El Pinche Brujo - Mexicanos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Pinche Brujo - Mexicanos

Pinche Brujo
Pinche Brujo
Pa′ mis homies allá en el bajo
For my homies down there in the hood
A los rifados, cabrones
To the badass, motherfuckers
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Puro mexa hay compa
Pure Mexicans, there is homie
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Lo pueden notar
You can tell
Un mexicano es verga ya lo vieron o no
A Mexican is a badass, have you seen it or not
Un mexicano es verga en el terre o no
A Mexican is badass on the ground or not
Que hubo pues un saludo allá a los paisas
What's up, greetings to the paisas
Los que se fueron al gabacho pa' rifarla
Those who went to the USA to hustle
Siempre buscando el sueño americano
Always chasing the American dream
Y si preguntan presumen lo mexicano
And if you ask them, they show off their Mexican heritage
Siempre orgulloso de raíces y cultura
Always proud of roots and culture
Somos la raza de bronce la raza pura
We are the bronze race, the pure race
En el gabacho firmes la representan
In the USA, you firmly represent it
Hasta califas no dejó de ser de mexa
Even up to California, he never stopped being Mexican
La paisanada chingándole en el norte
The paisanos busting their asses in the north
Aunque a mi raza los güeros no los soporten
Although my people, the white guys can't stand them
Siempre demuestran que al mexa se la pelan
They always show that they don't give a damn about Mexicans
Somos cabrones, en el jale que nos tengan
We are badasses, in whatever job they have us
Y si nos dejan hasta el rancho les tumbamos
And if they let us, we'll even take down their ranch
Que como quiera esa tierra se la robaron
Because they stole that land anyway
Reconquistamos y de aquí no nos vamos
We reconquer and we're not leaving here
Para que sepan los güeros que los chingamos
So that the white guys know that we're screwing them
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Puro mexa hay compa
Pure Mexicans, there is homie
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Lo pueden notar
You can tell
Un mexicano es verga ya lo vieron o no
A Mexican is a badass, have you seen it or not
Un mexicano es verga en el terre o no
A Mexican is badass on the ground or not
La cultura mexicana está pesada
Mexican culture is heavy
En las ciudades de la unión americana
In the cities of the American union
Viva la raza aquí mi segunda casa
Long live the race, here is my second home
Y no hagan emputar al mexica saben que pasa
And don't make the Mexican angry, you know what happens
Pa′ los rifados que se brincaron el muro
For the badass who jumped over the wall
Porque aferrados nacimos del lado rudo
Because we were born clinging to the rough side
Acostumbrados a la chinga de este lado
Used to the grind on this side
Es más chingón al que ustedes llaman mojado
He's more badass than the one you call wetback
Y hasta parece que es terreno mexicano
And it even seems like it's Mexican territory
En donde quiera los paisas se ven rolando
Wherever the paisanos are seen rolling
Nadie es ilegal en una tierra que es robada
No one is illegal in a land that is stolen
Y menos si los güeros no han sabido trabajarla
And less so if the white guys haven't known how to work it
Puros cabrones respetos pa' los paisas
Pure badasses, respect for the paisanos
Los que se ganan la vida fuera de casa
Those who earn a living away from home
A la chingada nos la peló su muro
To hell with your wall
Ya vieron como siempre ni el güero puto no pudo
You've already seen how the fucking white guy couldn't
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Puro mexa hay compa
Pure Mexicans, there is homie
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Lo pueden notar
You can tell
Un mexicano es verga ya lo vieron o no
A Mexican is a badass, have you seen it or not
Un mexicano es verga en el terre o no
A Mexican is badass on the ground or not
El mexicano ya es un icono y lo saben
The Mexican is already an icon and they know it
Aunque nos digan lo contrario siempre graben
Even if they tell us otherwise, always remember
Aquí hicimos de su tierra la oficina
Here we made your land our office
Y puro paisa mi güero pues adivina
And pure paisa my white guy, guess what
Si se apendejan hasta la casa blanca
If you get stupid, even the white house
Y si ganamos les metemos la palanca
And if we win, we'll put the lever on you
Pa' que me invitan si saben como soy
Why do you invite me if you know how I am
De rifados es la fama, chingones desde nación
Badasses is the fame, badasses from the nation
Para mis homies que la rifan en Chicago
To my homies who hustle in Chicago
Un quiubo firmes chingones para los vagos
What's up, firm badasses for the vagrants
Los angelitos puro mexicanito
The little angels, pure Mexican
Catrines y diablitos al terre los invito
Catrinas and little devils, I invite you to the ground
No se apendejen mis güeros que somos reatas
Don't get stupid, my white guys, we are real
Aparte de chingones ya vieron que más piratas
Apart from badasses, have you seen what other pirates
Quiúbole paisas allá la mera vaipa
What's up paisanos over there the real vibe
Los mexicanos cabrones nunca se rajan, wey
Badass Mexicans never back down, dude
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Puro mexa hay compa
Pure Mexicans, there is homie
Aquí y allá nos la pelaron
Here and there they didn't give a damn about us
Lo pueden notar
You can tell
Un mexicano es verga ya lo vieron o no
A Mexican is a badass, have you seen it or not
Un mexicano es verga en el terre o no
A Mexican is badass on the ground or not

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