El Nino feat. Irma - Sunt Marfa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Nino feat. Irma - Sunt Marfa

Sunt Marfa
I Am Great
E mare petrecere, e bairam
It's a big party, it's a celebration
Unul intra pe usa, altul iese pe geam
One person comes in the door, another person goes out the window
In gura metale pretioase manca
There's gold in their mouth; they eat
E fara legale si fara dava
There are no laces or hurts
E party din ala din Sud
It's the party in the South
Party la care mi-aduc
A party to which I bring myself
Fratii cu care ma rup
Brothers with whom I cut loose
Muzica care ma scoate din trup
Music that gets me out of my trance
Ochelarii de soare la ochi
Sunglasses on my eyes
Si ziua si noaptea si nu-s interlop
Day and night, and I'm not a criminal
Ai mei sunt modele rare
Mine are rare models
Le place sa-si dea fatale
They like to give themselves away
Unu pe masa si una sta geana
One on the table and one in a wink
Si sticla e plina si n-am nicio teama
And the cup is full, and I have no fear
Am arma secreta cu mine
I have my secret weapon with me
Mi-e sete de whisky si foame de bine
I'm thirsty for whiskey and hungry for good
Am neνoie de soare, de vitamine
I need sun, vitamins
De mare, de plaja, de un banger ca tine
Sea, beach, a banger like you
La party imi dau cu de toate, sunt gata
At the party, I give myself all the way; I'm ready
Ma las pe mana ei, sa decida soarta
I leave it up to her; let fate decide
Ma trezesc zambesc, in... sa traiesc
I wake up and smile; I'm going to live
In seara asta, marfa, cu ai mei o sa ies
Tonight, baby, with my friends, I'm going out
Imi aprind un cui si-l fumez din mers
I light a spliff and smoke it on the move
Ca sa-ncepem bine, sticle in jurul nostru roiesc
So that we start off well, bottles whirl around us
Marfa cand sunt toti la masa
Stuff when everyone's at the table
Si de dimineata zice unu, hai acasa
And in the morning, someone says, let's go home
Ping-pong, sare pe casa
Ping-pong, jumping on the house
Ding-dong, tu cazi in plasa mea
Ding-dong, you're falling into my trap
Party killer ma simt
I feel like a party killer
Inspir muzica, in nopti ma resimt
I inhale the music, I recoil in the nights
Presimt c-o sa comit
I have a presentiment that I'm going to do something
O stare de razboi, la concert vin sprint
A state of war, at a concert I come running
Simt, simt ca admit
I feel, I feel I admit
C-am baut cam mult in seara vin, nu mint
That I drank too much last night; I'm not lying
Mit, ca-i cald, ma ridic
Myth, because it's warm, I get up
Soarele asta mi-a dat grav la cap
This sun has made my head heavy
M-a cam trezit
It finally woke me up
Am nevoie de soare, de vitamine
I need sun, vitamins
De mare, de plaja, de un banger ca tine
Sea, beach, a banger like you
La party imi dau cu de toate, sunt gata
At the party, I give myself all the way; I'm ready
Ma las pe mana ei, sa decida soarta
I leave it up to her; let fate decide
Sunt marfa, sunt marfa
I am great, I am great
Am nevoie de soare, de vitamine
I need sun, vitamins
De mare, de plaja, de un banger ca tine
Sea, beach, a banger like you
La party imi dau cu de toate, sunt gata
At the party, I give myself all the way; I'm ready
Ma las pe mana ei, sa decida soarta
I leave it up to her; let fate decide
Sunt marfa, sunt marfa
I am great, I am great

Writer(s): Alin Emil Ghita

El Nino feat. Irma - Sunt Marfa
Sunt Marfa
date de sortie

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