Dicen que no crees en el amor y que fue culpa mía lo que te paso que el pasado te persigue todo el tiempo que se apago la llama y que eres piedra por dentro.
They say that you don't believe in love and that it was my fault what happened to you, that the past haunts you all the time, that the flame has died out and that you're heartless inside.
Para mal o para bien siempre hay comentarios
For better or for worse, there are always comments
Siempre hay mil historias dentro de un diario! Nunca comprendiste que estaba pasando
There are always a thousand stories within a diary! You never understood what was happening
Nunca creí que lo nuestro llegara a su fin
I never believed that our relationship would come to an end
Espero estén contentos ya que todo el tiempo te hablaron mal de mi
I hope they are happy now because all the time they talked to you badly about me
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