Elemental - Hej Slaveni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elemental - Hej Slaveni

Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Oprostite što nosim svu tu prtljagu
I'm sorry for carrying all this baggage
što ju raspakiravam pred vama u Strasbourgu i Haagu
that I'm unpacking it in front of you in Strasbourg and The Hague
što dolazim s torbom punom lokalnih sranja
that I come with a bag full of local shit
što zovem se Edin, Đorđe ili Sanja
that my name is Edin, Đorđe or Sanja
dopustite da budem građanin svijeta
Let me be a citizen of the world
neopterećen jarmom balkanskog identiteta
Unburdened by the yoke of Balkan identity
da stvaram ispočetka i da krojim svoj put
To create anew and carve my own path
da odgovaram sebi i samo na sebe budem ljut.
To answer to myself and be angry only with myself.
I shvatite da to što nosim nije moje
And understand that what I carry is not mine
da su drugi po meni šarali sve te nacionalne boje,
That others drew all those national colors on me
da sam odgajan da mrzim al' se mržnje sada sramim
That I was raised to hate but now I am ashamed of hatred
da drugi su htjeli na istoku da se osamim
That others wanted me to isolate myself in the east
i shvatite da ja jesam to što jesam
And understand that I am what I am
da moje znanje i sposobnost definiraju što sam
That my knowledge and ability define what I am
da je pun kurac više to što nosim ovo breme
That it is enough to carry this burden any longer
uzmite si i nosite sve te vaše probleme
Take your problems and carry them all
Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Još ste živi,
You're still alive
a davno trebali ste nestati
But you should have been gone long ago
Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Vaše vatre još gore,
Your fires still burn
ne daju mi disati.
They won't let me breathe.
Na čijoj si ti strani, čiji, čiji si ti, mali
Whose side are you on, whose are you, little one
Okrećeš li kaput koji su ti dali
Do you turn the coat they gave you
Mijenjaš li boje poput kameleona
Do you change colors like a chameleon
Gdje tvoj distrikt, gdje je tvoja zona.
Where is your district, where is your zone.
A ja bi najradije da nestanem
But I would rather disappear
Sram me, postidim se kad izreknem
I am ashamed, I am embarrassed when I say
Odakle sam, tko sam, jer važu mi težinu
Where I'm from, who I am, because they weigh me down
A najrađe bih sve poslala u materinu.
And I would rather send it all to hell.
Podvuk'o bih crtu i krenuo ispočetka
I would draw a line and start over
U zemlji gdje kuće nemaju rupe od metka,
In a land where houses have no bullet holes,
I kvragu vaši ratovi i s vašeg stola mrvice
And to hell with your wars and the crumbs from your table,
I k vragu vaše Ruže hrvatske i Titove ljubice
And to hell with your Croatian Roses and Tito's violets
I kvragu vaše doktrine i veliki nam vođe,
And to hell with your doctrines and our great leaders,
a sve me to glođe, do kosti me to glođe
But it all gnaws at me, it gnaws at me to the bone
Raspižđen i lud, ovo krik je u tami
Crucified and mad, this is a cry in the darkness
Jebem vam mater, snać ćemo se mi sami.
Fuck you, we'll handle this ourselves.
Čovjek bez naroda,
A man without a people,
Čovjek bez amblema,
A man without an emblem,
Čovjek bez himne
A man without a hymn
je čovjek bez problema.
Is a man without problems.
Čovjek bez naroda,
A man without a people,
Čovjek bez amblema,
A man without an emblem,
Čovjek bez himne
A man without a hymn
je čovjek bez problema.
Is a man without problems.
Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Još ste živi,
You're still alive
a davno trebali ste nestati
But you should have been gone long ago
Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Vaše vatre još gore,
Your fires still burn
ne daju mi disati.
They won't let me breathe.
Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Još ste živi,
You're still alive
a davno trebali ste nestati
But you should have been gone long ago
Hej Slaveni
Hey Slavs
Vaše vatre još gore,
Your fires still burn
ne daju mi disati.
They won't let me breathe.
The end

Writer(s): Mirela Priselac, Ivan Vodopijec, Luka Tralic, Erol Zejnilovic, Konrad Lovrencic, Davor Zanoski, Vida Manestar

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