Elemental - Goli I Bosi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elemental - Goli I Bosi

Goli I Bosi
Naked and Barefoot
Bacili smo sve u vjetar, žongleri
We threw it all to the wind, jugglers we became
Skinuli odijela sjajna, po mjeri
Took off our tailored suits, shiny and famed
Riješili sve poslat k vragu, u sebi
Decided to send it all to hell, within our souls
Zapalili trag travi - što ne bi?
Set fire to the grass's trail - why not, let's lose control
Nije lako, okolina gledat će te prijeko
It's not easy, those around will judge and frown
Ako radiš nešto drugo što već nije neko
If you're doing something different, not the norm in town
Nije život ko iz knjige, strana slijedi stranu
Life's not a book, page after page in line
Najbolji si kada šiješ sam po svome planu
You're at your best when stitching by your own design
Okreni se oko sebe, jesi li sretan?
Look around, tell me, are you truly content?
Sve je forma, sve je vrh, al' nisi kompletan
Everything's perfect, top-notch, but you're not yet spent
Suze sina razmetnoga liješ na šanku
Tears of the prodigal son you shed upon the bar
Uzeo si krivu mladu, oženio banku
You took the wrong bride, married a money jar
Mislili ste, nema šanse upasti u zamku
You thought you wouldn't fall into the trap, so sly
Pažljivo ste odabrali onu vašu stranku
Carefully you chose your own political tie
Zgrnuli ste pare ko da je to put do sreće
You raked in the cash like it's the path to bliss
Ali pare nikada u grob ponijet nećeš
But money you'll never take to the grave's abyss
A mi imamo samo vjetar u kosi
And we only have the wind in our hair
Osmijeh na licu što prkosi
A smile on our faces that dares to stare
Sretni smo sami, goli i bosi na ulici
Happy we are, naked and barefoot on the street
A mi imamo samo vjetar u kosi
And we only have the wind in our hair
Osmijeh na licu što prkosi
A smile on our faces that dares to stare
Sretni smo sami, goli i bosi na ulici
Happy we are, naked and barefoot on the street
Vozili smo krivom trakom i u kontra smjeru
We drove in the wrong lane, against the flow
Izbjegli da slupamo se u prvu banderu
Avoided crashing into the first lamp post, you know
Nastavili tako jer smo htjeli da nas puca
Continued on this way, 'cause we wanted to feel alive
Smijali se dok su nas sprovodili do suca
Laughed as they dragged us to the judge's hive
Pratili smo svoje snove, zatvorili oči
We followed our dreams, with closed eyes we soared
Spavali smo danju, izlazili smo po noći
Slept through the day, and at night we explored
Napravili nešto da se pamti godinama
Did something to be remembered for years to come
Rekli ste da nije nešto u redu sa nama
You said there's something wrong with us, are we numb?
Ne treba nam tuđa ruka, ni sigurno krilo
We don't need another's hand, nor a safe wing
Bacamo se pred lavove što god da bilo
We throw ourselves to the lions, no matter what they bring
Pitamo što ne smije se, smijemo se glasno
We ask what shouldn't be asked, laugh out loud and free
Nemamo sve odgovore, al' sve nam je jasno
Don't have all the answers, but everything's clear, you see
Pali smo od alkohola i od lake droge
We fell from alcohol and from easy drugs' sway
Pljunuli smo krv i opet ustali na noge
Spat up blood and got back on our feet to play
Plesali smo "Happy" dok se svijet krenuo rušit
Danced "Happy" as the world began to fall apart
Počeli smo motat da ne prestanemo pušit
Started rolling so we wouldn't have to restart
A mi imamo samo vjetar u kosi
And we only have the wind in our hair
Osmijeh na licu što prkosi
A smile on our faces that dares to stare
Sretni smo sami, goli i bosi na ulici
Happy we are, naked and barefoot on the street
A mi imamo samo vjetar u kosi
And we only have the wind in our hair
Osmijeh na licu što prkosi
A smile on our faces that dares to stare
Sretni smo sami, goli i bosi na ulici
Happy we are, naked and barefoot on the street
Mi smo izrasli iz asfalta
We grew from the asphalt
Kao šaren cvijet iz kamena
Like a colorful flower from stone
Djeca ulica i zidova
Children of the streets and walls
To smo mi, to smo mi
That's who we are, that's who we are
Život naš je bez iluzija
Our life is without illusions
Stojimo čvrsto na nogama
We stand firmly on our feet
Sanjamo u žarkim bojama
We dream in vibrant colors
To smo mi, to smo mi
That's who we are, that's who we are
Mi imamo samo vjetar u kosi
We only have the wind in our hair
Osmijeh na licu što prkosi
A smile on our faces that dares to stare
Sretni smo sami, goli i bosi na ulici
Happy we are, naked and barefoot on the street
Mi imamo samo vjetar u kosi
We only have the wind in our hair
Osmijeh na licu što prkosi
A smile on our faces that dares to stare
Sretni smo sami, goli i bosi na ulici
Happy we are, naked and barefoot on the street

Writer(s): Mirela Priselac, Ivan Vodopijec, Luka Tralic, Erol Zejnilovic, Konrad Lovrencic, Davor Zanoski, Vida Manestar

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