El Super Nuevo - Cuernú - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Super Nuevo - Cuernú

A mi amigo le están diciendo
My friend is being told
Que su mujer le está pegando cuerno'
That his wife is cheating on him
Y yo na' más veo, y yo na' más veo
And I just see, and I just see
Que todo' los vierne' sale de rumba
That every Friday she goes out clubbing
Y siempre regresa' todo' los lune' con un divareo
And she always comes back every Monday with a strange man
Con un divareo
With a strange man
En eso yo no me meto (Meto), eso no es problema mío
I'm not getting involved (Involved), that's not my problem
Una ve' me metí al medio y fui yo quien salió jodio'
Once I got involved and I was the one who got screwed
Le compró un apartamento (-mento), se metió en pila' de lío
He bought her an apartment (-ment), got himself into a lot of trouble
Y ella mangando con el vecino
And she was hooking up with the neighbor
Pobre del amigo mío (No le gusta que le digan)
Poor my friend (He doesn't like to be told)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu' (El tipo lo que e', e' un)
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold (The guy is a)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu' (En la calle le dicen)
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold (They call him that in the street)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu' (Él sabe que e' un)
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold (He knows he's a)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Le pone sus cuarto', paga el salón
He gives her his money, pays for the rent
Le pone pa' las uña', pa'l pantalón
He pays for her nails, her clothes
Le compra pa'l de Jumbo en el colmadón
He buys her groceries at the supermarket
Y él lo que no sabe e' que un santo cachón
And he doesn't know that he's a big cuckold
Ella dice que lo quiere (Quiere)
She says that she loves him (Loves him)
Y él siempre se deja jode'
And he always lets her screw him over
Pero e' que mi vieja me dice
But my old lady told me
Que no hay peor ciego que aquel que no quiere ve'
There's no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see
Por mujere' nadie se muere
No one dies for women
Pero él no me quiere cree'
But he doesn't want to believe me
Entonce', que siga aguantando sus cuerno'
So let him keep putting up with her cheating
Porque más nada se puede hacer (No le gusta que le digan)
Because there's nothing else that can be done (He doesn't like to be told)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu' (El tipo lo que e', e' un)
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold (The guy is a)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu' (En la calle le dicen)
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold (They call him that in the street)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu' (Él sabe que e' un)
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold (He knows he's a)
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Cuernu', cuernu', cuernu', cuernu'
Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold, cuckold
Apaga el teléfono cuando sale
She turns off her phone when she goes out
Luego le dice que no había señal
Then she tells him that there was no signal
O que estaba visitando un tío enfermo
Or that she was visiting a sick uncle
Que estaba interno en el hospital
Who was in the hospital
Ahora está preña' y le dice que e' de él
Now she's pregnant and she tells him that it's his
Por eso no creo en una mujer
That's why I don't believe in women
Mejor prefiero creerle a mi vieja
I'd rather believe my old lady
Porque esa nunca me quiere joder
Because she never wants to screw me over
Él no quiere perder su mujer
He doesn't want to lose his wife
Él no quiere que ella se vaya
He doesn't want her to go away
Él prefiere que se lo' pegue
He'd rather she cheat on him
Pero que no lo deje
But not leave him
Él no quiere perder su mujer
He doesn't want to lose his wife
Él no quiere que ella se vaya
He doesn't want her to go away
Él prefiero que se lo' pegue
He'd rather she cheat on him
Pero que no lo deje
But not leave him

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