Ich gspührs jede tag ich gspührs immer, wenns schön isch, wie schön das wär, wär de platz näb mir im Bett nöd leer.
I feel it every day, I always feel it, when it's beautiful, how beautiful it would be, if the place next to me in bed weren't empty.
Und mängisch stell mer vor, wied wartisch vorem Tor, und dänn fallsch mer um de hals und es wär alles wie damals.
And sometimes I imagine, how you would be in front of the door, and then you would fall into my arms and everything would be like it was then.
Mir chöntet eifach en schöne Abig verbringe, ich derft wieder für dich singe.
We could simply spend a beautiful evening together, I could sing for you again.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg und ich bin no da.
She is gone, she is gone and I am still here.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg denn sie het mich verlah
She is gone, she is gone because she left me.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg und ich bin no da.
She is gone, she is gone and I am still here.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg denn sie het mich verlah.
She is gone, she is gone because she left me.
Jede Auge woni gseh versuech di drinn zerchänne. Jedem Gruch wo nach dir schmöckt versuechi nazränne.
Every eye I see I try to recognize you in it. Every smell that smells like you I try to smell again.
Weiss isch schwieig sich demit abzfinde, das kei anderi Frau die sehensucht wird lindere, weisch.
I know that it's hard to accept, that no other woman will relieve the longing, you know.
Isch schwieig sich demit abzfinde, das kei anderi Frau wird chöne verhindere, dasmi immer wieder neu i dich verlieb, bi jedem, ablick vo dir verstierb, aber nei nei.
It's hard to accept that no other woman will be able to prevent me from falling in love with you again every time, dying at every glance of you, but no no.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg und ich bin no da.
She is gone, she is gone and I am still here.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg denn sie het mich verlah
She is gone, she is gone because she left me.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg und ich bin no da.
She is gone, she is gone and I am still here.
Sie isch wäg, sie isch wäg denn sie het mich verlah.
She is gone, she is gone because she left me.
Ma woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long i said
My woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long I said
Ma woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long and she wont come back again. And i'm waiting and when i she wont come back again, ima waiting and when i say
My woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long and she won't come back again. And I'm waiting and when I... she won't come back again, I'm waiting and when I say
Ma woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long i said
My woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long I said
Ma woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long and she wont come back again. And i'm waiting and when i she wont come back again, ima waiting and when i say
My woman, she's gone, she's gone for so long and she won't come back again. And I'm waiting and when I... she won't come back again, I'm waiting and when I say
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