Elena Burke - Todo y Nada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elena Burke - Todo y Nada

Todo y Nada
Everything and Nothing
La vida esta repleta, de situaciones como esta.
Life is full of situations like this.
De personas que dicen adiós cuando en realidad,
Of people who say goodbye when in reality,
Solo es un hasta pronto.
It's just a see you soon.
Ya que, no sabes si esa misma persona, volverá a
Because you don't know if that same person will ever
Entrar algún día en tu vida, a lo largo del camino.
Come back into your life somewhere along the way.
Pase contigo media vida pero no tuve valor
I spent half my life with you but I didn't have the courage
Pare escoger un camino entre soledad y amor
To choose a path between loneliness and love
Y entonces la luz de mi destino me guio
And then the light of my destiny guided me
Hacia un futuro taciturno que mi corazón siguió
Towards a taciturn future that my heart followed
Cariño, ya no mires al cielo suplicando
Darling, don't look at the sky pleading
Yo iré mirando al suelo cuando tu alma este llorando
I will look down at the ground when your soul is crying
Solo queda olvidar, y recordar aquellos días en que tu
All that remains is to forget, and remember those days when you
Y yo nos seguíamos amando.
And I kept loving each other.
No imaginas cuanto guardo, dentro del corazón tengo tu
You can't imagine how much I keep, inside my heart I have your
Foto rota y sin embargo.
Photo torn and yet.
Me cuesta respirar por mi alma sigue llorando pensando
It's hard for me to breathe because my soul keeps crying thinking
Cada momento en el que te estaba besando.
Every moment when I was kissing you.
El llanto se apodero de cada sensación
Crying took hold of every sensation
El viento borro la fecha que yo escribí con ilusión
The wind erased the date I wrote with hope
Y estando un poco mas lejos de la pasión discutiendo
And being a little further away from passion, arguing
Cada segundo robándonos la razón
Every second, robbing us of reason
Y donde estabas cuando sufría
And where were you when I was suffering
Dime un día en que no me mintieras tan solo un día
Tell me a day when you didn't lie to me, just one day
Una mirada sincera que devolviera la fe
A sincere look that would restore faith
Solo el silencio sabrá lo que yo siempre calle
Only silence will know what I always kept quiet
Y no me pidas que vuelva porque no pienso volver
And don't ask me to come back because I don't plan to come back
Todo lo que compartimos tu y yo quedo en el ayer
Everything you and I shared remains in yesterday
Y no me hablas ya más, si no supiste querer
And you don't talk to me anymore, if you didn't know how to love
Lo que hagas con los demás ya no lo quiero saber.
What you do with others I don't want to know anymore.
Que se supone que tenia que hacer si un día mas era
What was I supposed to do if one more day was
Un motivo mas para alejarme de ti
One more reason to get away from you
A donde tenia que marcharme, no lo sabia ni dios ni
Where I had to go, neither God nor
Yo quería apartarme pero escúchame.
I wanted to leave, but listen to me.
El tiempo pasando y yo buscando respuestas, tu solo
Time passing and me looking for answers, you just
Hacías preguntas, la vida no contesta!
You asked questions, life doesn't answer!
Préstame atención, sabes que fui el primero, yo te
Pay attention to me, you know I was the first, I
Ame con locura, pero ya nada espero.
I loved you madly, but I don't expect anything anymore.
Fue sincero el amor que sintió mi corazón
The love my heart felt was sincere
Pero a pesar de todo aquello, de nada sirvió
But despite all that, it was all for nothing
La ilusión que puse en esto, se desvaneció,
The hope I put into this vanished,
Dejando solo un gran dolor.
Leaving only a great pain.
Si al despertar tengo tu cara que tenia y de
If when I wake up I have your face that I had and suddenly
Pronto ya no estas.
You are not here.
No paro de pensar que hay menos razones para
I can't stop thinking there are fewer reasons to
