Si de los errores se aprende a mí me sobran las clases y los cursos del INEM
If we learn from our mistakes, then I've got more than enough lessons and courses from the INEM
Si de los errores se aprende, me sobran títulos, licencias y carnes
If we learn from our mistakes, then I've got so many titles, licenses, and badges
Pobre de aquel que no entienda
Pity the one who doesn't understand
Que vivir es tropezar
That living is about stumbling
Y andarás por este mundo
And you'll walk through this world
Tropezando y volviéndote a levantar
Stumbling and getting back up
La vida te ira llenando de tropiezos el cajón
Life will fill your drawer with stumbles
Y verás to' lo aprendido en cada herida que cicatrizo
And you'll see everything you've learned in each wound that heals
Si de los errores se aprende
If we learn from our mistakes.
Mira si no quieres equivocarte no hagas no digas no te levantes y no lo intentes q si lo intentas puedes fallar
See, if you don't want to make mistakes, don't do anything, don't say anything, don't get up, and don't try anything. Because if you try, you might fail.
Por eso mira si lo que no quieres es equivocarte quédate en el sofá no salgas a la calle y ten cuidado con lo que pruebas porque te podría gustar
So, see, if you don't want to make mistakes, stay on the couch. Don't go outside. And be careful what you try, or you might like it.
Ya sabes que el fracaso es para los valientes
You already know that failure is for the brave
Y la vida un accidente en el que te rompes todos los dientes
And life is an accident where you break all your teeth
Yo no hago caso a los que me dicen detente,
I don't listen to those who tell me to stop
A los que me dicen demente yo sigo subido en el parapente
To those who call me crazy, I'm still up on the paraglider
Robándole la hora al reloj
Stealing time from the clock
Elijo la senda del error
I choose the path of mistakes
Ay! Si pudiera volver a nacer
Oh! If I could be born again
Allí donde falle fallaría otra vez
I'd make the same mistakes again
Otra vez, otra vez ...
Again, and again, and again ...
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