El Melly - Como en los Viejos Tiempos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Melly - Como en los Viejos Tiempos

Como en los Viejos Tiempos
Just like in the Old Days
Scucha la letra y preparate ahi vaaa
Listen to the lyrics and get ready there vaaa
Otro cobani mas que me quiere tirar las rejas
Another cobani more who wants to throw the bars at me
Voy a hacer correr tu sangre por tablada y por villegas
I'm gonna make your blood run through tablada and through villegas
El que avisa no traiciona despues no quiero quejas
The one who warns does not betray later I do not want complaints
Ni codigos tenes que la metes a mi vieja
No codes you have to put it to my old
Este perro mucho ladara cada palabra la banca
This dog will bark a lot every word the bank
Voy yo solo contra vos y todos los que por vos saltan
I am going against you alone and all those who jump for you
Esto es un descanso con aplique y amenaza
This is a break with apply and threat
Vas a sentir el miedo chorreando por tus patas
You're gonna feel the fear dripping down your paws
Wacho esto ya es personal estan contadas tus horas
Wacho this is already personal your hours are counted
Despues de tanto blabla mejor que vanques la toma
After all this blabbering you better go take it
Yo a vos te conoci gil no me la corras de piola
I met you gil don't fuck with me
Despues no quiero escucharte melly todo era una joda
Then I don't want to listen to you melly everything was a fuck
Me vas a pedir perdon,no te lo voy a aceptar
You're going to ask me for forgiveness, I'm not going to accept it
Alertalo al 911 de lo q te va a pasar
Alert 911 of what's going to happen to you
La policia federal se que te va a custodiar
The federal police will be guarding you.
Ni con todos los gendarmes me van a poder parar
Not even with all the gendarmes are they going to be able to stop me
Yo peleo mano a mano que cobardes tus amigos
I fight hand to hand you cowards your friends
Me vieron a mi solito y se isieron los distraidos
They saw me on my own and the distracted ones left
Mi respeto lo gane con la mafia en la calle
I earn my respect with the mafia on the street
La misma calles que hablas pero que nunca pisaste
The same streets you talk about but never stepped on
Varios te quieren matar por nombrar los monoblok
Several want to kill you to name the monobloks
En tu auricular mi tema y en tu pecho va mi glok
In your earphone my theme and in your chest goes my glok
Yo no meto a tu familia porque eso es de wacho loro
I don't put your family in because that's wacho loro's
Tu mama no es la culpable de tener un hijo bobo
Your mom is not to blame for having a goofy kid
Que mal que te veo re barrileteaste
Too bad I see you re-keeled
La onda era vos y yo y en tanga patinaste
The wave was you and me and in thong you skated
Le salto la ficha a tu dj le cabe
I skip the tab your DJ fits
Se dejo romper el orto por hacer un par de bases
I let myself break the ortho by making a couple of bases
Vas a ver mi maldad como tu sueño lo unde
You are going to see my wickedness as your dream unde it
Tu sanata de cheto mi rap se la consume
Your sanata de cheto my rap is consumed
Rogale a tus santos que nunca te cruse
Pray to your saints that I will never cross you
Te veo y te pongo de rodillas para que me la chupes
I see you and I put you on my knees so you can suck me
-Hablas mucho de mis dientes i te doi la solucion,
- You talk a lot about my teeth I did you the solution,
Mis dientes se arreglan pero tu cara no,
My teeth get fixed but your face doesn't,
Vos no tenes talento i en tu letra se refleja
You don't have talent and it's reflected in your lyrics
Tu falta de argumento nombrandola ami vieja,
Your lack of argument by naming her old ami,
Yo te tiro con mi show i un imperio que se agranda
I throw you with my show I an empire that grows
Vos un gordo rre violado qe no va a llegar a nada,
You a fat rre violated qe is not going to come to anything,
Te voi a agarrar alos bifes cuando te vea por tablada
I'll go grab the steaks when I see you by the board
Lo mismo qe a poesia cuando los cruze en la plata,
The same goes for poetry when I cross them in La Plata,
Juntense tirenme qe alos 2 voi a qebrar
Get together throw me qe alos 2 voi a qebrar
Esto va por mis colegas los raperos de verdad
This is for my colleagues the real rappers
Los que sin colgar de nadie progresan cada vez mas,
Those who without hanging on anyone progress more and more,
Busca fama como ustedes son la verguenza del rap,
