El Batallon - Quisqueyano Batallon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Batallon - Quisqueyano Batallon

Quisqueyano Batallon
Quisqueyano Battalion
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano
Here, the whole world is in a trance
En el pecho la mano
Hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado
Active with the soldiers
Y nadie va pode' apagano
And no one can stop us
Aqui to' el mundo
Here the whole world
Ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado
Active with the soldiers
Y nadie va pode' apagano
And no one can stop us
Ohohoh ohohoh ohohoh ohohohoho
Ohohoh ohohoh ohohoh ohohohoho
La calle pide voltaje
The streets demand voltage
Eso Fue lo que traje
That's what I brought
El rap eh pa' tiguere
Rap is for thugs
No pa' tipo con traje
Not for guys in suits
Fanatico me dicen lapiz no te rebaje
Fans call me Lapiz, don't lower yourself
Que tu ere el mejor mi hermanito no relaje
You're the best, my little brother, don't relax
Ello' difaman
They defame
Cuando me ven me lo maman
When they see me, they suck up to me
No se merecen la fama que reclaman me odian en publico
They don't deserve the fame they claim, they hate me in public
En privado me aman
In private, they love me
La letra que tengo su cerebro deprograman
My lyrics deprogram their brains
Millonario de barrio
Neighborhood millionaire
Full del itinerario,
Full itinerary,
Rodeado de cuero
Surrounded by leather
Y de tiguere sicario,
And hitman thugs,
Yo canto rap
I rap
Yo no tengo un salario,
I don't have a salary,
Tengo problemas
I have problems
Pero no son monetarios
But they aren't monetary
Desde el 2006 que me pegué toy rapeando
I've been rapping since 2006 when I hit it big
Ya van 5 año y dique que no toy sonando
It's been 5 years and they say I'm not making noise
Yo no tengo empleo
I don't have a job
Tampoco un pata eh cabra
I don't have a partner in crime
Soy el jefe de los versos porque empleo la palabra
I'm the boss of verses because I use the word
Rapero Con chancleta, tiburón contra beta,
Rapper with flip-flops, shark against beta,
Se repite la historia de Goku con vegeta,
The story of Goku and Vegeta repeats itself,
Siente la presion eto eh rap por
Feel the pressure, this is rap for
Pasion, ya no se dice rap se dice batallon
Passion, it's no longer called rap, it's called battalion
Monto ruede
I'm rolling
Tamo claro que eh que no puede
We're clear that we're the ones who can't be stopped
Ma jablador que pinocho pa mi que tu ere pinueve
More talkative than Pinocchio, I think you're Pinueve
No repeto cara agria le temen a mi cuaderno
I don't respect sour faces, they're afraid of my notebook
Hablandome de pega un dico cuando no han pegao ni cuerno
Talking about hits, they say "dico" when they haven't even hit a horn
Al batallon obligao hay que repetarlo,
You have to respect the battalion, it's mandatory,
Tamo como el juego de billar hay que sobarno el palo
We're like a game of pool, you have to chalk the stick
Futramo en cada cancion
We fuck in every song
Lo culo por colección
Asses by collection
El unico que aguanta gorro eh mi ripio con un condon
The only one who can handle a cap is my ripped one with a condom
Ready pa ponersela a to el que nos mencione
Ready to put it on anyone who mentions us
Sali con un flow 3 pasito a mata to eto ratone
I came out with a 3-step flow to kill all these rats
Buquen' la salida eh ma no gasten saliba
Find the exit, but don't waste your saliva
Ando como lo pirata siempre mi cotorra encima
I walk like a pirate, always with my parrot on my shoulder
Que se quieren comparar y no han sacao provecho
They want to compare themselves but haven't made any profit
Tenemo fanatico frutrao con la mano en el pecho
We have frustrated fans with their hand on their chest
Con fama de mujercita manito suelte el complejo
With a reputation as a little girl, let go of the complex
Parecen un disfraz de indio, la pluma se le ven de lejo
They look like an Indian costume, the feathers can be seen from afar
Vivo mi vida burlao no me va ver sofocao soy
I live my life laughing, you won't see me choked, I'm
El que dice que no fumen con to lo labio quemao,
The one who says don't smoke with all my lips burnt,
Vengo a la mala trae tu cotorra pa toparla
I'm coming in hot, bring your parrot to stop it
Priva en tiguere troteao con carita de isa gadala
Private in a thug trot with Isa Gadala's face
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Here the whole world is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado y nadie va pode' apagano
Active with the soldiers and no one can stop us
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Here the whole world is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado y nadie va pode' apagano
Active with the soldiers and no one can stop us
Ohohoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Ohohoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
(Big K)
(Big K)
Ete clan gana, rana no pielden y empatan sigan en su vuelo sin piloto
This clan wins, frogs don't lose and tie, keep on your flight without a pilot
Y sin asafata, tan en celo,
And without a stewardess, so in heat,
Si te quillate vamo hacelo el que se cruze en el primer round va a
If you want to fight, let's do it, whoever crosses in the first round will
Ver que recojerlo to pal suelo,
See that they have to pick it all up from the floor,
Por toto eh cuero ete bibin viene a romperlo
It's all leather, this baby is coming to break it
Mariachi como pedro fernandez
