Ektor - Ulice - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ektor - Ulice

Kde si přišel na to jak ty věci chodí?
Where'd you learn how things work around here, baby?
The streets
Kdo ti dává roky love za to zboží?
Who's giving you years of cash for that merchandise?
The streets
Kde si na to auto vzal, dyť bylo nový
Where'd you get that car, it was brand new
The streets
Hodně slov, ale málokdo co ti poví
Lots of talk, but few know what to tell you
The streets
kamarádi nebyli moc okay, vím
My friends weren't very okay, I know
Ale osud, chápeš
But fate, you understand
ani nenapadne buzerante dávat to někdy za vinu mojí mámě
Don't even think about blaming my mom for it, you jerk
Nejde o to jakýcho si vychovala syna
It's not about what kind of son she raised
Ale o to s jakou smečkou vyrost
But about the pack he grew up with
Mezi náma prostě nebyli normální lidi
There just weren't normal people among us
Co by někde nedělali trestnou činnost
Who wouldn't be doing something criminal somewhere
Absolutně žádnej cash, obě kapsy plný komplexů
Absolutely no cash, both pockets full of complexes
Ale ve finále, motivace do života
But in the end, motivation for life
Díky za ně, splnili mi hodně snů
Thanks to them, they fulfilled many of my dreams
Nikdo mi neprostře stůl
Nobody sets the table for me
Kamikaze jestli to chceš, cool
Kamikaze if you want it, cool
Čtvrt na 8, oukej, počkej tam vole, chytnu to koště v půl
Quarter to 8, okay, wait there man, I'll grab the broom at half
Hrajeme tu minimálně o 5 dnů
We're playing here for at least 5 days
Dneska to zvládnem, amen
We'll manage today, amen
Na rohu mi nuly říkali, že to nějaký ty procenta
On the corner, the zeros told me it has some percentage
Tím pádem
Hladoví zmrdi počítaj ty love
Hungry bastards count that money
Zatim co my doma zase lámem kámen
While we break stones at home again
Nekoukej se na takhle
Don't look at me like that
Vozíme se bávem právem
We ride with fun by right
Kde si přišel na to jak ty věci chodí?
Where'd you learn how things work around here, baby?
The streets
Kdo ti dává roky love za to zboží?
Who's giving you years of cash for that merchandise?
The streets
Kde si na to auto vzal, dyť bylo nový
Where'd you get that car, it was brand new
The streets
Hodně slov ale málokdo co ti poví
Lots of talk, but few know what to tell you
The streets
Nebyla by ulice
There wouldn't be streets
By nebyly ty bankovky ani na první klip
There wouldn't be those bills even for the first clip
Pak by tu nebyla ta řecká krev
Then there wouldn't be that Greek blood
Co raperům brzdí biss
That slows down rappers' biss
od roku dva osm na jiný planetě
Since 2008 on a different planet
Zmrdi pochopili proč
The bastards understood why
Hlava rodiny, boss
Head of the family, boss
Seru ty koniny mooc
I shit those crap mooc
Ale zpátky k tomu, co to vyrobilo, vymodelovalo do formy
But back to what made it, modeled it into that form
Neříkej nic o životě dokavaď ti ulice nevysypala bomby
Don't say anything about life until the streets drop bombs on you
Jsou hezky potetovaný ale my sledujem hloub
They are nicely tattooed but we watch deep
Skrz rentgen
Through x-ray
A nevidíme nic než ty co tu berou jak show
And we see nothing but those who take it as a show
Skrr, gang gang
Skrr, gang gang
Facky přes celou držku všem
Slapping the whole face for everyone
Za tu bezcenou mrdku ven
For that worthless crap out
Za dveře debile, nebo ti jednou pro vždy škrtnu pay
Out the door, idiot, or I'll cut your pay once and for all
Nebo víš co?
Or you know what?
Nechame to bejt
Let's leave it
To byl ten balkán ve tak easy
That was the Balkan in me so easy
Ano podáme si ruku, seš gauner
Yes, we'll shake hands, you're a crook
Hlavně zas prosimtě nevolej fízly
Mainly please don't call the cops again
Kde si přišel na to jak ty věci chodí?
Where'd you learn how things work around here, baby?
The streets
Kdo ti dává roky love za to zboží?
Who's giving you years of cash for that merchandise?
The streets
Kde si na to auto vzal, dyť bylo nový
Where'd you get that car, it was brand new
The streets
Hodně slov, ale málokdo co ti poví
Lots of talk, but few know what to tell you
The streets

Writer(s): Sean Brown, Til December

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