Eidha Al Menhali - Albai3ah - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Eidha Al Menhali - Albai3ah

مــبــايــعــيــن مــبــايــعــيــن مــبــايـعـيـن
My beloved, my beloved, my beloved
فــي أمـر قـايـدنـا و أمــر والـي الـعـهـد
In the matter of their leader and the matter of the crown prince
تـعـيـش يـا صـرحـاً عـلـى الـعـزه مـتـيـن
You will live, my dear, a stronghold on solid might forever
بــقــيــادة إمْـحَـمّـد و خــالــد لــه ســنـد
Led by Muhammad and with support from Khalid
إمـْـجــري الــهــيـاب ومـلاذ الـزبـيـن
My brave, fierce, and respected hero
وجــه الـسـعد خـالـد نـعـم وجــه الـسـعد
The face of good fortune, courageous Khalid, yes, the face of good fortune
شــيـخـاً لــــه الـجـزلات والـفـعل الثمين
A sheikh who is bountiful and of noble deeds
ويـــجــود بــفـعـالـه ومــــن جــــد وجــــد
He is generous with his good deeds, for he who desires shall find
تِــضــرَب بــه الأمـثـال مـرفـوع الـجـبـيـن
They quote him as an example, a man of noble stature
و إن سـار سـيـره واضـحـاً مـا يـنـجحد
When he walks, his path is clear, cannot be denied
سـنـجـار مـا خـذ مـن وصـوفـه حـاجتين
Sanjar has not taken two attributes from his description
الـــهــيــبــه وصــبــراً إذا حــل الــجــلــد
The fierceness and patience when facing hardship
أقــطــع مــن فــعـول الـحـرار الـنـادريـن
He is among the rare few who act with courage
والــكـل شـاف الـفـعـل والـشـاهـد شـهـد
And everyone has seen your actions, the witness has testified
يــزهــاك كــــل الــمــدح يـا لـيـث الـعـريـن
Your praise consumes all my words, my fierce lion
و إنته أسد من ظهر أسد من ظهر أسد
And you are a lion, the son of a lion, the son of a lion

Writer(s): Eidha Al-menhali, Taea Ben Safian Ben Tanaf Almenhali

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