El Joker - The Father - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Joker - The Father

The Father
لحظة ما اتولدت وشالك بين إيديه
The moment I was born your scarf wrapped me
واتأملك بعينه وقف العالم حواليه
And you gazed upon me with your eyes the world around me froze
أول صورة بريئة ليك شافها فيك
The first innocent image you saw of me
إيد الضلمة اللي في عالمنا لسه ما اتمدتش ليك
The hand of darkness in our world had not yet reached you
وبدأت تكبر وحبه ليك بيكبر
And you began to grow and your love for me grew
يوم عن يوم حاجة منه فيك بتظهر
Day by day something of you in me would appear
إنت عنده أولى منه لأنه
To you, I came first because
عازك تكون أحسن من كل الناس ومنه
You wanted me to be better than everyone else and better than you
وإنتي من صغرك وشقاوة الدنيا فيكي
And from your youth and the world's wickedness in you
يبص لماما تلفي وشه ليكي
You would glance at mother turning her face to you
وتيجي لو زهقانة عشان مفيش أطفال في سنك
And come to her tired because there were no children your age
تقولي العب معايا يقلب طفل أكتر منك
Saying play with me turning into a child more than you
أول يوم حضانة مسكتي فيه، سابك بصعوبة
The first day of kindergarten I held on to you
لأنه كان مرعوب أكتر ما كنتي إنتي مرعوبة
Because you were more terrified than I was terrified
لدرجة إنه كان هيرجع ياخدك لولا مامتك
To the point that you were going to take me back if it weren't for your mother
معاكي بيحسبها بقلبه دايما مش بالمنطق
With me you always calculate with your heart not with logic
وإنت اتأثرت في إعدادية بكام واحد زميلك
And you were influenced in preparatory school by a few of your friends
فطلبت منه يسيبك عيب يوصلك ويجيبك
So you asked him to let you drop you off and pick you up
قدر حكم السن واداك الحرية
He estimated the age of wisdom and gave you freedom
راقبك عشان يطمن إنك قد المسئولية
He watched you to make sure you were up to the responsibility
مكانش غاوي يقولك ذاكر كل شوية
He didn't like to tell you to study all the time
كان عايزك ترتاح كل السنين الجاية
He wanted you to rest all the coming years
مع ذلك أما زعلت على كلية ما جبتهاش
However, when you were upset because you didn't get the faculty you wanted
حضنك وقالك يا ابني العالم ما انتهاش
He hugged you and said my son the world is not over
كبرت واتغيرت وخدت منه ركن بعيد
You grew up and changed and took a distant corner from him
بقى بينكم سور وكل يوم يزيد
There was a wall between you and every day it grew
لا عدت قادر تسمع منه ولا من باب الود
No longer able to listen to him or from love
لا عاد هزاره بيضحك ولا حكاياته تشد
No longer does his humor make you laugh or his stories captivate you
لكن دي مش مشكلته، ده سنه ودي تجربته
But this is not his problem, this is his age and this is his experience
عشان يفضل مصاحبك عمل كل اللي في مقدرته
In order to stay your companion he did all that was in his power
وصلت إنه يركز أما شباب تهزر جنبه
He got to the point of concentrating when young people joked around him
عشان يفتح معاك كلام بشكل تبقى حابه
So that he could talk to you in a way that you would like
مع أول عريس حس بقبولك ليه
With the first groom he felt your acceptance of him
اتخض لسه فاكر إن اليوم ده لسه بعيد
He was shocked still thinking that this day was still far away
حس البيت هيفضى، لا الحياة هتفضى
He felt the house would be empty, no life would be empty
لسه شايفك طفلة، كان عايزاها تفضل
He still saw you as a child, he wanted her to stay that way
غار فاتحجج واتشرط واتلكك
He was jealous he made excuses and he made conditions and he hesitated
وفك لما اتأكد إنك حبتيه وحبك
And he let go when he was sure that you loved him and he loved you
عايز مصلحتك حتى لو مش ده المتشاف
He wants what's best for you even if it's not what's seen
محدش خاف عليكي قد ما هو خاف
No one was afraid for you as much as he was afraid
فاضل على يوم جوازك شهر أو أقل
There is a month or less left until your wedding day
لسه نص جهازك والقرض آخر حل
Still half of your dowry and the loan is the last solution
كمل بيه اللي ناقص، مفيش حاجة استكترها
Finish with it what is missing, there is nothing he thought too much of
قالك نطمن عليكي بس وهندبرها
He told you we will rest assured about you and we will figure it out
والدنيا خدتك، بعد الجواز كترت مشاكلك
And the world took you, after marriage your problems increased
كل فين وفين بتفضي تزوري أهلك
Every now and then you would find time to visit your family
وهو بدل ما يقولك ليه ما بتسأليش
And instead of him saying to you why don't you ask
يقولك لو احتاجتي حاجة قولي ما تتكسفيش
He says to you if you need anything say so don't be shy
وإنت الظروف اضطرتك تسافر
And circumstances forced you to travel
مكانتش ماشية معاك هناك لكن بتعافر
It wasn't going well for you there but you were struggling
مامتك توفت وهو بطوله صبر
Your mother passed away while he was being patient
ولما رجعت بعد سنين لاقيته كبر
And when you came back after years you found him old
كبر بجد، بقى بينسى ومحتاج لحد
Really old, he began to forget and he needed someone
يفكره بعلاج السكر والشريان اللي اتسد
Thinking about his diabetes medication and the artery that was blocked
لاقاك حزين عليه وندمان إنك سبته
He found you sad about him and regretting that you left him
ضحك وقالك شُفت أبوك احلو إزاي في شيبته
He laughed and told you see how beautiful your father is in his old age

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