Elena Gadel - Agua - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Elena Gadel - Agua

Quan el dia desapareix em recorda al teu sentir.
When the day disappears, it reminds me of your feelings.
Que fàcil és recordar-te sense poder-te tenir.
How easy it is to remember you without being able to have you.
Amb la pluja m'agito, torno a veure'm tant buida i em desfaig,
With the rain I get agitated, I see myself so empty again and I melt away,
I crec veure't de lluny, torno a cridar-te en va.
And I think I see you from afar, I call out to you in vain again.
No em demanis que ho deixi, no ho intentis.
Don't ask me to let it go, don't even try.
No pateixes l' angoixa ni la pena,
You don't suffer the anguish or the pain,
Fes que marxi de mi aquesta pluja eterna...
Make this eternal rain go away...
No em demanis que ho deixi, no ho intentis ja més,
Don't ask me to let it go, don't try anymore,
Tu no pateixes la pena ni aquest terrible dolor...
You don't suffer the pain or this terrible heartache...
Aigua, amor dóna'm aigua
Water, love, give me water
Si no em dones amor, no què dir-te,
If you don't give me love, I don't know what to tell you,
Se m'esgota l'aire que respiro, s'acaba la inèrcia del destí,
I'm running out of air that I breathe, the inertia of fate is running out,
S'esgota el compàs del teu ritme i l'alegria
The beat of your rhythm and the joy is running out
Reconec aquesta estranya soledat que m'allunya de tu,
I recognize this strange loneliness that distances me from you,
Que no em deixa oblidar-te, m'acompanya a patir.
Which won't let me forget you, keeps me company in suffering.
El record em consola, i m'enganya i em calma la bogeria,
The memory consoles me, deceives me and calms my madness,
Però et busco, no et trobo i torno a perdre vida.
But I search for you, I can't find you and I lose my life again.
Aigua, amor dóna'm aigua
Water, love, give me water
Si no em dónes amor, no què dir-te,
If you don't give me love, I don't know what to tell you,
Se m'esgota l'aire que respiro, s'acaba la inèrcia del destí,
I'm running out of air that I breathe, the inertia of fate is running out,
S'esgota el compàs del teu ritme i l'alegria
The beat of your rhythm and the joy is running out
Aigua, amor dóna'm aigua
Water, love, give me water
Si no em dónes amor, no què dir-te
If you don't give me love, I don't know what to tell you
S'esgota l'aire que respiro
I am running out of air that I breathe
L'aire que respiro s'acaba...
The air I breathe is running out...

Writer(s): Antonio Pages Sors, Elena Delgado Uceda

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