Continuar y amarte atrás.
Keep going and loving you back.
La magia se marcho, y todo, todo termino.
The magic is gone, and everything, everything is over.
No me cierres la puerta no dejes que otro la abra.
Don't close the door on me, don't let anyone else open it.
No te puedo explicar nada porque no quedan palabras.
I can't explain anything to you because there are no words left.
Mírame y veras, lo que pasea por mis ojos, eres tu
Look at me and you will see, what goes through my eyes is you
Esa lagrima que se pasea por mi faz
That tear that walks across my face
Estoy echando de menos algo que yo mismo deje
I miss something I left myself
Prefiero amarte que odiarte y no me preguntes porque.
I'd rather love you than hate you and don't ask me why.
Se que no hay otro placer, mas grande del que me dabas
I know there is no greater pleasure than what you gave me
El sexo nos daba el aire cuando el amor nos ahogaba.
Sex gave us air when love drowned us.
Pero ya esta, ya basta de recordar
But that's it, enough remembering
Tu eres libre y yo también pero no puedo volar
You are free and so am I but I can't fly
Porque tu tienes mis alas yo solo me las corte
Because you have my wings, I only cut them
Porque siempre te fue fiel
Because it was always faithful to you
Porque jamás te engañe (hoy vivo solo)
Because I never cheated on you (today I live alone)
Te di mi fe aunque sigo echo un lio
I gave you my faith even though I'm still a mess
No se si debo estar contigo porque en nada confio
I don't know if I should be with you because I don't trust anything
Te di mi corazón, sin embrago perdí la llave
I gave you my heart, however I lost the key
Quise que fueras feliz pero ya de nada me vale.
I wanted you to be happy but it's no use to me anymore.
Pero ya esta, ya basta de recordar
But that's it, enough remembering
Tu eres libre y yo también pero no puedo volar
You are free and so am I but I can't fly
Porque tu tienes mis alas yo solo me las corte
Because you have my wings, I only cut them
Porque siempre te fue fiel
Because it was always faithful to you
Porque jamás te engañe (hoy vivo solo)
Because I never cheated on you (today I live alone)
Te di mi fe aunque sigo echo un lio
I gave you my faith even though I'm still a mess
No se si debo estar contigo porque en nada confio
I don't know if I should be with you because I don't trust anything
Te di mi corazón, sin embrago perdí la llave
I gave you my heart, however I lost the key
Quise que fueras feliz pero ya de nada me vale.
I wanted you to be happy but it's no use to me anymore.
Fue sincero el amor que sintió mi corazón
The love my heart felt was sincere
Pero a pesar de todo aquello, de nada sirvió
But despite all that, it was all for nothing
La ilusión que puse en esto, se desvaneció,
The hope I put into this vanished,
Dejando solo un gran dolor.
Leaving only a great pain.
Si al despertar tengo tu cara que tenia y de pronto
If when I wake up I have your face that I had and suddenly
Ya no estas.
You are not here.
No paro de pensar que hay menos razones para continuar
I can't stop thinking there are fewer reasons to keep going
Y amarte atrás.
And loving you back.
La magia se marcho, y todo, todo terminooo.
The magic is gone, and everything, everything is overrr.
Nooo, todo terminoo, la magia se marchoo, nooo.
Nooo, everything is over, the magic is gone, nooo.
No me vale que me digas que todo cambiara, entiendes!
It's no use you telling me that everything will change, you understand!
De nada me valen ya las falsas esperanzas
False hopes are no longer valid to me
Ni tus te quiero, ni tu manera de actuar como si nada pasara!
Neither your I love yous, nor your way of acting as if nothing happened!
Como si todo lo que ocurrió se pudiera borrar sin más...
As if everything that happened could be erased just like that...
Ya todo se acabo vale??... ya TODO TERMINO...
Everything is over, ok??... EVERYTHING IS OVER...

Writer(s): Vicente Garrido

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