Einstürzende Neubauten - Stella Maris - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Einstürzende Neubauten - Stella Maris

Stella Maris
Stella Maris
Ich träum' ich treff' dich ganz tief unten
I'm dreaming 'I'm meeting' you deep down
Die tiefste Punkt der Erde, Mariannergraben, Meeresgrund
The deepest point of the Earth, Mariannergraben, seabed
Zwischen Nanga Parbat, K 2 und Everest,
Between Nanga Parbat, K 2 and Everest,
Das Dach der Welt dort geb' ich dir ein Fest
The roof of the world there I'll give you a feast
Wo nichts mehr mir die Sicht verstellt
Where nothing is blocking my view anymore
Wenn du kommst, seh' ich dich kommen schon vom Rand der Welt
When you come, I see you already coming from the edge of the world
Es gibt nichts Intressantes hier
There is nothing interesting here
Die Ruinen von Atlantis nur
The ruins of Atlantis only
Aber keine Spur von dir
But not a trace of you
Ich glaub' du kommst nicht mehr
I don't think you're coming anymore
Wir haben uns im Traum verpasst
We missed each other in a dream
Du träumst mich ich dich
You're dreaming me I'm dreaming you
Keine Angst ich weck' dich nicht
Don't be afraid I won't wake you up
Bevor du nicht von selbs erwachst
Before you don't wake up by yourself
Über's Eis in Richtung Nordpol dort werd' ich dich erwarten
Over the ice towards the North Pole there I'll be waiting for you
Werde an der Achse steh'n
Will stand on the axis
Auf Fauerland in harter Traumarbeit zum Pol
To the pole in hard dream work on Fauerland
Wird alles dort sich nur um uns noch dreh'n
Will everything there just revolve around us yet
Der polarstern direkt über mir
The polarstern directly above me
Dies ist der Pol ich warte hier
This is the pole I'm waiting here
Nur dich kann'ich weit und breit noch nirgends kommen seh'n
Only you I can't get anywhere far and wide yet see
Ich wart' am falschen Pol
I was at the wrong pole
Wir haben uns im Traum verpasst
We missed each other in a dream
Du träumst mich ich dich
You're dreaming me I'm dreaming you
Keine Angst ich weck' dich nicht
Don't be afraid I won't wake you up
Bevor du nicht von selbs erwachst
Before you don't wake up by yourself
Bitte, bitte wech' mich nicht
Please, please don't wake me
Solang ich träum' nur gibt es dich...
As long as I'm dreaming, there's only you...
Wir haben uns im Traum verpasst
We missed each other in a dream
Du träumst mich ich dich
You're dreaming me I'm dreaming you
Keine Angst ich weck' dich nicht
Don't be afraid I won't wake you up
Bevor du nicht von selbs erwachst
Before you don't wake up by yourself
Lass' mich sclafend heuern auf ein Schiff
Let me hire a ship while sleeping
Kurs: Eldorado, Punt das ist dein Heimatort
Course: Eldorado, Punt this is your hometown
Warte an der Küste such' am Horizont
Wait on the coast look on the horizon
Bis endlich ich sehe deine Segel dort
Until finally I see your sails there
Doch der Käpt'n ist betrunken
But the captain is drunk
Und meistens unter Deck
And mostly below deck
Ich kann im Traum das Schiff nicht steuern
I can't control the ship in a dream
Eine Klippe schlägt es Leck
A cliff beats it leak
Im Nordmeer ist en dann gesunken
In the North Sea, en then sank
Ein Eisberg treibt mich weg
An iceberg is driving me away
Ich glaub' ich wede lange warten
I think I'll be waiting a long time
Punt bleibt unentdeckt
Punt remains undetected
Wir haben uns im Traum verpasst
We missed each other in a dream
Wir haben uns im Traum verpasst
We missed each other in a dream
Du träumst mich ich dich
You're dreaming me I'm dreaming you
Keine Angst ich weck' dich nicht
Don't be afraid I won't wake you up
Bevor du nicht von selbs erwachst
Before you don't wake up by yourself
Du träumst mich ich dich
You're dreaming me I'm dreaming you
Keine Angst ich finde dich
Don't be afraid I'll find you
Am Halbschlafittchen pack' ich dich
