El Batallon - Acostumbrate - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Batallon - Acostumbrate

Get Used To It
Manso, Tu sabe
Easy, you know
Aki activo
Active here
Y klok, ¿tu no ha hecho na?
And Klok, you haven't done anything?
No, ta' mas o menos tu sabe loco moca ten Cuidao y
No, more or less, you know, crazy girl, be careful, and
Ese carro
That car
(Mierda loco y esa gente quienes son)
(Damn, crazy, and those people, who are they?)
Loco mira pero eh pande pequeño que van loco
Crazy, look, but uh, it's a small gang, going crazy
(Mierda cuidao loco Pasa la vaina, pasa la vaina,
(Damn, be careful, crazy. Pass it, pass it,
Corre corre, pasa la vaina)
Run, run, pass it)
Ten cuidao mira
Be careful, look
(Moca Moca)
(Girl, Girl)
Pequeño ten cuidaaooo
Little one, be careful
Acostumbrateeee a no tenerle miedo a na
Get used to not being afraid of anything
Si tu te decuida ello te pueden atraca
If you let your guard down, they can rob you
Acostumbrateeee a la realidad del barrio
Get used to the reality of the hood
A vivir la guerra que se juegan lo sicario
To living the war that the hitmen are playing
Acostumbrateeee a tener cerra la boca
Get used to keeping your mouth shut
A el que es chivato en eta vaina se explota
The one who's a snitch in this thing, gets blown up
Acostumbrateeee a convertirte en un suicida
Get used to becoming a suicide bomber
Porque en cualquier momento por lo tuyo te liquidan
Because at any moment, they'll liquidate you for yours
(Ten Cuidaaoo)
(Be careful)
Mantente en la cera que hay mucha balacera
Stay on the sidewalk, there's a lot of shooting
En eta era no e' dike que tu era
In this era, it's not about what you used to be
Hay menorcito que lo hacen con cualquiera
There are youngsters who do it with anyone
Cuida tu vida, cuida tu cartera
Take care of your life, take care of your wallet
Que si tu te cree que tu ta salvo por lo salmo
Because if you think you're safe because of the psalm
Es que tu no ha visto con lo que yo me calmo
It's because you haven't seen what I calm myself with
Talvez me armo de valor y te enseño
Maybe I'll arm myself with courage and show you
Que en este mundo tu eres tan pequeño
That in this world you are so small
Insignificante, dique traficante
Insignificant, saying you're a trafficker
Piensalo bien antes, la calle ta' picante
Think about it carefully before, the street is spicy
No toy hablandote en parabola y lo sabe
I'm not talking to you in parables, you know
No hay cuerpo grande que en caja no cabe
There's no big body that doesn't fit in a box
Si tu le ronca, y la maca
If you snore, and you brag
Dique que tiene paca, te va a frena un carro sin placa
Saying you have a pack, a car without plates is going to stop you
El que le tema a la muerte que no nazca
He who fears death should not be born
Porque el que traiciona aquí le dan de vaca.
Because the one who betrays here gets beaten like a cow.
(¡y que eh, tu no ha hecho na!!)
(And what, you haven't done anything!!)
(Salio el Sol), ta el que prende su mañanero
(The sun came out), there's the one who lights his morning one
Maquinando que juidero va armar pa' busca' el dinero
Scheming what mess he's going to make to find money
E que la vaina no ta facil, no se puede ta roncando
And this thing isn't easy, you can't be bragging
Hasta la doña sentá en su mecedora ta josiando
Even the lady sitting in her rocking chair is snitching
Así que si te pasa un 15 por el lao
So if a 15 passes by you
La acabas de macar Porque de allá pacá,
You just screwed up Because from here to there,
Como un barco llegando a la orilla te van atracá
Like a ship arriving at the shore, they're going to rob you
No es por exagerá eso lo puedes apostar
I'm not exaggerating, you can bet on that
E que no hay autoridad, no existe quien te socorra
And there's no authority, there's no one to help you
Un menor explotó un mono porque lo tenia en zozobra
A minor blew up a cop because he was in distress
Bajan la gente en investigación, y el que lo vió
They bring people down for investigation, and the one who saw it
Cuando le preguntan le canto el chacarrón
When they ask him, he sings the Chacarron
Si tu entra pacá rezate 10 ave maria y
If you come in here, pray 10 Hail Marys and
Y pidele al señor no ser una victima ese dia
And ask the Lord not to be a victim that day
(Acostumbrate) a que pasan to esa averia
(Get used to it) to all this trouble happening
Y a que el fin de semana ta' to' el mundo bajando fria.
And that on the weekend everyone is drinking cold beer.
