El Chojin feat. ZPU - Guapa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Chojin feat. ZPU - Guapa

Z hermano, oh tío
Z bro, oh man
Tengo que contarte algo, he conocido una mujer que me gusta
I have to tell you something, I met a woman I like
Si pero... pero ¿como es ella?
Yeah, but... but what's she like?
No se, es guapa
I don't know, she's beautiful
Pero... pero guapa, ¿guapa cómo?
But... but beautiful, beautiful how?
No, guapa, guapa de verdad
No, beautiful, truly beautiful
Guapa porque se siente guapa, porque lo lleva dentro
Beautiful because she feels beautiful, because she carries it inside
¡Eso es que lo tiene!
That means she's got it!
Lo tiene te lo juro
She's got it, I swear
Se mira al espejo y se gusta y a me gusta
She looks in the mirror and likes herself, and I like her
Es... guapa
She's... beautiful
Y es que no sea toda curvas ni alta, delgada y rubia con 60 de cintura
And it's not that she's all curves, or tall, thin and blonde with a 24-inch waist
Pero es... guapa
But she's... beautiful
Porque es real y se gusta
Because she's real and likes herself
Sale a la calle y deslumbra
She goes out and dazzles
Porque aunque con dudas se siente segura
Because even with doubts, she feels confident
Se ha liberado de la farsa impuesta
She has freed herself from the imposed farce
Acepta que siendo imperfecta es como se es perfecta
She accepts that being imperfect is how she is perfect
Ya no la engañan con modelos desfasados
She is no longer deceived by outdated models
De mujeres sin fallos
Of women without flaws
De anuncio de perfume caro
From an expensive perfume ad
Es... guapa
She's... beautiful
Porque se siente completa
Because she feels complete
Ahora ya no se acompleja se acepta
Now she no longer feels insecure, she accepts herself
¡Bah! Que digan lo que quieran
Bah! Let them say what they want
Empieza pero no acaba sus dietas ¡y que!
She starts but doesn't finish her diets, so what!
Su autoestima no depende de su silueta
Her self-esteem doesn't depend on her silhouette
Ella es
She is
Simplemente una mujer con encanto
Simply a woman with charm
Con sus cambios, con sus altos, y sus bajos
With her changes, with her highs and lows
¡Bella! Aunque a veces diga estoy fea
Beautiful! Even though sometimes she says she's ugly
Porque hasta ella puede decir tonterías de vez en cuando
Because even she can say silly things from time to time
Es guapa
She's beautiful
Tu espejo puede decir misa (Guapa)
Your mirror can say mass (Beautiful)
has visto esa sonrisa tío (Guapa)
You've seen that smile, man (Beautiful)
Me gusta si ella está maquillada
I like her whether she's wearing makeup
Sin maquilar o hablando en el WhatsApp
Without makeup or talking on WhatsApp
Es guapa
She's beautiful
Comprando en el mercado en chanclas (Guapa)
Shopping at the market in flip-flops (Beautiful)
En traje de noche o en pijama (Guapa)
In an evening gown or pajamas (Beautiful)
Hasta con la luz apagada
Even with the lights off
Te vea o no te vea eres guapa
Whether I see you or not, you are beautiful
Ah, ah, no le afecta lo que opinas
Ah, ah, she doesn't care what you think
Pasa de modas, es cristalina
She ignores trends, she's crystal clear
Si anda desnuda entre las cortinas
Whether she walks naked between the curtains
O si se viste de gala para ir divina
Or if she dresses up to look divine
Más bella que las meninas, que los ángeles
More beautiful than the meninas, than the angels
Vuela por encima de tus cárceles
She flies above your prisons
De talla, de escotes, de malla, de bote
Of size, of necklines, of mesh, of boat
Calla el bloque porque tienes el toque
Silence the block because you have the touch
Ya se haya en márgenes
Whether she's on the margins
La reina de sus curvas, su seguridad
The queen of her curves, her confidence
Mola tumbarse en la oscuridad, no se intimida
It's cool to lie down in the dark, she's not intimidated
Su habilidad es verse bien sin estereotipos
Her skill is to look good without stereotypes
Lejos de los prototipos que buscan los chicos
Far from the prototypes that guys look for
Pasa, camina, brilla por dentro
She passes, walks, shines from within
Enfila la avenida no mira si estas atento
She walks down the avenue, doesn't care if you're paying attention
Su mejor encuentro es saberse mujer única
Her best encounter is knowing she's a unique woman
Pasea por la vía pública siendo ella el centro
She walks down the public road, being the center
Tu espejo puede decir misa (Guapa)
Your mirror can say mass (Beautiful)
has visto esa sonrisa tío (Guapa)
You've seen that smile, man (Beautiful)
Me gusta si ella está maquillada
I like her whether she's wearing makeup
Sin maquilar o hablando en el WhatsApp
Without makeup or talking on WhatsApp
Es guapa
She's beautiful
Comprando en el mercado en chanclas (Guapa)
Shopping at the market in flip-flops (Beautiful)
En traje de noche o en pijama (Guapa)
In an evening gown or pajamas (Beautiful)
Hasta con la luz apagada
Even with the lights off
Te vea o no te vea eres guapa
Whether I see you or not, you are beautiful
Aprendió que era imposible vivir sin confundirse
She learned that it was impossible to live without making mistakes
Así y aunque se exige no existe esa frustración que la martirice
So even though she demands a lot from herself, there's no frustration that torments her
No es que dijera que no importe lo de afuera
It's not that she said that the outside doesn't matter
Es que lo de afuera refleja
It's that the outside reflects
Que lo que hay dentro hace que brille
That what's inside makes her shine
Es mi madre, mi hermana, mi amante y mi amiga
She's my mother, my sister, my lover and my friend
Una persona de verdad no una figura de mentira
A real person, not a fake figure
Haz que sonría, repito, ¡haz que sonría!
Make her smile, I repeat, make her smile!
Porque ella es la que alegra tu vida
Because she is the one who brightens your life
ZPU como
ZPU like
Haz que sienta que eres digno de su presencia
Make her feel like you're worthy of her presence
Ha aprendido que no sufre dependencia
She has learned that she doesn't suffer from dependence
Signo de su madurez, de su adolescencia
A sign of her maturity, from her adolescence
Es a su vez tozudez en marcar la diferencia
It is at the same time stubbornness in making a difference
No le hace falta vestir bolso de Channel
She doesn't need to wear a Chanel bag
Sabe bien que lo valioso se esconde bajo su piel
She knows well that what is valuable is hidden under her skin
Siempre se es fiel
Always be faithful
Y lo superficial tapa
And the superficial covers
Porque se escapa cuando se mira al espejo
Because it escapes when she looks in the mirror
Y escucha (Guapa)
And hears (Beautiful)
Tu espejo puede decir misa (Guapa)
Your mirror can say mass (Beautiful)
has visto esa sonrisa tío (Guapa)
You've seen that smile, man (Beautiful)
Me gusta si ella está maquillada
I like her whether she's wearing makeup
Sin maquilar o hablando en el WhatsApp
Without makeup or talking on WhatsApp
Es guapa
She's beautiful
Comprando en el mercado en chanclas (Guapa)
Shopping at the market in flip-flops (Beautiful)
En traje de noche o en pijama (Guapa)
In an evening gown or pajamas (Beautiful)
Hasta con la luz apagada
Even with the lights off
Te vea o no te vea eres guapa
Whether I see you or not, you are beautiful
(Guapa, guapa, guapa...)
(Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...)

Writer(s): Domingo Edjang, Juan Prieto, Rob Vendeta

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