Mariachi like Pedro Fernandez
Y con un jumo de extra viejo vamo pa arriba como varilla
And with a jump of extra old, we're going up like a rod
Como debe ser
As it should be
Utede sigan arratrandose como lo busca pie
You guys keep crawling like you're looking for your feet
No te ria cuando me vea
Don't laugh when you see me
Contigo no soy simpatico con eso que rapeas podras engañar fanatico
I'm not nice to you, with that rap you can fool fans
A mi no tu me ve cara eh camisa pa' cae en gancho
Not me, you see me face is shirt to get hooked
No toy en sentimiento eso eh vaina de lo pancho
I'm not sentimental, that's for the panchos
Eh que con la agresividad que el batallon exhibe
It's that with the aggression that the battalion exhibits
La mayoria de utede suenan, puff,
Most of you sound, puff,
Como justin bieber,
Like Justin Bieber,
Somo lo que al hip hop le encendieron la llama lo
We are the ones who lit the flame for hip hop
Que impactan cuando salen como la muerte de ozama
Those who impact when they come out like Ozama's death
No nos subestime
Don't underestimate us
Que en etoh somo asesino
We're murderers in this
Si yo fuera tu me hago caoba y no pino indetenible
If I were you, I'd make myself mahogany and not pine, unstoppable
Como general en una redada tengo mi
Like a general in a raid, I have my
Plancha malca eh galleton pal que arruge la cara
Badass iron is a slap for whoever wrinkles their face
No eh velda que yo tengo dema demasiao
It's not true that I have too much
Talento como lo stripper vivimo del movimiento
Talent like strippers, we live off movement
Asi eh,
That is,
Volvieron lo rapero injerto con lo ojo
The grafted rappers came back with their eyes
Encima como un talivan dentro de un aeropuerto
On top like a Taliban inside an airport
Que va como en lo 80 un carro camaro,
That goes like an 80's Camaro,
Utede nunca nos van a llegar como la mentruacion a un pajaro
You will never reach us like menstruation to a bird
Con mi boca virgen de mamada voy a lograr mi sueño me lo
With my blowjob virgin mouth, I'm going to achieve my dream, my
Dijo mi almohada, baquiemo en si como el sol detruye a lo gringo,
Pillow told me, we sink in like the sun destroys the gringos,
Estilo propio
Own style
Por eso me distingo
That's why I stand out
Hasta lo puerco saben esto mi pana, marrano hay que nosotros y que
Even the pigs know this, my friend, pig, there's us and then
Utede no hay ma rana,
There are no more frogs,
Tu te levanta como invierno en infierno santo su mision no m gana
You get up like winter in hell, saint, your mission doesn't win me over
Ni bailando son, el problema nunca ha sido que grabara un reggeton,
Not even dancing son, the problem has never been that he recorded a reggaeton,
El problema eh que lo hicieron y sonaron muy mojon,
The problem is that they did it and sounded like shit,
El que se cruce lo pone a otro modo,
Whoever crosses puts it in another mode,
Sadico el batallon agricultor eh que siembran el panico con tu
Sadistic, the farmer battalion is the one who sows panic with your
Jeva hacemo cita, rapeando tamo metiendo ma mano que gorros y fueteh
Girl, we make an appointment, rapping we're putting in more hands than caps and whips
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Here the whole world is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado y nadie va pode' apagano
Active with the soldiers and no one can stop us
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Here the whole world is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado y nadie va pode' apagano
Active with the soldiers and no one can stop us
Ohohohoho ohohohoho ohohohoho
Ohohohoho ohohohoho ohohohoho
Arriba la mano pasen to' que eto eh un atraco por la culpa de lo
Hands up, everyone pass, this is a robbery because of the
Guanabi eh que me pongo bellaco son una balsa de maco que se embalan
Guanabis is why I'm getting nasty, they're a raft of fools who freak out
Cuando yo ataco,
When I attack,
Tomense la presion pa que no le de un paro
Take the pressure so you don't get a heart attack
Cardiaco se le va reventa el caco cuando sientan el ki,
Cardiac, their balls will burst when they feel the ki,
Bregamo como bregan lo iraki
We roar like the Iraqis roar
Porque ser rapero no eh agarra un microfono,
Because being a rapper is not about grabbing a microphone,
Eh decir la cosa como son y no sonar monotono, no,
It's about saying things as they are and not sounding monotonous, no,
Con nosotros no pueden competir porque depue de que lo hacen se
They can't compete with us because after they do, they
Quieren arrepentir,
Want to repent,
Eh por ti (palomo) que el movimiento no avanza,
It's because of you (pigeon) that the movement doesn't advance,
Depue' que hemos dao tanto pedale diqe que te cansa
After we've pedaled so much, you say you're tired
Pa'tra hecha pa'tra que voy pa'lante a to'el que se espante se le
Go back, go back, I'm going forward to everyone who's scared, they'll
Hara su trasplante eh difícil que tu aguante el voltio que
Get their transplant, it's hard to withstand the voltage that
Electrocuta hijo e'puta tu ta claro como eh que uno ejecuta,
Electrocutes, son of a bitch, you're clear about who executes,
Salte de la ruta que eto eh el batallon,
Get off the road, this is the battalion,
Tengo fanatico frutrao oyendome hasta en japon,
I have frustrated fans listening to me even in Japan,
Repeta oye conmigo no te meta que yo
Repeat, listen, don't mess with me, I
Aguanto por amor y tambn por papeleta.
