El As! - El Chacal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El As! - El Chacal

El Chacal
The Jackal
Las 4 estaciones las vio pasar muchas veces
He's seen the 4 seasons go by many times
En una celda o en el frio patio a veces
In a cell or in the cold yard sometimes
Jamas confia en la sonrisa que aparece
He never trusts the smile that appears
No pierde tiempo con flores que no florecen
He doesn't waste time with flowers that don't bloom
Y asi se convirtio en chacal...
And that's how he became a jackal...
Tanto dolor lo transformo en un animal
So much pain transformed him into an animal
Y asi se convirtio en chacal
And that's how he became a jackal
Producto feroz de nuestra sociedad
A fierce product of our society
De chiquito su padre se borro y lo abandono
When he was a kid his father took off and abandoned him
Dejo sola a su madre sin dejar explicacion
Left his mother alone without explanation
Y aferrado con bronca ese recuerdo de dolor
And clinging to that memory of pain with anger
La calle y la maldad entre chacales conocio
He met the street and evil among jackals
No quizo saber nada de estudiar ni trabajar
He didn't want to know anything about studying or working
Y aunque su madre lo quisiera enderezar
And although his mother wanted to straighten him out
Pesaba muchos mas la cruz que le toco cargar
The cross he had to bear weighed much more
La vida lo golpeo y el se tenia que vengar
Life hit him and he had to take revenge
Tenia 17 y con un fierro en la cintura
He was 17 and with a gun on his waist
Tomando rivotril salia a buscar aventuras
Taking Rivotril, he went out looking for adventures
Se enamoro de la euforia, de la locura
He fell in love with euphoria, with madness
Porque la realidad para el siempre fue una tortura
Because reality for him was always torture
Y clack-clack a quien se le ponga adelante
And clack-clack to whoever gets in his way
Apretando el gatillo se hizo fama de maleante
Pulling the trigger, he made a name for himself as a thug
Nadie lo quiere por su pinta de arrogante
No one likes him because of his arrogant look
El se rie de todo y con su magnum pla pla pla...
He laughs at everything and with his magnum pla pla pla...
Las 4 estaciones las vio pasar muchas veces
He's seen the 4 seasons go by many times
En una celda o en el frio patio a veces
In a cell or in the cold yard sometimes
Jamas confia en la sonrisa que aparece
He never trusts the smile that appears
No pierde tiempo con flores que no florecen
He doesn't waste time with flowers that don't bloom
Y asi se convirtio en chacal
And that's how he became a jackal
Tanto dolor lo transformo en un animal
So much pain transformed him into an animal
Y asi se convirtio en chacal
And that's how he became a jackal
Producto feroz de nuestra sociedad
A fierce product of our society
Quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere le dijeron
He who kills with iron, dies by iron, they told him
Pero el siguio en la suya tiroteando patrulleros
But he kept shooting at patrol cars
En medio de un atraco 4 balazos le dieron
In the middle of a robbery they shot him 4 times
Cayo muerto un policia y tambien su compañero
A policeman fell dead and so did his partner
Se acabo su vida de pistolero en la calle
His life as a gunman on the street was over
Logro recuperarse pero encerrado en la carcel
He managed to recover but locked up in jail
Salio del juicio condenado y culpable
He came out of the trial convicted and guilty
De robo y esa muerte que lograron demostrarle
Of robbery and that death they managed to prove to him
Y hoy camina solo por el patio del penal
And today he walks alone in the prison yard
En sus ojos hay fuego que nada puede apagar
In his eyes there is a fire that nothing can put out
Busca problemas todo el tiempo sin parar
He looks for trouble all the time without stopping
El ya tiene asumido morir como un criminal
He has already assumed to die as a criminal
10 años pasaron de traslado y pabellon
10 years passed of transfer and pavilion
De verdugos, torturas, motines y represion...
Of executioners, tortures, riots and repression...
Los psicologos dicen que no tiene solucion...
Psychologists say he has no solution...
"Yo soy un chacal" esa es su contestacion.
"I am a jackal" that's his answer.
Las 4 estaciones las vio pasar muchas veces
He's seen the 4 seasons go by many times
En una celda o en el frio patio a veces
In a cell or in the cold yard sometimes
Jamas confia en la sonrisa que aparece
He never trusts the smile that appears
No pierde tiempo con flores que no florecen
He doesn't waste time with flowers that don't bloom
Y asi se convirtio en chacal
And that's how he became a jackal
Tanto dolor lo transformo en un animal
So much pain transformed him into an animal
Y asi se convirtio en chacal
And that's how he became a jackal
Producto feroz de nuestra sociedad
A fierce product of our society
Por que todos nacemos con inociencia
Because we are all born with innocence
Esperanzas y sueños
Hopes and dreams
Y tarde o temprano
And sooner or later
Terminamos siendo un producto de la sociedad
We end up being a product of society
Y como dijo el mas grande, solo dios puede juzgarnos
And as the greatest said, only God can judge us

Writer(s): Esteban Fernando Rodriguez

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