Ego feat. Stylko - Zatmenie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ego feat. Stylko - Zatmenie

Pamätám, že bola Biela Noc ako je práve dnes
I remember it was White Night, just like it is today
Prvoplán by bolo povedať že je to znamenie? Ja neviem
The foreground would be to say it's a sign? I don't know
Stalo sa, že mi do zorného poľa, tak nádherné niečo
It happened that something so beautiful entered my field of vision
Čo nevidel svet nikdy pred tým, vošlo ako dar z nebies
Something the world had never seen before came as a gift from heaven
Pamätám, že keď sme sa rozišli bolo zatmenie, trápenie
I remember that when we parted there was an eclipse, suffering
V poslednej chvíli sa spamatal, vrátil sa na zem späť, nadšenie!
At the last moment, you remembered, you returned back to Earth, excitement!
Ďakujem ak sme sa uzmierili no vážne je šťastie, že
Thank you if we reconciled, but seriously, happiness is that
Tiež veríš v Boha a žе veríš stále aj nám
You also believe in God and that you still believe in us
Zatmenie mesiaca, zatmenie slnka
Lunar eclipse, solar eclipse
Sadneme do kruhu, kytara brnká
We sit in a circle, the guitar strums
Zatmenie rozumu, zatmenie srdca
Eclipse of mind, eclipse of heart
Dáme to do kľudu, ak nie nech, drž sa
Let's take it easy, if not, hold on
Zvrátenie osudu, znamenie splň sa
Reversal of fate, sign, come true
Zabehneme na lúku a na oblohe spln, aha!
We'll run into the meadow and there's a full moon in the sky, aha!
Zatmenie mesiaca, zatmenie slnka
Lunar eclipse, solar eclipse
Nabehnem do klubu, zase je plnka!
I'll run to the club, it's packed again!
Znamenie, zavedie Ťa veď vieš kam!
Sign, it will lead you, you know where!
Navedie Ťa veď vieš, na tie miesta!
It will guide you, you know, to those places!
Na tie miesta, kde rany liečia!
To those places where wounds heal!
Na tie miesta kde svetlá svietia!
To those places where the lights shine!
Pamätám že bola Biela Noc ako je práve dnes
I remember it was White Night, just like it is today
Kto mohol asi len tušiť, že kam nás to zavedie? Ja neviem
Who could have guessed where this would lead us? I don't know
Stalo sa, že mi do zorného poľa tak nádherné niečo
It happened that something so beautiful entered my field of vision
Čo nevidel svet nikdy pred tým vošlo ako zjavenie, následne
Something the world had never seen before came as a revelation, and then
Začalo sa to ako nevinné rozprávanie
It started as an innocent conversation
Pokračovalo to ako normálne správanie, spávanie?
It continued as normal behavior, sleeping?
Prechádzky po starom meste pri Dunaji námestie, na Slavíne
Walks around the old town by the Danube, the square, on Slavin
Po tme sa odráža svetlo mestských farieb najlepšie na hladine
In the dark, the light of the city's colors is best reflected on the surface
On asi vážne posiela anjelov aj k nám na stráženie
He probably really sends angels to guard us too
Šancu aj na druhú šancu ti ak Ty dáš ju tiež
He'll give you a chance, even a second chance, if you give it too
A keď sme pri zatmení, jediné čo bolo zatmenie
And speaking of eclipses, the only thing that was an eclipse
Bolo, keď som to bral všetko príliš samozrejme.
Was when I took it all for granted.
Viem aj od teba to vyžadovalo sebazaprenie
I know it required self-denial from you too
Každý deň začínam na novo celé ja teba to balenie
Every day I start anew, all of me, this courting of you
Každý deň začínam odznova celé to vábenie
Every day I start over again, all that allure
Mámenie, bavenie, varenie, manévre, zasmej sa na mne hej!
Temptation, entertainment, cooking, maneuvers, laugh at me, hey!
Zatmenie, všade je tma, nevrieskaj!
Eclipse, it's dark everywhere, don't scream!
Zase je to v jednej z poistiek, ja viem
It's one of the fuses again, I know
Zabehnem to pozrieť, Ty mi svieť na tej
I'll run and check it out, you shine your
Ceste na mobile, veď tam máš flashlight!
Phone flashlight on the path, you have it there!
Zchádzame a rozchádzame sa akoby v tom bol systém
We converge and diverge as if there was a system in it
Pri tom je to jedna z tém, len jedna z tém na deň
While it's just one of the topics, just one of the topics for the day
Zchádzame, rozchádzame sa akoby v tom bol systém
We converge and diverge as if there was a system in it
Pritom chceme to isté, iba smiech a mier
Yet we want the same thing, just laughter and peace

Writer(s): Michal Straka

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