Seek fame as you are the shame of rap,
Cada vez qe me nombras te me haces mas
Every time you name me you make me more
Conocido "BLACKC" revivio pero un poco mas gordito,
Well-known "BLACKC" revived but a little more chubby,
Se acuerdan qe lo mate ahora esta mas resentido
They remember that he killed him now he's more resentful
"Moonts" la version 2012 es el gordo tomasito,
"Moonts" the 2012 version is El gordo tomasito,
Yo represento ala calle ala cual nunca a vos te vi
I represent the street where I've never seen you
Por bardearme corte bueno te odia todo un pais,
For bardearme corte well a whole country hates you,
Vos mi barrio no pisas ni sarpado en rivotril
You do not step on my neighborhood or rash in rivotril
I se te da para entrar te juro qe no salis,
If you are given to enter I swear to you that you will not leave,
El melly rimando groso con un talento ingenioso
The gross rhyming melly with a witty talent
Tus mentiras no soporto raperito mantecoso,
Your lies I can't stand buttery little rapper,
El publico se impacientan porque qieren escuchar
The audience gets impatient because they want to listen
La ovacion se hace mas fuerte es el momento del crack,
The ovation is getting louder it's time for the crack,
Me seguis tirando caca cada ves sos mas ridiculo,
You keep throwing poop at me you're more ridiculous every time,
Camina en las cornizas yo voi camino a seguido,
Walk on the ledges yo voi camino a seguido,
De nuevo gana este galan de mujeres no puede hablar,
He wins again this women's heartthrob can't talk,
Las wachas qe vos soñar tener son las qe conmigo estan,
The wachas that you dream of having are the ones that are with me,
El melly te pego te noquio te gano,
The melly I beat you I knock you out I beat you,
Ya lo internaron a loro ahora internaron a "Moonts",
He was already committed to parrot now they committed to "Moonts",
Me entere que va al gimnasio flaya ser RICARDO FORT,
I found out that flaya ser RICARDO FORT is going to the gym,
Si hablamos de la navidad vos sos un wachin lenton,
If we talk about Christmas you are a wachin lenton,
Imploras por mi respuesta pa que mierda la queres
You beg for my answer to what the fuck you want
Si despues me denuncias los videos que subo a internet,
If you then report me the videos I upload to the internet,
Te va a contratar CANOSSA porque te gusta el embroyo,
CANOSSA is going to hire you because you like the embroidery,
Fotografo distraido porque se te caen los rollos,
Photographer distracted because you drop the rolls,
Se esta corriendo el rumor del odio qe le va a "LG"
The rumor is spreading that the hate is going to "LG"
Qe sonamo en todos lados i no paramos de crecer,
Qe we sound everywhere... we don't stop growing,
Decime qe no sabias si ni vos te lo crees,
Tell me you didn't know if even you didn't believe it,
Qe gordito picaron tas pendiente de mi fe,
Qe chubby they stung tas pending of my faith,
Tus berrinches no bancas estas hablando de mas
Your tantrums don't bench you're talking about more
Te conocen en villegas como el gordito "BLABLA",
They know you in Villegas as the chubby "BLABLA",
El proparaña del rap que no para de engordar,
The rap pro-spider that keeps getting fat,
Esto es cantando por un sueño i vos soñas adelgazaar!
This is singing for a dream I you dream to lose weight!
- Yo te aniqilo sigo prosigo i lastimo tu autoestima lo castigo
- I aniqilo you I keep going i hurt your self-esteem I punish it
Aplico rimas invicto,
I apply rhymes undefeated,
Tus respuestas muchas no manchan mi buena racha te empacha mi rap te
Your many answers don't stain my good streak it fills you up my rap you
Mancha las patas, por eso soi conocido, te apunto al toke te anulo,
Stain the paws, that's why I'm known, I point you to the toke I cancel you,
Mi muro miras seguro, derrumbo tus sueños juro,
You look at my wall for sure, I tear down your dreams I swear,
Prometo qe nunca pierdo avanso i no tengo freno,
I promise I never lose my head I have no brake,
Derecho apunto tu pecho,
Right I point at your chest,
Ase rato qe te mateo i traje flores a tu entierro,
Ase rato qe te mateo i brought flowers to your funeral,
El melly qe bien juega tu tormento qe comienza yo una maqina de exito
The melly qe well play your torment qe I begin a maqina of success
Vos alguien qe da pena,
Someone gives you grief,
No rimas ni una palabra rapeas i mucho te
You don't rhyme a word you rap I a lot you

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