Un aplauso estamos aqui reunidas las mujeres que se han buscado mas con los hombres este año!
A round of applause, we are here the women who have found the most luck with men this year!
Pero margarita tu no estas faciil!!!
But Margarita, you don't make it easy!!!
Y que tu quiere si yo ando atra de mi cualto
What do you expect if I'm after my room
De eso yo estoy claro (la caverrna)
That's what I thought (the cave)
Eh que tu ere una encendedora y no me quiero quemar contigoEs que tu ere una encendedora, dora, dora
Hey, you are a lighter and I don't want to get burned by youYou're a lighter, Dora, Dora
Y no me quiero quemar contigoEs que tu ere un calenton porque te han visto en todas la discotecas de villagon
And I don't want to get burned by youYou're a hottie because they've seen you in all the clubs in Villagon
Pa yo mangar contigo tengo que empeñar mi gabetero porque tu me pelas como los barberos no te gusta lo tiguere ni lo paquetero porque no hay bombero que apague tu fuego
To get involved with you, I have to pawn my dresser because you fleece me like a barber you don't like thugs or playboys because there's no fireman who can put out your fire
Uf uf uf...
Wow, wow, wow...
Y que lo que mami
What's up, mami
Es que tu ere una encendedora y no me quiero quemar contigo Es que tu ere una encendedora, dora, dora
You're a lighter and I don't want to get burned by youYou're a lighter, Dora, Dora
Y no me quiero quemar contigoOye mami llevate de tu papi chulo yo tengo una vaina bien yo tengo un rulo yo te pongo a brincar como un kanguro pero no cuente con mi cualto que por eso te estrangulo
And I don't want to get burned by youListen, mami, learn from your sugar daddy I'm the real deal, I have a trick, I have a little something I'll make you jump like a kangaroo but don't count on my money because that's how I'll strangle you
Una pregunta pal jefe de la policia cuando me van ascende Azoota
A question for the police chief, when are you going to promote me, Azoota?
Uf uf uf...
Wow, wow, wow...
Es que tu ere una encendedora y no me quiero quemar contigo Es que tu ere una encendedora, dora, dora
You're a lighter and I don't want to get burned by youYou're a lighter, Dora, Dora
Y no me quiero quemar contigoYo soy el dueño del destacamento te lo digo en español o en ingle I don't know baby
And I don't want to get burned by youI'm the owner of the precinct, I'll tell you in Spanish or in English, I don't know baby
Bubloy la caveeerrna uuuh
Bubloy the cave, uuuh
MR Gran velero Auto
MR Gran velero Auto
Sosobrita music J joel y Rudi castillo
Sosobrita music J joel and Rudi castillo
Ese pequeño la melosa llego El mqyor de lo mayoritario
This little fellow, the melosa has arrived The greatest of the great majority
El mayortototote Grandisimo ñaau
The greatest of all time, ñaau
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