(Yaa Big K)
(Yeah Big K)
Acostumbrate a no preguntar por què
Get used to not asking why
A olvidate tener que ver pa' creer
To forget about having to see to believe
Ruegale a Dios de que no te caiga una manada
Pray to God that a gang doesn't fall on you
Y te metan ma' palo que a una mamajuana
And they beat you more than a mamajuana
Acostumbrate a ver un tiguere fumao
Get used to seeing a tiger smoked up
De lo que viven como los reciénnacido (Cargao)
From what they live like newborns (Loaded)
Lo tiguere responden, yo vivo por donde
The tigers answer, I live where
Los cañones tan afuera igual que en la puerta del Conde
The cannons are outside as well as at the Conde Gate
Aquí te hacen el 40 tu no lo conoce
Here they do the 40, you don't know it
Cualquier menorcito e' 13 en un 15 te mete 12
Any little kid is 13, in a 15 they'll put 12 in you
La calle ta caliente, llegale al versiculo
The street is hot, get to the verse
Cualquiera tiene mas coco que un haitiano en un triciclo
Anyone has more coconut than a Haitian on a tricycle
Nadie da gabela, e' irónica la novela
Nobody gives tribute, the novel is ironic
Pa velorio y cumpleaños como quiera prenden vela
For wakes and birthdays, they light candles anyway
Pila de muerto pintao, palomo disfrazao
Pile of painted dead, disguised pigeons
Acostumbrate pa cuando te lleguen ta' preparao
Get used to it so that when they come for you, you're prepared
Porque se tiran armao
Because they shoot armed
Acostumbrateeee a no tenerle miedo a na
Get used to not being afraid of anything
Si tu te decuida ello te pueden atraca
If you let your guard down, they can rob you
Acostumbrateeee a la realidad del barrio
Get used to the reality of the hood
A vivir la guerra que se juegan lo sicario
To living the war that the hitmen are playing
Acostumbrateeee a tener cerra la boca
Get used to keeping your mouth shut
A el que es chivato en eta vaina se explota
The one who's a snitch in this thing, gets blown up
Acostumbrateeee a convertirte en un suicida
Get used to becoming a suicide bomber
Porque en cualquier momento por lo tuyo te liquidan
Because at any moment, they'll liquidate you for yours
No ronque pero tampoco sea tan moca
Don't brag, but don't be so naive either
No sea tan callao pero tambien controlate tu boca
Don't be so quiet, but also control your mouth
Ten cuidao a quien provoca y lo cuero en que te enfoca
Be careful who you provoke and the leather they focus on you
Que ese plomo va pa ti obligao si te toca
That bullet is going for you, obligated, if it touches you
Si por error te equivocate y te pasate
If by mistake you mess up and they pass you
Van a frena' en un carro, encapuchao pa ejecutate
They're going to stop in a car, hooded, to execute you
Una tola, unos guantes, un abrigo y con cuidao
A ski mask, gloves, a coat, and carefully
Y pa la parafina me lavo la mano con miao
And for the paraffin test, I wash my hands with piss
Y después que te tu te va' a quedá tirao
And after it hits you, you're going to be left lying there
Agonizando, y si te muere ya yo voy a ta' clavao
Agonizing, and if you die, I'm already screwed
Ni aunque sea por pal de meses, que te parece
Even if it's for a couple of months, what do you think
Si te pasa, fácilmente tu desaparece
If it happens to you, you easily disappear
Asi que no te pase pa que algo no te pase
So don't let it happen so that nothing happens to you
Que uno puede hace las cosas callao y guillase
That one can do things quietly and get away with it
Tu sabe la entrada pero no conoce la salida
You know the entrance but you don't know the exit
Ni tampoco lo facil que puedes perder tu vida
Nor how easily you can lose your life
Mantente activo en la calle
Stay active on the street
Que si te ven lo mono se tiran
Because if they see you, the cops will jump you
Te dan y te viran
They hit you and turn you over
Mejor no entre en detalle
Better not go into detail
Mantente moca en el callejon
Stay quiet in the alley
Cualquiera te saca un cañón
Anyone will pull a cannon on you
Mantente activo en la calle
Stay active on the street
Que si te ven lo mono se tiran
Because if they see you, the cops will jump you
Te dan y te viran
They hit you and turn you over
Mejor no entre en detalle
Better not go into detail
Mantente moca en el callejon
Stay quiet in the alley
Cualquiera te saca un cañón (ñon)
Anyone will pull a cannon on you (ñon)
Acostumbrate a no acostumbrate a na
Get used to not getting used to anything
Que aquí el sonido de un (praaa) to' te puede cambia
Because here the sound of a (praaa) can change everything
Sin ropa, si viste algo te aconsejo cierra la boca
Without clothes, if you saw something, I advise you to keep your mouth shut
Esa es la actitud si quieres vivir
That's the attitude if you want to live
Lamentable el caso pero es asi
The case is unfortunate, but that's how it is
Cierra tu Twitter que aquí, Solo los capos son modelos
Close your Twitter because here, only the bosses are role models
A seguí
To continue
Lo que indica que hay un fallo
Which indicates that there is a flaw
Porque en la carcel no hay na' que buscá porque tu cree
Because in jail there's nothing to look for, because you think
Que le llaman na-jayo
That they call it na-jayo
Pal que vira no hay racismo, cualquiera es un blanco
