El Tachi feat. El Blopa & Combo - Sentimientos de Papel - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais El Tachi feat. El Blopa & Combo - Sentimientos de Papel

Sentimientos de Papel
Paper Feelings
Tiene novio nuevo y faltas no haces ninguna
You have a new boyfriend, and you don't miss me at all.
No puedes borrar con lapiz lo que yo escribi con
You can't erase with a pencil what I wrote with [ink?]
Pero no podras borrarme de tu pecho
But you won't be able to erase me from your chest.
Bloquearme en Instagram, pero igual me seguiras
Block me on Instagram, but you'll still follow me.
Porque una de tus amigas te prestara el celular
Because one of your friends will lend you her phone.
Y las noticias en el barrio corren a diario
And the news in the neighborhood spreads daily.
Necesitabas amor y elegiste un monetario
You needed love, and you chose a moneybag.
Haz lo que creas necesario pa olvidame
Do what you think is necessary to forget me.
Lo necesario pa borrame
What's necessary to erase me.
De hace tiempo yo lo veo
I've seen it for a while now.
No crees en el amor si no en mi culeo
You don't believe in love, only in my loving.
Haz lo necesario pa olvidame
Do what you think is necessary to forget me.
Lo necesario pa borrame
What's necessary to erase me.
De hace tiempo yo lo veo
I've seen it for a while now.
No crees en el amor tu crees en el dinero
You don't believe in love, you believe in money.
Cuando me ves sigues sintiendo mariposas
When you see me, you still get butterflies.
Si te dicen que salgo con otra te pones monstrosa
If they tell you I'm seeing someone else, you get monstrous.
En la calle aparentando que por el tu estas loca
On the street, pretending that you're crazy about him.
Y aveces sin querer le dices Blopa
And sometimes you accidentally call him "Blopa".
Que estoy siempre en linea eso te cabrea
The fact that I'm always online pisses you off.
Quiere decir que todavia me deseas
It means you still want me.
El amor es de dos pero por que no lo redondeas?
Love is a two-way street, but why don't you round it up?
El es el que paga yo voy a hacer el que te cuerea
He's the one who pays, I'll be the one who rocks your world.
Esta es la propuesta correcta
This is the right proposal.
Yo se que con el toavia no te cuestas
I know you haven't slept with him yet.
Dices estar lejos de mi te afecta
You say being away from me affects you.
Bueno me chateas te dejo la puerta abierta
Well, text me, I'll leave the door open.
Haz lo que creas necesario pa olvidame
Do what you think is necessary to forget me.
Lo necesario pa borrame
What's necessary to erase me.
De hace tiempo yo lo veo
I've seen it for a while now.
No crees en el amor si no en mi culeo
You don't believe in love, only in my loving.
Haz lo necesario pa olvidame
Do what you think is necessary to forget me.
Lo necesario pa borrame
What's necessary to erase me.
De hace tiempo yo lo veo
I've seen it for a while now.
Y como dice Sech...
And like Sech says...
El manual de amor dice besala rico y dile cosas tiernas
The love manual says kiss her good and tell her sweet things.
Pero no tenia amor en el pecho sino en las piernas
But you didn't have love in your chest, just in your legs.
Dinero primero que corazon buscando lo monetario
Money first than heart, looking for the monetary.
Y has tenido varios, si me han dicho
And you've had several, or so I've been told.
Algunos conocidos que estando comido
Some acquaintances, while already spoken for,
Se acosto hasta con cupido
Even slept with Cupid.
Dice el señor Whatsapp que no ha nacido
Mr. WhatsApp says he wasn't born yet.
Otro como yo que lo han dejado en leido
Another one like me who's been left on "read".
Y cuando estabas molesta cambiabas el estado
And when you were upset, you would change your status.
Pensando que con otra chica he estado
Thinking that I was with another girl.
Celos malditos celos dañaron esto
Jealousy, damn jealousy, ruined this.
Si alguna vez regresare, mejor no contesto
If I ever come back, it's best I don't answer.
Haz lo necesario pa olvidame
Do what you think is necessary to forget me.
Lo necesario pa borrame
What's necessary to erase me.
De hace tiempo yo lo veo
I've seen it for a while now.
Y como dice el Blopa
And as Blopa says:
No cres en mi amor si no en mi Cule'o
You don't believe in my love, only in my loving.
Haz lo necesario pa' olvidarme
Do what's necessary to forget me.
Lo necesario pa borrarme
What's necessary to erase me.
De hace tiempo yo lo veo
I've seen it for a long time.
Y como dice el Tachi...
And as El Tachi says...
Que aunque el duerma contigo
Even though he sleeps with you,
En tu pensamiento amanezco
I'm in your thoughts when you wake up.
Y en tu fondo de pantalla permanezco
And I remain on your lock screen.
Tu mongol que no alegue sin base
Your silly girl, don't argue without a basis.
Que la mente dice que si
Your mind says yes,
Pero el corazon ruega que no te cases con aquel
But your heart begs you not to marry that guy.
Porque lo que sientes por el
Because what you feel for him,
Yo lo he titulado sentimientos de papel
I've titled it "paper feelings."
Y yo soy el agua que los puede mojar
And I am the water that can wet them,
Pero su plata es el sol que los puede secar
But his money is the sun that can dry them.
Clarita estas pero te haces la boba
You're smart, but you play dumb.
Cuidao que te robo y no llegas a la boda
Be careful, I'll steal you away before you get to the wedding.
El dice que es mente
He says it's all in your head,
Y no sabe quien te soba
And doesn't know who's caressing you.
Si pa ti soy como las Converse
If I'm like Converse to you,
Nunca paso de moda
I never go out of style.
Para siempre never forever
Forever and always, never forever.
Pa pode cambia eso ni aunque un carro te mueva
Not even a car could change that.
Y el dia que ella se entere que tengo novia nueva
And the day she finds out I have a new girlfriend,
Pa llamame te va a pedi una tarjeta.
She'll be asking for my number to call me.
Que no te enomoras no digas que la culpa es mia busca una brujula
Don't fall in love, don't blame it on me, get a compass.
Porque siento que anda perdida porque te deje
Because I feel like you're lost because I left you.
Siento que estas jodida y en mi celular buco llama perdida
I feel like you're screwed and I look for missed calls on my phone.

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