El Pinche Brujo - Zaraperos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Pinche Brujo - Zaraperos

Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
Ahí están esos pelones con zarape
There they are, those tough guys with their zarape,
Mal encarados y rudos como el guarache
Mean-looking and rough like a huarache sandal,
La tez de apache más verga que el comanche
Apache skin, tougher than the Comanche,
Al mexicano con respeto, no se manche
Respect the Mexican, don't mess with him.
Los pinches charros, simón bien piches guarros
The damn charros, yeah, real damn roughnecks,
Los que de gustos se llenan los pinches tarros
Those who fill their damn tankards with pleasure,
Si festejamos el mariachi jalamos
If we celebrate, we pull out the mariachi,
Y si está chida la ruca la enamoramos
And if the chick is hot, we woo her, baby.
Nos vale conga, sombrero de ranchero
We don't give a damn, rancher's hat on,
Si traigo botas patadón para el culero
If I'm wearing boots, a kick for the asshole,
Fiesta del gueto con la voz jilguero
Ghetto party with a goldfinch voice,
Al mexicano le toca ser cagadero
A Mexican is meant to be a badass, honey.
Los bigotones como dicen otros paisas
The mustachioed ones, as other folks call us,
Enhorabuena le rolamos unas baizas
Cheers, babe, we'll roll you some joints,
¿Para qué vainas?, no se traigan a su jaina
What for? Don't bring your girl along,
Los del zarape traen desmadre pa' que caigan homies
The zarape wearers bring chaos for you homies to fall.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
Órale pues, simón cabrón, si estamos juidos
Alright then, yeah, man, we're sharp,
Con mucho orgullo de bastantes me distingo
I distinguish myself with much pride, quite a lot,
Pero bien trucha pongo el ojo y lo consigo
But I keep my eye on the prize, slyly I get it,
Y como un águila mi presa la persigo
And like an eagle, I pursue my prey.
Somos culeros y nos guachan hacia bajo
We're assholes and they look down on us,
La frente en alto, respeta nuestro trabajo
Heads held high, respect our work, honey,
Sin pinche paso no sigo su relajo
Without a damn pass, I don't follow their game,
Es que la escuela chingona es la que me trajo
It's the badass school that brought me here.
Pinches pelones que se lucen por sus fachas
Damn bald guys showing off their looks,
Siempre nos sigue la suerte, la buena racha
Luck always follows us, good streak, babe,
Hacerla gacha, te lo dedico guacha
Making it tough, I dedicate it to you, fool,
Esta es la crema chingona no la gabacha
This is the real deal, not the fake one.
Los que se chingan el tequila como coca
Those who chug tequila like coke,
Los que les vale chingada su vida loca
Those for whom their crazy life is worth a damn,
Los de la guerra tumbada y de mecha corta
Those of the fallen war and short fuse,
El mexicano donde quiera la controla
The Mexican controls it wherever he is.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
El mexicano no perdona las de chente
A Mexican doesn't forgive Chente's affairs,
Pinche bigote nos sale como Valente
Damn mustache, it grows on us like Valente's,
Chingón pariente, patente está pendiente
Badass relative, patent pending,
En todo el mundo cabrón como el presidente
All over the world, badass like the president.
Aquí si no nos gusta le decimos chale
Here, if we don't like it, we say "chale",
Aquí somos sinceros, te agüitas, también nos vale
Here we're sincere, you get upset, we don't care either,
Traemos zarape, teléfono sin cable
We bring zarape, cordless phone,
Guarache homie, sombrero de Pedro Infante
Huarache homie, Pedro Infante hat.
El mexicano es desmadroso y parrandero
The Mexican is a party animal and a reveler,
Es jugador ganador y los meros, meros
He's a winning gambler and the best of the best,
Ni más ni menos, trucha con los morenos
No more, no less, sneaky with the dark-skinned ones,
Es porque nadie en el mundo nos puso freno
It's because nobody in the world put a brake on us.
Y si nos dejan controlamos todo el globo
And if they let us, we control the whole globe,
Siempre ganamos aunque meta el pinche codo
We always win even if the damn elbow goes in,
Por el primero siempre buscamos el oro
We always look for gold for the first one,
Ser mexicano es la verga, perdón por todo
Being Mexican is badass, sorry for everything, baby.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.
Es la mex rifa
It's the real Mexican deal, babe,
Es la mex trucha
It's the raw Mexican spirit,
Es la mex, mira México es cabrón
It's the real Mexico, look, Mexico is badass.

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