Elisa Tovati feat. Matt Epp - 1,2,3,4 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elisa Tovati feat. Matt Epp - 1,2,3,4

D'abord on se rencontre, on s'y attendait pas
We bumped into each other, as if we had been expecting to
Il avait l'air un peu banal, il était assis
He looked a bit ordinary, just sitting there
Moi j'avais l'air de rien en buvant mon Coca
I didn't look like much, sipping on a Coke
Il s'est approché, il m'as dit Salut, ça vas?
He approached and said "Hi, how are you?"
The first message is the first rendez-vous
The first message is the first date
Look your best, be on time and above all this foule
Look your best, be on time, and above all else
Don't talk about your exes
Don't talk about your exes
(You better not)
(You better not)
Be cool, make her laugh, you know, blah blah blah
Be cool, make her laugh, you know, the usual
Se raconter nos vie et puis boire un peu trop
Telling each other about our lives and drinking a little too much
Avoir les yeux qui brillent et le trouver si beau
Our eyes sparkled and we found each other so wonderful
And a familiar feeling that it's all déjà vu
And a familiar feeling like it's all déjà vu
C'est fou ce qu'ils se ressemblent tous ces débiles
It's crazy how similar all these bozos are
And it goes one, two, three, four
And it goes one, two, three, four
You came and go, you say it's best
You came and went, you said it was for the best
Now just my body you undress
Now you're only undressing my body
We're two or one and one is left
We are two, or one, and one is left
Et c'est toujours la même histoire
And it's always the same story
Les mots d'amour et les promesses
The words of love and the promises
Les billet doux, les nuits d'ivresses
The love letters, the drunken nights
Nos corps et nos bouches qui se cherchent
Our bodies and our mouths searching for each other
C'est toujours la même histoire
It's always the same story
On vas au théâtre, au ciné
We go to the theatre, to the movies
On se fait des weekend a vélo
We spend weekends biking
On a mis l'truc à s'raconter
We got used to telling each other everything
On s'marre comme des ados
We laugh like teenagers
And I hang on every word, I feel you feeling me
And I hang on every word, I feel you feeling me
I love your mom, your sister, your cat, your clique
I love your mom, your sister, your cat, your crew
Ensuite c'est les projets, on parle d'avenir
Next it's plans, we talk about the future
On dit plus jour on dit ans
We no longer say days, we say years
C'est con, mais ça fait plaisir
It's silly but it makes us happy
Now we do couple things
Now we do couple things
And talk about only a couple things
And talk about only a couple things
The weather, our jobs, and maybe buying a couple rings
The weather, our jobs and maybe buying a couple rings
On part en vacance en Iceland, en Italie au Canada
We go on vacation to Iceland, Italy and Canada
Y'as un truc qui change, mais j'sais pas vraiment quoi
Something's changing, but I don't know what
Ce matin pour la première fois on avait rien a se dire
This morning, for the first time, we had nothing to say to each other
Et d'un coup, mon Dieu, c'est de pire en pire après
And suddenly, my god, it's getting worse and worse
Ça fait un, deux, trois, quatre
It makes one, two, three, four
You came and go, you say it's best
You came and went, you said it was for the best
Now just my body you undress
Now you're only undressing my body
We're two or one and one is left
We are two, or one, and one is left
Et c'est toujours la même histoire
And it's always the same story
Les mots d'amour et les promesses
The words of love and the promises
Les billet doux, les nuits d'ivresses
The love letters, the drunken nights
Nos corps et nos bouches qui se cherchent
Our bodies and our mouths searching for each other
C'est toujours la même histoire
It's always the same story
Tu vois, depuis toujours on s'aiment comme ça
You see, we have always loved each other this way
Pensant l'amour ça sent rien, ça s'en vas
Thinking that love doesn't feel like anything, it leaves and goes
Ça fait deux mois qu'il se passe plus rien
It's been two months since anything happened
Et je doute de nous
And I'm starting to doubt us
Peut-être que tu vois quelqu'un
Maybe you're seeing someone else.
Je sais pas et je m'en fous
I don't know and I don't care
Rendez-vous demain à 17h, café Madame, il faut qu'on parle
Meet you at 5pm tomorrow, Café Madame, we need to talk
Mais je t'en prie pas de larme et pas de mélodrame
But no tears, please, and no melodrama
Les visages ont pâle, l'air est électrique
Our faces are pale, the air is electric
Même les choses ont compris
Even the objects have understood
Qu'entre nous y'avais plus rien de magique
That there was nothing magical left between us
Fais les ronds avec ta clope
You're blowing smoke rings out of your cigarette
Putain ce que t'es beau quand tu pleure
F***, you're so beautiful when you cry
Je sais pas trop on va
I don't know where we're going
Faut qu'on se quitte c'est mieux comme ça
We have to break up, it's better that way
Tu pars, tu reviens, tu me laisse
You leave, you come back, you leave me
Tu veux - je ne sais plus, tu me blesse
You want - I don't know, you hurt me
Et quand l'un part l'autre reste
And when one leaves, the other stays
C'est toujours la même histoire
It's always the same story
Les mots d'amour et les promesses
The words of love and the promises
Les billet doux, les nuits d'ivresses
The love letters, the drunken nights
Nos corps et nos bouches qui se cherchent
Our bodies and our mouths searching for each other
C'est toujours la même histoire
It's always the same story

Writer(s): Mark Hekic

Elisa Tovati feat. Matt Epp - 1,2,3,4
date de sortie

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