At half-asleep I'll pack you
Und ziehe dich zu mir
And draw you to me
Denn du träumst mich, ich dich
Because you're dreaming me, I'm dreaming you
Ich träum' dich, du mich
Ich träum' dich, du mich
Wir träumen uns beide wach
Wir träumen uns beide wach
Stella Maris
Stella Maris
I dream I'll meet you deep deep down
I dream I'll meet you deep deep down
The deepest point on Earth, Mariana Trench, ocean bottom
The deepest point on Earth, Mariana Trench, ocean bottom
Between Nanga Parbat, K 2 and Everest,
Between Nanga Parbat, K 2 and Everest,
The crest of the world, there you'll be my banquet guest
The crest of the world, there you'll be my banquet guest
Where nothing more can impede my vision
Where nothing more can impede my vision
When you com I'll see you coming from the world's margin
When you com I'll see you coming from the world's margin
Here there's nothing of interest
Here there's nothing of interest
The ruins of Atlantis just
The ruins of Atlantis just
But of you not a trace
But of you not a trace
I don't think you're coming anymore
I don't think you're coming anymore
We missed each other in our dreams
We missed each other in our dreams
You dream me, I you
You dream me, I you
Don't worry, I won't wake you
Don't worry, I won't wake you
Before you wake up yourself
Before you wake up yourself
Across the ice towards the North Pole is where I'll expect you
Across the ice towards the North Pole is where I'll expect you
Will be standing on the axis
Will be standing on the axis
>From Tierra del Fuego in hard dream labour to the pole
>From Tierra del Fuego in hard dream labour to the pole
There everything will revolve just around us
There everything will revolve just around us
The Pole Star directly above me
The Pole Star directly above me
This is the pole I'll wait here
This is the pole I'll wait here
Only I cannot see you cmoing from anywhere for miles around
Only I cannot see you cmoing from anywhere for miles around
I'm waiting at the wrong pole
I'm waiting at the wrong pole
We missed each other in our dreams
We missed each other in our dreams
You dream me, I you
You dream me, I you
Don't worry, I won't wake you
Don't worry, I won't wake you
Before you wake up yourself
Before you wake up yourself
Please, please don't wake me
Please, please don't wake me
Only as long as I dream do you exist...
Only as long as I dream do you exist...
Enlist in slumber on a ship
Enlist in slumber on a ship
Course: Eldorado, Punt, that's your home
Course: Eldorado, Punt, that's your home
Wait on the coast, look on the horizon
Wait on the coast, look on the horizon
Until I at last see your sails there
Until I at last see your sails there
But the captain is always drunk
But the captain is always drunk
And mostly down below deck
And mostly down below deck
I can't steer this ship in my wildest dreams
I can't steer this ship in my wildest dreams
On a riff it springs a leek
On a riff it springs a leek
In the North Sea it then sunk
In the North Sea it then sunk
An iceberg drives me back
An iceberg drives me back
I think I'll be waiting for long
I think I'll be waiting for long
Punt stays undiscovered
Punt stays undiscovered
We missed each other in our dreams
We missed each other in our dreams
You dream me, I you
You dream me, I you
Don't worry, I won't wake you
Don't worry, I won't wake you
Before you wake up yourself
Before you wake up yourself
You dream me, I you
You dream me, I you
Don't worry, I'll find you
Don't worry, I'll find you
Before you wake up yourself
Before you wake up yourself
Collared in a doze I'll grab you
Collared in a doze I'll grab you
And pull you towards me
And pull you towards me
For you dream me, I you
For you dream me, I you
I dream you, you me
I dream you, you me
We dream each other awake
We dream each other awake


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