Elemental - Breza - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Elemental - Breza

Najteže od svih težina
The most difficult of all difficulties
Priznat je da si sretan,
Is to admit that you are happy,
Lakše je skriti lice
It is easier to hide your face
I biti zagonetan.
And be enigmatic.
Sreća je disciplina
Happiness is a discipline
U kaosu naći nit,
In chaos to find a thread,
Ne puštaj me samu
Don't leave me alone
U taj sjebani labirint.
In that fucking labyrinth.
Jer netko te vidi
Because someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Netko te vidi
Someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Najteže od svih težina
The most difficult of all difficulties
Nosit je teret sam,
Is to bear the burden alone,
Podvuci i podijeli s dva
Underwrite it and divide it by two
I više nisi zagonetan.
And you are no longer enigmatic.
Možda se bojim voljet
Maybe I'm afraid to love
Al' kad zagrljaj usfali,
But when the embrace withers,
Padam na testu samoće
I fail the test of loneliness
U dvoje lakše padati.
It is easier to fall in two.
Jer netko te vidi
Because someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Netko te vidi
Someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Godine te mijenjaju
Years change you
reći ćeš isto za mene,
You will say the same about me,
al' osmjeh isti taj
But that same smile
on nikada ne vene.
It never withers away.
Reći ćeš sasvim slučajno,
You will say it by chance,
a valjda tako je
And maybe that is how it should be
trebalo je godina da opet sretnu se ti pogledi,
It took years for our eyes to meet again,
davno zaboravili zašto,
Long forgotten why,
nije više bitno
It doesn't matter anymore
druge već se našlo
Others have already been found
ništa više nema od svih zajedničkih tema,
There is nothing more of all the common themes,
valjda je i tebi k'o meni sad malo trema.
Maybe you're nervous too
Sad kad već je tako, 'ajmo probiti taj led
Now that is the way it is, let's break this ice
sjest ćemo na kavu,
We'll sit down for a coffee,
valjda tako je i red.
Maybe that's the way it is.
Pričat ćeš mi svašta, samo smješkat ću se,
You will tell me everything, but I will only smile,
eto ne znam što bi rek'o na to
I don't know what to say to it
čudno mi je sve to;
It's strange to me;
kazat ću ti "javi se", sa figom iza leđa
I will tell you "call me" with a fig behind my back
poljubit te obraz
Kiss your cheek
površno da ne vrijeđa,
Superficially so as not to hurt,
poći svojim putem
Go my own way
nastavit taj dan
Continue the day
jebe se tebi kako se osjećam.
Fuck you how I feel.
Jer netko te vidi
Because someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Netko te vidi
Someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Netko te vidi
Someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
Netko te vidi
Someone sees you
Golog kao brezu,
Naked like a birch tree,
Netko je tvoje sidro
Someone is your anchor
Na divljem vezu.
On a wild raft.
The end

Writer(s): Mirela Priselac, Ivan Vodopijec, Luka Tralic, Erol Zejnilovic, Konrad Lovrencic, Davor Zanoski, Vida Manestar

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