Endure for love and also for the ticket.
Por pari se coje eta vuelta como trompo añil o de gangorra saquen
By pairs, this turn is taken like an indigo top or a seesaw, take out
Visa y pasaporte, vete en viaje de cotorra como el tsunami que bunye
Visa and passport, go on a parrot trip like the tsunami that shakes
En taparse, de guare con fama por Sali entre eto muelto no dicen lo
To cover up, from guare with fame for Sali among these dead, they don't say what
Que se faltaba yo le doy problema dentro y fuera eh la cabina porquee
Was missing, I give them problems inside and outside the booth because I
Rapeo pero tambn doy suplay como jhoncena si el batallon se avecina
Rap but I also give suplay like John Cena if the battalion approaches
Tienen que desalojar to, no salen con nosotros ni tirandono una foto,
They have to evict everyone, they don't leave with us, not even taking a picture with us,
No vamo a quedar con to no importa a quien le duela,
We're not going to stay with everyone, no matter who it hurts,
Con eso dientaso y no tiene na de muela, tu y yo no conocemo,
With those teeth and no molars, you and I don't know each other,
Cuando tu quiera lo hacemo van a hace el quisqueyano hasta que lo
Whenever you want, let's do it, they're going to do the Quisqueyano until the
Valiente lo alcemo y lo etrallemo hicieron fama copiando lo moreno
Brave ones lift it up and smash it, they made fame copying the Moreno
Cuando el pleito se de a ma a ti te van a hecha de meno pa nosotros
When the fight gets tougher, you'll be missed, for us
No hay rivale somo lo criminale que con el pene tocan guitarra en tu
There are no rivals, we are the criminals who touch the guitar with their penis on your
Cuerda vocale, originales como nosotros quedan poco tan haciendo
Vocal cords, few originals like us remain, they're doing
Diparate porque le fundimo el coco sientan el trabucazo d un
Nonsense because we melted their brains, feel the shot of a
Quisqueyano real y pal que m tire punta traje el escudo nacional
Real Quisqueyano and for whoever points at me, I brought the national shield
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Here the whole world is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado y nadie va pode' apagano
Active with the soldiers and no one can stop us
Aqui to' el mundo ta en tano en el pecho la mano
Here the whole world is in a trance, hand on their chest
Haciendo rap dominicano
Doing Dominican rap
Vamo a burlano,
We're gonna kill it,
Activo con lo soldado y nadie va pode' apagano
Active with the soldiers and no one can stop us
Ohohohoh oh ohohohoh oh ohohohoh
Ohohohoh oh ohohohoh oh ohohohoh
Yo no doy el brake a mi nuncq me lo dieron
I don't brake, no one ever gave it to me
Mil veces tire
I shot a thousand times
Y nunca m respondieron
And they never answered me
Fue jevi lo que hicieron
What they did was heavy
Pero se confundieron porque yo no considero y muero por mi dinero
But they were mistaken because I don't consider and I die for my money
Tengo cueros con sueros que las deshidrate tengo pilas de enemigos
I have leathers with serums that dehydrate you, I have piles of enemies
Que familias le mate sin disparate si hay que quitate nama hay que
Whose families I kill without nonsense, if we have to take you out, we just have to
Ubicate y depue matate' rematarte asegurarte pa que no intente
Locate you and then kill yourself, finish yourself off, make sure that you don't try to
Pararte d inmediate.
Get up immediately.
Otro ma que se la bebio pero Big K me vio y nos chivatio mejor te
Another one who drank it but Big K saw me and we hung out better, you
Dio, porque se unio con el batallon,
Gave, because he joined the battalion,
Polque se unio con el batallon (ya no se dice rap se dice batallon)
Because he joined the battalion (it's no longer called rap, it's called battalion)

Writer(s): Mojica Sanchez Jose Amboiorix, Dominguez Steven, Taveras Ruiz Webster Antonio, Medina Lopez Alexis, Mejia Nu

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