Ego feat. Dokkeytino - Drzzy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ego feat. Dokkeytino - Drzzy

Poznáš ma a ty vieš, že som DRZZY,
You know me and you know I'm DRZZY,
Vyhrávam a ty vieš, že som prvý.
I win and you know I'm first.
Moji shootas majú prsty na spúšti,
My shooters have their fingers on the trigger,
Dávam dôraz na tie vety si pusti.
I emphasize those sentences you listen to.
Poznáš ma a ty vieš, že som DRZZY,
You know me and you know I'm DRZZY,
Vyhrávam a ty vieš, že som prvý.
I win and you know I'm first.
Moji shootas maju prsty na spúšti,
My shooters have their fingers on the trigger,
Dávam dôraz na tie vety si pusti.
I emphasize those sentences you listen to.
Musíš to žiť [HA] môj štýl neni tvoj štýl.
You gotta live it [HA] my style ain't your style.
Musíš to žiť [HA] čo s tým chlapci, čo s tým?
You gotta live it [HA] what's up with that boys, what's up with that?
Ja som colt a ty si ovca,
I am a colt and you are a sheep,
Ty si prísavka ja tvorca.
You are a leech I am the creator.
Hejruky jak nemá konca,
Left hooks like they have no end,
Všetci zrazu podľa vzorca.
Everyone suddenly according to the formula.
V noci lieta po meste jak batman,
At night he flies around the city like batman,
Moja žena vie že nie som badman
My woman knows I'm not a badman.
Ty máš problém jaký vybrať hashtag,
You got a problem choosing a hashtag,
Ja tu tvorím budúcnosť jak cashback.
I'm creating the future like cashback here.
Snážim sa vyprávať o jednej,
I try to tell about one,
Ja tu žijem dnes nie.
I live here today, no.
Poznáš ma a ty vieš, že som DRZZY,
You know me and you know I'm DRZZY,
Vyhrávam a ty vieš, že som prvý.
I win and you know I'm first.
Moji shootas maju prsty na spúšti,
My shooters have their fingers on the trigger,
Dávam dôraz na tie vety si pusti.
I emphasize those sentences you listen to.
Poznáš ma a ty vieš, že som DRZZY,
You know me and you know I'm DRZZY,
Vyhrávam a ty vieš, že som prvý.
I win and you know I'm first.
Moji shootas maju prsty na spúšti,
My shooters have their fingers on the trigger,
Dávam dôraz na tie vety si pusti.
I emphasize those sentences you listen to.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Bola to tvrdá zima toho roku.
It was a hard winter that year.
Keď žena dala život chlapcovi.
When a woman gave birth to a boy.
A jeho meno bolo - and he goes by the name.
And his name was - and he goes by the name.
Miko bling strašní swing mím,
Miko bling terrible swing has mime,
Sľúbil som, že sa cestou zastavím.
I promised to stop by on the way.
Ston snow priprávim thompson,
One hundred snow I will prepare Thompson,
Z večere odchádzam posledný dostavný.
I leave dinner as the last stagecoach.
Slnko je za chrbtom a poludie a zubatá je
The sun is behind my back and madness and the toothy one is
Blízko, svitne môj sa poruke a proklad je nízko.
Close, my dawns at hand and the gasket is low.
Na hlave stred silne narazený
Head center hit hard
Hlboko do čela, no a v ústach mu vyschlo.
Deep into the forehead, well, and his mouth was dry.
Zmysli mu nakopne tak nízko,
He kicked his senses so low,
Aby sa v tom objavil tryskom cválajúci kôň,
So that a galloping horse appeared in it with a jet,
A s istotou výskok naraz skríkol sa blískol kovový prístroj [klik
And surely jumping suddenly shouted flashed a metal device [click
Klik klik klap klap klap pimpimpim
Click click clap clap clap pimpimpim
Pampampam] veľa času neostáva otočí sa twistom tresk.
Pampampam] there is not much time left, turn around with a twist, bang.
Štekot pes menom bearinger padol výstrel a nepřítel tiež [tš tš].
The rattle of a dog named bearinger fell shot and the enemy too [tsh tsh tsh].
Hi there, this is real tunes radio broadcasting live from Nové Mesto.
Hi there, this is real tunes radio broadcasting live from Nové Mesto.
New city, new czech city, new swing, new flow, new style, elevate.
New city, new Czech city, new swing, new flow, new style, elevate.
Poznáš ma a ty vieš, že som DRZZY,
You know me and you know I'm DRZZY,
Vyhrávam a ty vieš, že som prvý.
I win and you know I'm first.
Moji shootas maju prsty na spúšti,
My shooters have their fingers on the trigger,
Dávam dôraz na tie vety si pusti.
I emphasize those sentences you listen to.
Poznáš ma a ty vieš, že som DRZZY,
You know me and you know I'm DRZZY,
Vyhrávam a ty vieš, že som prvý.
I win and you know I'm first.
Moji shootas maju prsty na spúšti,
My shooters have their fingers on the trigger,
Dávam dôraz na tie vety si pusti.
I emphasize those sentences you listen to.

Writer(s): Michal Straka

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