Elemental - Zašto Te Imam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elemental - Zašto Te Imam

Zašto Te Imam
Why Do I Have You
Stavljali su plakate sa nekom pametnom frazom, tvoje
They put up posters with some clever phrase, your
Lice sa kravatom i nekim polu-tupim izrazom
Face with a tie and a half-stupid expression
Američkim smiješkom, onako ni vrit ni mimo, nakon
An American smile, neither here nor there, after
Dva'est dana nacrtane brkove ti bi im'o
Twenty days you would have had a drawn-on mustache
Al' prošlo je - i mi smo popušili spiku, dali ti
But it passed - and we fell for the talk, gave you
Taj prokleti glas na lijepe oči, valjda na sliku smo
That damn vote based on pretty eyes, I guess we
Pali - ti si se dočepo fotelje, ušo u
Fell for the image - you got to the armchair, entered the
Sabor, šutio, pustio da neko drugi melje
Parliament, kept silent, let someone else grind
Ušo bi u dvoranu kad rekli bi "dižu se ruke" preko
You would enter the hall when they said "hands are raised" through
Veze u neki upravni odbor upao bez muke
Connections you got into some management board without effort
Plaća je rasla, u saboru nisi reko ništa
The salary grew, you didn't say anything in parliament
Radije cijeli dan u kantini uz dva gemišta
Rather all day in the canteen with two gemišts
Riješio si za stranca neke građevinske dozvole, od
You solved some building permits for a foreigner, from
Grada da dobije zemlju da shopping centar otvore
The city to get land for a shopping center to open
Uzeo si proviziju, kupio stan u gradu, imao
You took a commission, bought an apartment in the city, had
Jako skup auto za ić' na sjednicu u vladu
A very expensive car to go to a government meeting
Kolotečina te uzela, fino si se uljuljao, u samo
The rut took you, you lulled yourself nicely, in just
Nekoliko godina daleko si dogurao od
A few years you've come a long way from
Običnog činovnika, kroz rat u mjesnoj zajednici,
An ordinary clerk, through the war in the local community,
U civilnoj zaštiti do stranke pa u središnjici, pa
In civil protection to the party and then in the headquarters, so
Eto ti izbori sugrađani vole te, sad
Here are the elections your fellow citizens love you, now
Tu si di jesi, ma dobro je, ma boli te
You are where you are, well it's good, you don't care
Tu si di jesi, ma dobro je, ma boli te
You are where you are, well it's good, you don't care
Tu si di jesi, ma jebo narod, boli te...
You are where you are, fuck the people, you don't care...
Zašto te imam kad ne daješ mi ništa
Why do I have you when you give me nothing
Zašto te imam kada ne čuješ moj glas
Why do I have you when you don't hear my voice
Da li padnem koji put ja na pamet
Do I ever cross your mind
Dal' ikad staneš malo pomisliš na nas?
Do you ever stop and think about us?
Tko bi rek'o, kako je vrijeme proteklo dok si uživao
Who would have thought how time flew by while you enjoyed yourself
Evo opet izbora, opet si se kandidirao.
Here are the elections again, you've run again.
I kupio medije, izlijeto iz pašteta
And bought the media, poured out of the pate
Nastupao pod sloganom "Izbacimo što narodu smeta"
Performed under the slogan "Let's throw out what bothers the people"
A zapravo, nisi znao što se zbivalo,
But in fact, you didn't know what was going on,
Zaglibio si preduboko da bi razlučivao.
You were too deep in the mud to distinguish.
Al' još jedna pobjeda i zastupnički honorar,
But another victory and a parliamentary fee,
Iz oporbe i stranke svi su skandirali "Ti si car"
From the opposition and the party everyone chanted "You are the king"
Bio si u odborima, rezo vrpce crvene
You were on committees, cutting red ribbons
Radio ispod radara uz mito i koverte.
Worked under the radar with bribes and envelopes.
Milijuni kuna na računu se talože,
Millions of kuna are deposited in the account,
Svi te mole za pomoć, uz tvoj potpis sve se može
Everyone begs you for help, with your signature everything is possible
Ulizivo se tajkunima, ljubio si satove,
You were sucking up to tycoons, kissing watches,
Prodao si dignitet za drago kamenje
You sold your dignity for precious stones
Zavarao si narod, pokazao im srednjak
You deceived the people, showed them the middle finger
A oni su mislili da si poštenjak
And they thought you were an honest man
On je prekrasan čovjek i radišan idealist
He is a wonderful person and a hardworking idealist
A prije par godina najžešći komunist
And a few years ago the most ardent communist
On se bori za narod i kaže da je humanist
He fights for the people and says he is a humanist
A na naš trošak on je hedonist.
And at our expense he is a hedonist.
Al je stislo, ti mediji, teško ih kontrolirat
But it's tight, those media, it's hard to control them
Počeli čačkat i kopat tamo di se ne smije dirat
They started digging and digging where you shouldn't touch
Nekom obrve se digle, Uskok upetljao prste
Someone's eyebrows went up, Uskok got involved
Ali ne mogu ništa, nemaju dokaze čvrste
But they can't do anything, they don't have solid evidence
Izgubio si razum, gramzivo grabio za sebe
You lost your mind, greedily grabbing for yourself
Ne daj Bože da masa digne glas protiv tebe.
God forbid the masses raise their voices against you.
Otpuhivao si cigaru s prozora urbane vile bez papira
You blew cigar smoke from the window of an urban villa without papers
Nedodirljiv gad bez duševnog mira.
An untouchable bastard without peace of mind.
Stolac ti se zatreso zbog istražnog zahtjeva
Your chair shook because of the investigation request
I afere izgrađenog shopping centra bez dozvola
And the affair of the built shopping center without permits
Uz povlačenje veza, zataškalo se sve,
With the withdrawal of connections, everything was covered up,
Vrijeme liječi rane, ljudi brzo zaborave.
Time heals wounds, people quickly forget.

Writer(s): Davor Zanoški, Erol Zejnilović, Ivan Vodopijec, Konrad Lovrenčić, Luka Tralić, Mirela Priselac, Vida Manestar

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