El Hombre Gancho - La Flecha Envenenada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Hombre Gancho - La Flecha Envenenada

La Flecha Envenenada
The Poisoned Arrow
Aguas turbulentas, pinturas de guerra
Stormy waters, war paint
Sangre en la padrera del amor
Blood in the basin of love
Un caballo loco, huye desbocado
A wild horse, running out of control
Cuando el indio toca su tambor
When the Indian plays his drum
Cada madrugada triste y desolada
Every morning sad and desolate
Su vieja le espera con temor
His old woman waits for him with fear
Y aquella mañana al volver la tribu
And that morning when the tribe returned
Aquel indio nunca regresó
That Indian never came back
Dime donde está, compañero fiel
Tell me where he is, faithful companion
Dime que se ha vuelto
Tell me he has returned
A despistar por un sendero
To throw us off track
Deja de llorar, ya no volverá
Stop crying, he will not come back
Su cuerpo descansa
His body rests
Entre la hierba del guerrero
Among the warrior's grass
No te veo triste, indio compañero
I don't see you sad, Indian companion
Cuéntame qué pasa por favor
Tell me what's wrong, please
Mirame a los ojos, no me ocultes nada
Look me in the eyes, don't hide anything from me
Llévame al lugar donde cayó
Take me to the place where he fell
Y en su cuerpo estaba, semiatravesada
And in his body, halfway through
La flecha que partio su corazón
The arrow that broke his heart
Y en aquella flecha, la señal grabada
And on that arrow, the sign engraved
Del que traicionó
Of the one who betrayed him
No puedo entender que un guerrero así
I can't understand that a warrior like that
Fuera a ser el blanco
Would become the target
De un disparo tan certero
Of such a sure shot
Dime la verdad, yo te creeré
Tell me the truth, I will believe you
Si me dices que no has sido su traicionero
If you tell me that you were not his betrayer
Dime dóde está compañero fiel
Tell me where he is, faithful companion
Dime que se ha vuelto
Tell me he has returned
A despistarpor un sendero
To throw us off track
Dime la verdad, yo te creeré
Tell me the truth, I will believe you
Pero me dices que
But you tell me that
No has sido su traicionero,
You were not his betrayer,
Traicionero, traicionero, ay! traicionero, no!
Betrayer, betrayer, oh! betrayer, no!

Writer(s): Jose Maria De La Riva Ojeda, Jose Antonio Garcia Garcia, Rafael Romero Rodriguez

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