Ego feat. Laris Diam - Láska - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ego feat. Laris Diam - Láska

Snáď sa vrátí, ó nám nádych, Jeah
Hopefully, she'll come back, oh, a breath of fresh air, yeah
kým sa čas krátí, skúsme to odznova.
while time is running out, let's try again.
ON všetko to, po čom takí muži ako
He has everything that men like
on, dnes aj napokon možu len túžiť.
him, today and ultimately, can only desire.
Zdravie, rodinu, poviem na rovinu,
Health, family, I'll tell you straight,
zarobil korunu a túži si užiť každú hodinu.
he earned a crown and wants to enjoy every hour.
On krásnu babu, ktorá srdce,
He has a beautiful woman with a heart,
čo lúbi ho mocne, presne tak jak vo sne.
that loves him dearly, just like in a dream.
Z ktorého zobudí sa sama doma eště
From which she wakes up alone at home,
po tme. Miesto vedľa nej je prázdne a
still in the dark. The place next to her is empty and
v okne blysne nádej, že sa jej čoskoro
hope flashes in the window that he will soon
ozve, okále zaleje po jej márnej prosbe.
reach out, her eyes well up after her futile plea.
Nech sa vráti a nech tam vonku nespraví
Let him come back and let him not do anything
nič hrozné. Aj keby, nech sa radšej nič
terrible out there. Even if he does, she'd rather not
nedozvie. Jou. on zatial opodiaľ chrápe
know. Yeah. Meanwhile, he's snoring far away
v cudzom stane. Nechápe prečo nevie
in a foreign tent. He doesn't understand why he can't
patriť jednej, druhej tlačí kaleráb,
belong to one, he's pushing kohlrabi on the second,
tretej len tak jemne, so štvrtou je kamarát,
just gently on the third, he's friends with the fourth,
piatu nestíha, šiesta je sklamaná.
he can't keep up with the fifth, the sixth is disappointed.
Vieme sa milovať veľmi. Naučme sa byť
We know how to love deeply. Let's learn to be
aj verní. A možme budovat čistý vzťah.
faithful too. And we can build a pure relationship.
Pevný a rovnocenný.
Strong and equal.
Ona. toho dosť a hľadá číslo.
She's had enough and is looking for a number.
Volá kamarátke. mlyny, sukňa, rýchlo.
Calling a friend, mills, skirt, quickly.
Doma nechá iba pekným babským
She leaves only a message in beautiful feminine
písmom odkaz: "Musela som ísť von."
handwriting at home: "I had to go out."
Pusa s kámoškou na trávenie chvíle.
A kiss with a friend to pass the time.
Stretnú sa pri víne, privítajú v tom,
They meet over wine, welcome each other,
zľaknú sa, keď pípne mobil to volá on.
they get scared when the phone beeps, it's him calling.
Minúta po tom, čo odišli, on dorazil domov.
A minute after they left, he arrived home.
Byt našiel prázdny, volá im obom.
He found the apartment empty, he calls them both.
Telefón stíšia, neprijatý hovor.
They silence their phones, missed call.
Naraz teleport, vyzdvihnú ich
Suddenly, a teleport, they are picked up by
dvaja stokári. Kamarátka dávno
two stooges. Her friend has long since
nasadla do káry. Stále rozmýšľá,
gotten into the car. She's still thinking,
čo spraví, či zradí, má, či nemá,
what she'll do, whether she'll betray, whether she has to,
nikto jej dobre neporadí.
no one can give her good advice.
Každý sa búri, či starý, či mladý.
Everyone is rebelling, young and old.
Každý dačo ňúri, či chalani, či baby.
Everyone is sniffing something, guys and girls.
Vieme sa milovať veľmi. Naučme sa byť
We know how to love deeply. Let's learn to be
aj verní. A možme budovat čistý vzťah.
faithful too. And we can build a pure relationship.
Pevný a rovnocenný.
Strong and equal.
Na vine je každý, lebo každý dačo sľúbil.
Everyone is to blame because everyone promised something.
Je útorok 4: 30, umyje si zuby.
It's Tuesday 4:30, she brushes her teeth.
Nervy buchne dverami, odchádza z domova.
Nerves slam the door, she leaves home.
Nech sa ľúbi, všetko začína sa odznova.
Here you go, everything starts all over again.
Vieme sa milovať veľmi. Naučme sa byť
We know how to love deeply. Let's learn to be
aj verní. A možme budovat čistý vzťah.
faithful too. And we can build a pure relationship.
Pevný a rovnocenný.
Strong and equal.

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