El Tigrillo Palma - Los Pelones - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction El Tigrillo Palma - Los Pelones

Los Pelones
The Bald Ones
Cachucha camuflajiadaaaaaaaaaas
Camo caps
Al estilo militaaaaaaaar
Military style
En los que cargar ni puedes
You can't even carry anything in them
Cuando los mando a shambiar
When I send you to shamble
Cherrokee 4x4
Cherrokee 4x4
Con radio y su celulaaaar
With a radio and your cell phone
Les dicen los 3 pelooonees
They call them the 3 bald ones
Por que siempre andan rapados
Because they're always shaved
Si les asigno un trabajo
If I give them a job
Lo asen y se ven calmados
They do it and they seem calm
Las cobarlos los traisioonaaaaan
The cowards betray them
Tienen medio alteradooos
They have them half worked up
Aya en phoenix, Arisona
Over there in Phoenix, Arizona
La vendio en el cuatestiddoo
You sold it in the kitchen
De un agarre por mañosos
From a grab of roughnecks
Ay perdimos a un amigo
There we lost a friend
Aqui nomas 3 peloneeees
Here just 3 bald guys
Con purroos cuerrnos de chivvooo
With pure goat horns
Qerian tumbarnos la merkaaa
They wanted to knock over our merchandise
Y la vida les coostoooooo
And it cost them their lives
Qe pelada la agarraron
What a beating they took
Le gritaba aquel pelon
That bald guy was yelling at him
Yo solo muerto les ballo
I only dance with the dead
Las ordenes al patron
The orders to the boss
En un reten militaaaar
At a military checkpoint
Del famosos desengañoooo
Of the famous Disenchanted
En una cherokee verde
In a green Cherokee
Los chavalos le pasaron
The kids passed him
Aqui nomas 3 pelones
Here just 3 bald guys
Los soldados comentarroon
The soldiers commented

Writer(s): Efrén Aguilar

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