El Nino - Povestea Anului - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Nino - Povestea Anului

Povestea Anului
Story of the Year
AAA, 10 Ianuarie afara e dezastru,
AAA, January 10th, it's a disaster outside,
-20 grade cerul meu albastru,
-20 degrees, my blue sky,
Ma asteapta in martie buchet de ghiocel,
A bouquet of snowdrops awaits me in March,
Cu niste ochii care ma priveste fara sa vrei,
With eyes that look at me without wanting to,
Cu zmen care se ridica peste mare albastra,
With smiles that rise over the blue sea,
Cand o Mama lacrimeaza ca si-a vazut fata mireasa,
When a mother cries because she saw her daughter as a bride,
M-am pierdut intr-o mireasma, parfum de primavara,
I got lost in a scent, a fragrance of spring,
Mi-era dor sa imi vad golanii, canterinca lor pe afara,
I wanted to see my buddies, their songs in the streets,
Statia de autobuz o domnisoara aranjata,
The bus stop, a stylish young lady,
Cu ochelari de soare, libertatea intr-o geanta,
With sunglasses, freedom in a bag,
Fusta putin crapata, cauta raze de soare,
Her skirt slightly ripped, searching for sun rays,
Si mi-a lasat impresia ca ma vrea la o plimbare,
And she gave me the impression that she wanted me to take her for a walk,
Prin cartieru minunat, Aprilie spectacol,
Through the wonderful neighborhood, April's spectacle,
Uni il prin in poze alti il scriu intr-un oracol,
Some capture it in photos, others write it in an oracle,
Ce miracol ai facut Tata iti multumesc din suflet,
What a miracle You've made, Father, thank You from the bottom of my heart,
Ca simt picaturi de ploaie si ma sperie un tunet,
That I feel raindrops and am scared by the thunder,
M-am trezit,
I woke up,
E dimineata mea de Mai
It's my May morning
In care mi-am adus aminte,
In which I remembered,
Cum stateam dupa tranvai,
How we used to stand after the tram,
Cand n-ai un leu in buzunar,
When you don't have a dime in your pocket,
Pune rotile in miscare,
Set the wheels in motion,
Vara nu dam inapoi indiferent de provocare.
We don't back down in the summer, no matter the challenge.
Zilele trec cateodata prea rapid,
Days go by, sometimes too fast,
Da am invatat sa iubesc fiecare anotimp,
But I learned to love every season,
Ca timpul nu sta niciodata locului,
Because time never stands still,
Eu nu vreau sa imbatransesc in fata blocului.
I don't want to grow old in front of the block.
Canta pasarelele pe plaja vama veche,
Birds sing on the beach in Vama Veche,
Unu' isi cauta un joint, altu' o pereche,
One is looking for a joint, another for a partner,
E vara iar vine sezonul estival,
It's summer, the holiday season is coming again,
Si la cum o dau de tare zici ca-i paranormal,
And the way I'm going at it, you'd say it's paranormal,
Ce se intamplaa?,
What's happening?,
Ca fumega asfaltu'
The asphalt is smoking'
Si cum arata pa ta zici ca e alu' altu',
And the way your dad looks, you'd say he's someone else',
Punem pariu ca vara asta e senzatie,
I bet this summer is a sensation,
Daca nu ma crezi pot sa fac o demostratie,
If you don't believe me, I can give you a demonstration,
Imi place la prajeala sunt un fel de salamandra,
I like the heat, I'm a kind of salamander,
Si ma duc sa sar in cap de pe o trambulina inalta,
And I'm going to jump headfirst from a high trampoline,
Scoate telefonul si filmeaza-ma frumos,
Take out your phone and film me nicely,
Deobicei fac panarama pentru ca altfel nu are rost,
I usually make a scene because otherwise there's no point,
E pentru cei care cunosc viata la colt de bloc,
It's for those who know life on the street corner,
Cand afara e caldura tropicala, da-mi noroc,
When it's tropical heat outside, give me luck,
Niste doze de bere tinute la congelator,
Some cans of beer kept in the freezer,
E pentru Iulie pentru ca luna lu' cuptor,
It's for July, because it's the oven's month,
Pana in zori de zi se ard mici pe gradar,
Until dawn, they grill mici on the barbecue,
Asta e momentu in care ma doare in pa de bani,
This is the moment when I don't give a damn about money,
Pune marfa pe cantar sa vedem daca e ce trebuie,
Put the goods on the scale, let's see if it's what it should be,
Am adormit putin, bine ai venit septembrie.
I dozed off a bit, welcome September.
Zilele trec cateodata prea rapid,
Days go by, sometimes too fast,
Da am invatat sa iubesc fiecare anotimp,
But I learned to love every season,
Ca timpul nu sta niciodata locului,
Because time never stands still,
Eu nu vreau sa imbatransesc in fata blocului.
I don't want to grow old in front of the block.
E momentu, scot de la naftalina geaca mea de piele,
It's time, I'm taking my leather jacket out of mothballs,
Si o vad cum se combina,
And I see how it combines,
Bine cu ghetele mele timberlate pe negru,
Well with my black Timberland boots,
Arunc o sapca la misto pe cap, nu apuc sa fac un metru,
I throw a cap on my head for fun, I don't get to take a step,
Ca ma face varza ploaia,
When the rain soaks me,
Intru repede in masina,
I quickly get into the car,
Dau o cheie, ma grabesc sa ajung acasa pe lumina,
Turn the key, I hurry to get home while it's still light,
Ma duc sa-i vad pe ai mei, la Craiova e furtuna,
I'm going to see my family, there's a storm in Craiova,
Am un nepot de 4 ani si se sperie cand tuna,
I have a 4-year-old nephew and he gets scared when it thunders,
Stiu daca il tin in brate, vantu poate sa doboare,
I know if I hold him in my arms, the wind can rage,
Toti copaci din cartier in dormitoru lui e soare,
All the trees in the neighborhood, in his bedroom, it's sunshine,
In 1 (tai) decembrie si frigul peste oras,
On December 1st and the cold over the city,
Am niste treaba la uniri, trebuie sa-mi fac curaj,
I have some business at Unirii, I need to get my courage up,
Bucuresti aglomeratie, nu ma pot opri-jumi,
Bucharest, traffic jam, I can't stop - half,
Partea buna e ca ii scoate afara pe copii,
The good part is that it gets the kids outside,
Primi fulgi de zapada, vad un bulgare ca zboara,
First snowflakes, I see a snowball flying,
Am avut concert aseara si sunt rupt de oboseala,
I had a concert last night and I'm exhausted,
Vin sarbatoriile miroase a cozonac,
The holidays are coming, it smells like cozonac,
E timpu sa ma relaxez un an intreg am alergat,
It's time to relax, I've been running around all year,
Am cumparat, artificii sa le aprind la miezu noptii,
I bought fireworks to light up at midnight,
Am mai trecut un an o sa ne dam la cap cu totii.
Another year has passed, we're all going to party.
Zilele trec cateodata prea rapid,
Days go by, sometimes too fast,
Da am invatat sa iubesc fiecare anotimp,
But I learned to love every season,
Ca timpul nu sta niciodata locului,
Because time never stands still,
Eu nu vreau sa imbatransesc in fata blocului.
I don't want to grow old in front of the block.

Writer(s): Alin Emil Ghita, Kenzo

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