Eldorado Red - 23 & 1 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Eldorado Red - 23 & 1

23 & 1
23 & 1
Hiljadu planova u glavi mi odjekuje
A thousand words in my head
Hiljadu dlanova me čeka da im repujem
There's a thousand hands waiting for me
U hiljadu stanova smo vodili kurvetine
In a thousand homes, we have taken
U redu je što više je ne zovem kad se prebijem
It's okay that I don't call her anymore when I beat myself up.
Promenili smo štekove, ulaze i kartice
We changed the stacks, the entrances and the cards.
U kraju sve je isto samo javi se i vadi se
In the end it's all the same just call and get out
Ne palim se ko mlađi, jer naš'o sam rešenje
I don't want to get any younger because I have a solution.
Ispred mene su zadaci, prepreke i izvršenje, mirno!
In front of me are tasks, obstacles and execution, calm!
Mnogi frajeri su sad na kraju litice
A lot of guys are at the end of the cliff now
Na tuđoj nesreći kad misliš da si biznismen
When you think you're a businessman
Sa 27 već im fali pola vilice
At 27, they're missing half a jaw.
Al' stignu ih žandari, iz marice od Ivice
And they came out of the green, from the
(U krivinu, u krivinu?)
Ja sam namazan i pohlepan
I'm greased and greedy
Al' svoje najbliže u oči smem da pogledam
I can see the closest thing in my eyes
Naše majke nisu srozane već ponosne
Our mothers aren't broken, they're proud
Iako život stalno šiba nas uz konopce
Though life keeps beating us up by the ropes
Čovek pamti samo lepe stvari
A man remembers only beautiful things
Loše ostaju k'o pocepani memoari
It's like a broken memoir
Na starim slikama u krilu Deda Mraza sediš
You're sitting on Santa's lap
Od paketića sad su razbijeni, natečeni
The packages are now broken, swollen
Ne okrećem se nazad ne gledam
I don't look back, I don't look back
To me stigne samo previše kad preteram
It only gets me too much when I go too far
U starim patikama igrao sam kao mali,
I used to play in old shoes when I was a kid.,
A sad na gajbi imam nenošenih 7 pari!
And now I have 7 pairs in the crib!
(Kunem se!)
(I swear!)
Meni pale moji planovi
My plans are falling for me.
To nije sreća nego oznojeni dlanovi
It's not luck but sweaty palms
Ne spavamo noćima, u studiju do jutra sam,
We don't sleep at night, I'm in the studio till morning,
Treća zora budan sam, muzika mi uzme san!
I wake up in the morning and the music takes my dream.
Ti bi hteo da živiš, to što vidiš na TV-u
You want to live, what you see on TV
Nekom Ceca u BMW-u, neko s' njom u KZB-u
Someone in a BMW, someone in a BMW.
I dok tatini mezimci naskijaju celu platu
And while dad's pets are squandering their entire paycheck
Ja u ranu zoru propadam na šipkama u parku!
At dawn, I fall on the poles in the park!

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