For the one who turns, there's no racism, anyone is a target
Atracan a 2 mano y no se salvan ni lo manco
They rob two-handed, and not even the handicapped are saved
Guarda lo tuyo en el banco o sufre las consecuencias
Keep your stuff in the bank or suffer the consequences
De la psicologia de to' los bloques, la violencia
Of the psychology of all the blocks, the violence
Socio, el valor te lo derriten
Partner, your courage melts
No te viva la pelicula pa que el cuerpo no te lo editen
Don't live the movie so they don't edit your body
Que de luto a tu familia visten
That they dress your family in mourning
En la calle aprende a camella pa que la vida no te quiten
On the street, learn to hustle so they don't take your life away
Acostumbrateeee a no tenerle miedo a na
Get used to not being afraid of anything
Si tu te decuida ello te pueden atraca
If you let your guard down, they can rob you
Acostumbrateeee a la realidad del barrio
Get used to the reality of the hood
A vivir la guerra que se juegan lo sicario
To living the war that the hitmen are playing
Acostumbrateeee a tener cerra la boca
Get used to keeping your mouth shut
A el que es chivato en eta vaina se explota
The one who's a snitch in this thing, gets blown up
Acostumbrateeee a convertirte en un suicida
Get used to becoming a suicide bomber
Porque en cualquier momento por lo tuyo te liquidan
Because at any moment, they'll liquidate you for yours
Entrate la cadena cuando cruces por mi bloque
Put on your chain when you cross through my block
(Que) La zona ta llena de asalta cocote
(That) The area is full of coconut head robbers
(Tu) no ve que entrate pal bloque agresivo
(You) don't see that you're entering the aggressive block
Donde si entrate tu vida corre en conteo regresivo
Where if you enter, your life runs on a countdown
Asi que, no forze pa yo no aplicate lo rango
So don't force it so I don't apply my range to you
No haga que tenga que clavame dos años en un campo
Don't make me have to lock myself up for two years in a field
Ven, pa que vea la ultima película e' Rambo
Come see, the latest movie is Rambo
Pues andamos con la morena tartamuda que baila tango
Well, we walk with the stuttering brunette who dances tango
(Acostumbrate) siempre a anda ma' moca que orita
(Get used to it) always walk more naive than right now
Y a saca pie cuando vean los malocoritas
And run when you see the bad little boys
(Acostumbrate) que aquí el que llega de visita
(Get used to it) because here the one who comes to visit
Llega aspirante a luchador y sale campeón en campo y pista
Arrives as an aspiring wrestler and leaves a champion in the field and on the track
Cuidao que, cualquiera te puede atraca
Be careful, anyone can rob you
(Y) te dan tu vejigazo antes del carnaval
(And) they give you your beating before Carnival
(Bi) son pocos que corren con suerte
(Bi) few are lucky
Mejor entra al Gold Gym que en la calle el que sobrevive
Better go to Gold's Gym because on the street, the one who survives
Es el mas fuerte.
Is the strongest.
(Moca ten cuidao y ese carro)
(Girl, be careful, and that car)
Nosotro andamo 5 en un carro apretao
We're riding 5 in a tight car
Todito activo y mirando pa' lo lao
All active and looking to the side
Con el building confirmao y un santo que nunca a fallao
With the building confirmed and a saint who has never failed
Buscandono 50 y quedandono callao
Looking for 50 and staying quiet
Si hay un bolsillo aboyao, hay uno degollao
If there's a bulging pocket, there's one slit throat
Y como que fueron hayao, pal barrio guillao
And like they were found, for the hood, they got away with it
Aquí to tan artillao, no e machete ni callao
Here everything is armed, it's not a machete or quiet
Y el que ronca en el atraco lo dejan ame(Traaaaa)
And the one who brags in the robbery is left ame(Traaaaa)
Tengo pana que han fallao con lo de ella embosillao
I have friends who have failed with their pockets stuffed
Madre que le han dao la noticia y se han demayao
Mothers who have been given the news and have fainted
Tanta droga en la calle tienen el barrio anestesiao
So much drugs on the street have the hood anesthetized
Doña que le vocean a los policias degraciao
Ladies who yell at the disgraced policemen
Quien no salva, si la justicia es falsa
Who doesn't save, if justice is false
Y los ladrones andan robando y tienen efectivo
And the thieves are robbing and have cash
Eso es maña no hay amigo que lo dañan
That's skill, there's no friend who damages it
Mejor déle gracia a Dios doña que su hijo ta vivo.
Better thank God, ma'am, that your son is alive.
Acostumbrateeee a no tenerle miedo a na
Get used to not being afraid of anything
Si tu te decuida ello te pueden atraca
If you let your guard down, they can rob you
Acostumbrateeee a la realidad del barrio
Get used to the reality of the hood
A vivir la guerra que se juegan lo sicario
To living the war that the hitmen are playing
Acostumbrateeee a tener cerra la boca
Get used to keeping your mouth shut
A el que es chivato en eta vaina se explota
The one who's a snitch in this thing, gets blown up
Acostumbrateeee a convertirte en un suicida
Get used to becoming a suicide bomber
Porque en cualquier momento por lo tuyo te liquidan
Because at any moment, they'll liquidate you for yours

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