El Santo & Tosko feat. Zatu - Esperanza - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Santo & Tosko feat. Zatu - Esperanza

Qué me vas a contar, 36 y no me asusto.
What are you going to tell me, 36 and I'm not scared.
Más problemas, más, yo solito me los busco.
More problems, more, I'm looking for them myself.
Justo, lo que gano me lo gasto en sustos,
Right, what I earn I spend on scares,
Si no los encuentro me rebusco.
If I don't find them, I look for them.
Ya estoy cansado de estar,
I'm tired of being,
Viviendo encañonado por ese fusco.
Living in the barrel of that dark barrel.
Ya no hay libertad pues no hay cárceles pa' este busto.
There is no longer freedom because there are no prisons for this bust.
Es dejar que el Sol ilumine entre los arbustos.
It's letting the Sun illuminate among the bushes.
Traigo claridad para los nobles y los justos.
I bring clarity for the noble and the just.
Estoy sonando hard. Las fieras no se amansan.
I'm sounding hard. The beasts are not tamed.
Solo hay amargura y eso cansa.
There is only bitterness and that tires me.
Me cansan los discursos.
I'm tired of speeches.
Frases medidas hechas al uso.
Measured phrases made for use.
Yo seré las alas del iluso y...
I will be the wings of the naive and...
Seré el agua del mar.
I will be the water of the sea.
Dibujaré en la arena con mi lanza,
I will draw in the sand with my lance,
Figuras duraderas a imagen y semejanza.
Durable figures in the image and likeness.
Un guerrero no se rinde, no se cansa,
A warrior does not give up, does not get tired,
Y no hay nombre más bonito que Esperanza.
And there is no prettier name than Hope.
Calm down.
Levántate, mueve tus pies y avanza,
Get up, move your feet and go forward,
Intenta no perder la confianza.
Try not to lose confidence.
Calm down.
Un guerrero no se rinde, no descansa
A warrior does not give up, does not rest
Y no hay nombre más bonito que Esperanza.
And there is no prettier name than Hope.
Después de la tormenta siempre suele aclarar por norma,
After the storm, it usually clears up as a rule,
Aunque que poco ya les reconforta.
Although I know little comforts them anymore.
Intentan respirar pero es que apenas hay forma,
They try to breathe but there is barely a way,
Ya han perdido su camino y con motivos, normal que se escondan.
They have lost their way and with reasons, it's normal that they hide.
Van buscando felicidad,
They are looking for happiness,
A veces tan lejos y otras tan cerca en realidad están
Sometimes so far and sometimes so close in reality they are
De esa necesidad de la que detrás van,
From that need that they follow behind,
Con tanta oscuridad ya se precisa esperanza
With so much darkness, hope is already needed
Y no deja de sonar ése tam tam.
And that tam tam doesn't stop sounding.
No deja de soplar el viento nunca por nada y yo traigo ése respiro...
The wind never stops blowing for anything and I bring that breath...
Volante para darle a la vida ése giro,
Wheel to give life that turn,
Y los motivos pa' seguir y perseguir ése destino.
And the reasons to follow and pursue that destiny.
Seré el brillo del Sol, alumbraré un camino cristalino
I will be the shine of the Sun, I will illuminate a crystalline path
Pa' que nadie se sienta perdido en este rol.
So that no one feels lost in this role.
Sal del rincón donde te ocultas,
Come out of the corner where you hide,
Pues será mejor luchar que no rendirse,
Because it will be better to fight than not to give up,
La esperanza está a tu alrededor.
Hope is all around you.
Calm down.
Levántate, mueve tus pies y avanza,
Get up, move your feet and go forward,
Intenta no perder la confianza.
Try not to lose confidence.
Calm down.
Un guerrero no se rinde, no descansa
A warrior does not give up, does not rest
Y no hay nombre más bonito que Esperanza.
And there is no prettier name than Hope.
Hoy toca turno de réplica,
Today it's my turn to reply,
Recurro a la música,
I resort to music,
Mi voz y mi métrica me pueden calmar.
My voice and my metric can calm me down.
que aún me quedan vidas que levantar,
I know I still have lives to lift,
Dando suerte a tu partida en éste juego de azar, ¡Eh!
Giving luck to your departure in this game of chance, eh!
Hay algo que tengo y que nunca pierdo,
There is something I have and never lose,
Y que hay agua en medio de cualquier desierto.
And I know there is water in the middle of any desert.
Nada termina hasta formar parte del suelo
Nothing ends until it becomes part of the ground
Y suelo ser quien da esperanza y de ella me alimento man.
And I tend to be the one who gives hope and I feed on it man.
Sigan y aguanten.
Keep going and hold on.
No hay nada perdido en la vida, vuelve a levantarte.
Nothing is lost in life, get up again.
Sigan y aguanten.
Keep going and hold on.
Que aún queda tiempo para echar a andar.
There is still time to get going.
Sigan y aguanten.
Keep going and hold on.
Cansado de sufrir, para y vuelve a empezar.
Tired of suffering, stop and start again.
Sigan y aguanten.
Keep going and hold on.
Sigan y aguanten porque nada nos puede parar.
Keep going and hold on because nothing can stop us.
Calm down.
Levántate, mueve tus pies y avanza,
Get up, move your feet and go forward,
Intenta no perder la confianza.
Try not to lose confidence.
Calm down.
Un guerrero no se rinde, no descansa
A warrior does not give up, does not rest
Y no hay nombre más bonito que Esperanza.
And there is no prettier name than Hope.

Writer(s): Bruno Garcia, Ivan Francisco Da Roman Montoya, Abdou Fatha Seck, El Hadji Mansour Jac Sagna, Mamadou Lamine(daara Seck

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