone is) everyone's in a cliché, few aren't, the real ones are loved
Svi ostali žele bit balkanski idoli
Everyone else wants to be Balkan idols
Pa nam rapperi, rockeri postaju r&b šlageri
So our rappers, rockers become R&B schlagers
A jazzeri najjači turbo i pop svirači
And the jazz players become the biggest turbo and pop musicians
Oni stare, gube muda al' dobivaju tantijeme
They're getting old, losing their balls, but gaining royalties
Ja volim svoja jaja pa ću zato otić na vrijeme
I love my balls, so I'll leave in time
Al' neću još otić, tek je dvije hiljade i šesta
But I won't leave yet, it's only two thousand and six
Stig'o Ćumur
Ćumur's here
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Imaju dobre smiješke komplimentima časte
They have good smiles, they shower you with compliments
Imaju dobre trenere, imaju dobre zubne paste
They have good trainers, they have good toothpastes
Treniraju ih guzonje, sa scene stari prdonje
They're trained by ass-kissers, old farts from the scene
Što se busaju u prsa, prije sviraju za crvene
Who beat their chests, used to play for the Reds
Njima fali ega što nisu uspjeli ko Brega
They lack ego because they didn't succeed like Brega
Pa svoj ego dječje prave koriste od te djece
So they build their ego childishly, using those kids
Cure pune straha, silikona i stasa
Girls full of fear, silicone, and figure
Pune njihove sprerme i cure sumnjivog glasa
Full of their cum and girls with dubious voices
One bi same ustvari pjevale drugčije stvari
They would actually sing different things on their own
Al' jedina šansa na estradi je prdonja stari
But the only chance in showbiz is the old fart
Jer on zna odgovore o kojima pjevači govore
Because he knows the answers that singers talk about
Ima computer studio i za snimanje komore
He has a computer studio and recording booths
Al' smeće jednako smeće, to je zakon fizike
But trash is still trash, that's the law of physics
Pa se rastuže kad im na kraju poderu kritike
So they get sad when their reviews get torn apart in the end
Al' pušta ih Narodni Radio, to im daje nadu i radost
But Narodni Radio plays them, it gives them hope and joy
To su one emisije što lažu kol'ka im slušanost
Those are the shows that lie about their listenership
Pa ih Uvodić zove, a one dok pjevaju se boje da im karijera uspijet neće
So Uvodić calls them, and they're afraid their careers won't succeed while they sing
I samo se smiješe
And they just smile
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Al' kad siđu s bine prestanu se smijat
But when they get off the stage, they stop smiling
Postali su ono što nisu htjeli postat nikad
They became what they never wanted to become
Euri i kune pretvoriše ih sve u monstrume
Euros and kunas turned them all into monsters
Al' moraš nekako, kume, platit račune
But you gotta pay the bills somehow, buddy
Nisu svi ko Gibo, Oliver, Halid i Arsen
Not everyone's like Gibo, Oliver, Halid and Arsen
Narod hoće hit, to je pritisak kad vam kažem (đes' bolan)
People want hits, it's pressure when I tell you (where you at, man)
Gube slavu a kad gube slavu, gube managera
They lose fame, and when they lose fame, they lose their manager
Oni traže novu budalu, po gradu voyagera
They're looking for a new fool, a voyager around town
Svoje vozaju, oni cruisaju (yeah, bibin star)
They drive their own, they cruise (yeah, bibin star)
Traže nove balavice da im puše kar
Looking for new chicks to suck their dicks
A iskorištene, stare, za koku nemaju pare
And the used, old ones have no money for coke
Pa traže pažnju i senzacije da opet čuju ovacije
So they seek attention and sensations to hear ovations again
Pa guzice ližu da o njima pišu
So they lick asses to get written about
Kažu prošli su krizu, al' na horseu više nisu
They say they went through a crisis, but they're not on horse anymore
Sad su bolji, pošteniji, zreli i debeli
Now they're better, more honest, mature, and fat
Kažu da manje piju al' se zato kiselo smiju
They say they drink less, but they laugh bitterly
Pare imam i tekst se piše, aranžman imam al' karizme niđe
I have money and the lyrics are written, I have the arrangement but no charisma
Sise ima i dobre noge, al' joj samo fali jedan iskren osmijeh
She has tits and good legs, but all she needs is one sincere smile
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Lijevo underground, desno kuruza
Underground on the left, corn on the right
Slava i lova kad primiš ga zguza
Fame and money when you take it up the ass
Dole kvalitet a gore tiraži
Quality down, sales up
Pušenje kurca je to što se traži
Sucking dick is what's in demand
Joj (jo-ho-oh)
Oh (oh-ho-oh)
Joj (jo-ho-oh)
Oh (oh-ho-oh)
Joj (jo-ho-oh)
Oh (oh-ho-oh)
Puši, puši, puši
Suck, suck, suck
Puši, puši, puši
Suck, suck, suck
Puši, puši, puši
Suck, suck, suck
Puši, puši, puši
Suck, suck, suck
Puši, puši, puši
Suck, suck, suck
Dobro, samo puši
Alright, just suck

Writer(s): Dino Saran

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