El Nino - Oglinda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Oglinda - El Ninotraduction en anglais

Intr-o continua lupta de la 8 la 20
In a continuous struggle from 8 to 20
Adica n-ajungi bine acasa si te pregatesti sa pleci,
Meaning you barely get home and you're getting ready to leave,
Stiu... mi-ai zis sa nu mai scriu atat de trist
I know... you told me to stop writing so sadly
Dar tu esti muza mea si nu te vad vre-un optimist.
But you are my muse and I don't see you as an optimist.
Insist pe realitate
I insist on reality
Iar putini din ce m-asculta
And few of those who listen to me
Prost vazuti in societate
Poorly seen in society
Realizeaza ce se-ntampla.
Realize what is happening.
Vad schimbarea intr-o secunda
I see the change in a second
Cu iubire pentru semeni,
With love for fellow men,
Ca cel ce te-a facut isi dorea ca tu sa-i semeni.
Because the one who made you wanted you to resemble him.
Invinge-ti propriile temeri, pierde-te-n multime
Conquer your own fears, lose yourself in the crowd
Dar nu incerca sa cunosti lumea,
But don't try to know the world,
Ca nu te cunosti pe tine.
Because you don't know yourself.
Putine sfaturi despre viata in rani adanci,
A few tips about life in deep wounds,
Ce par sa nu se vindece curand,
That seem to not heal soon,
Iar tu gata sa ajungi la capatul puterilor.
And you're about to reach the end of your rope.
Dar pune argint pe teva incarca, tinteste, trage
But put silver on the barrel, load, aim, shoot
In cine ti-a servit otrava,
At whoever served you poison,
Lava-i curge-n vene,
Lava flows through their veins,
Fratele cere dreptate
The brother demands justice
Nu incerca sa-l faci tu slav in tara lui
Don't try to make him glorious in his land
Ca nu se poate.
Because it's not possible.
Spune-mi daca stii tu cand voi vedea
Tell me if you know when I will see
In tine pe cel ce si-a gasit linistea.
In you the one who has found peace.
Spune-mi cine te vrea atunci cand nu ai
Tell me who wants you when you don't have
O inima-n plus pregatita s-o dai.
An extra heart ready to give away.
Spune-mi daca stii tu cand voi vedea
Tell me if you know when I will see
In tine pe cel ce si-a gasit linistea.
In you the one who has found peace.
Spune-mi cine te vrea atunci cand nu ai
Tell me who wants you when you don't have
O inima-n plus pregatita s-o dai.
An extra heart ready to give away.
Spune-mi daca stii tu cand voi vedea
Tell me if you know when I will see
In tine pe cel ce si-a gasit linistea.
In you the one who has found peace.
Spune-mi cine te vrea atunci cand nu ai
Tell me who wants you when you don't have
O inima-n plus pregatita s-o dai.
An extra heart ready to give away.
Obligat sa faci bani cu spatele
Forced to make money with your back
Cand ai putea sa-i faci cu capul,
When you could make it with your head,
De asta ai 25 de ani
That's why you're 25 years old
Si arati ca dracu'.
And you look like hell.
Inca dormi pe canapea
You still sleep on the couch
Si iti bei cafeaua singur,
And drink your coffee alone,
Iar casa ta e proprietatea altuia, mai mult ca sigur.
And your house is someone else's property, most certainly.
Rau ca un tigru as zice la prima vedere,
As evil as a tiger I would say at first glance,
Cand defapt esti panicat ca n-ai nicio putere
When in fact you are panicked that you have no power
Si alergi sa incerci sa-ti faci un viitor printre straini,
And you run to try to make a future among strangers,
Si alergi in intuneric incercand sa aprinzi lumini.
And you run in the dark trying to turn on lights.
Cand te vad restul
When the rest see you
Tu destul de trist
You are quite sad
Ca din tot ce ti-ai promis
Because from everything you promised yourself
Jumatate n-ai admis.
Half you didn't admit.
Prins in goana dupa bani
Caught in the chase for money
Ajungi acasa obosit,
You get home tired,
Din ce in ce mai des
More and more often
Si tot mai des nefericit.
And more and more unhappy.
Ca i-ai stricat zambetul, machiajul
Because you ruined her smile, her makeup
I-ai rupt inima,
You broke her heart,
Si nu-mi spune ca suferi tu
And don't tell me you're the one suffering
Ca habar n-ai de ea.
Because you have no idea about her.
Si cine-i vinovat
And who is to blame
C-ai acceptat intr-o drama
That you accepted in a drama
Rolul principal de care ti-a fost mereu teama.
The main role that you were always afraid of.
Spune-mi daca stii tu cand voi vedea
Tell me if you know when I will see
In tine pe cel ce si-a gasit linistea.
In you the one who has found peace.
Spune-mi cine te vrea atunci cand nu ai
Tell me who wants you when you don't have
O inima-n plus pregatita s-o dai.
An extra heart ready to give away.
Spune-mi daca stii tu cand voi vedea
Tell me if you know when I will see
In tine pe cel ce si-a gasit linistea.
In you the one who has found peace.
Spune-mi cine te vrea atunci cand nu ai
Tell me who wants you when you don't have
O inima-n plus pregatita s-o dai.
An extra heart ready to give away.
Spune-mi daca stii tu cand voi vedea
Tell me if you know when I will see
In tine pe cel ce si-a gasit linistea.
In you the one who has found peace.
Spune-mi cine te vrea atunci cand nu ai
Tell me who wants you when you don't have
O inima-n plus pregatita s-o dai.
An extra heart ready to give away.

Writer(s): Alin Emil Ghita, Span

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