Hay gente que dice: "no" antes siquiera de escuchar la pregunta.
There are people who say "no" even before hearing the question.
Hay gente que se queja por no encontrar lo que quiere cuando ni siquiera lo busca.
There are people who complain about not finding what they want when they don't even look for it.
Hay gente que en vez de decir "lo siento" es más de inventarse excusas y hay gente que prefiere aparentar que sabe, antes de reconocer que duda.
There are people who prefer to make excuses instead of saying "I'm sorry", and there are people who prefer to pretend they know before acknowledging their doubts.
Bueno, no entiendes por qué son así, pero son así y la realidad es testaruda; y da igual lo bien que argumentes lo improductivo de sus posturas.
Well, you don't understand why they are like this, but they are like this and reality is stubborn; and it doesn't matter how well you argue the unproductiveness of their positions.
Hay gente a la que sencillamente la da igual y no escucha.
There are people who simply don't care and don't listen.
El problema lo tienen ellos, pero tú eres el que se frustra.
The problem is theirs, but you are the one who gets frustrated.
Es como: "¿Pero no ves que es lo mejor para ti?
It's like: "But can't you see that it's the best for you?
Abre tu mente, hombre, relájate, disfruta".
Open your mind, man, relax, enjoy it".
Pero qué va, hay gente que solo quiere bulla, que refunfuña, que mira mal, que piensa feo, que habla basura.
But no, there are people who only want noise, who grumble, who look bad, who think ugly, who talk trash.
Pues, nada, allá ellos y sus penurias, pero no les des el gusto de amargarte tú, cuando claramente, la carencia es suya.
Well, it's none of their business and none of their problems, but don't let them have the satisfaction of embittering you, when clearly, the lack is theirs.
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