Els Amics De Les Arts - Adéu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Amics De Les Arts - Adéu

Digueu-li al pare
Tell my father
Que si vam ser dos estranys, no tingui cap remordiment
That if we were two strangers, don't feel any remorse
Per una altra vida
For another life
No ho deixem passar ens queda pendent conèixer-nos
Let's not let it pass, we still have to get to know each other
Digueu-li a la mare
Tell my mother
Que el futur que des de sempre havia reservat per mi
That the future that she had always reserved for me
Era tan i tan perfecte que no hauria estat feliç
Was so perfect that I would not have been happy
Que ho sento
That I'm sorry
Al meu germà, digueu-li
To my brother, tell him
Que l'autèntica aventura -ara ho veig-
That the real adventure -now I see-
És créixer junts
Is growing up together
Que em perdoni per trencar-la amb un silenci tan absurd
That he forgive me for breaking it with such an absurd silence
Digueu-li, que m'enduc amb mi l'esguard d'uns ulls incondicionals
Tell him, that I take with me the look of unconditional eyes
Els d'un germà petit que avui mereix el millor regal que vaig
Those of a little brother who today deserves the best gift I have
Guardar-me entre plors i daus, que vaig guardar-me entre gols i fang
To keep between tears and dice, that I kept between goals and mud
Jo mai em vaig deixar guanyar
I never let myself be defeated
Amics de sempre, és veritat
Friends forever, it's true
Mai us trucava, però vaig dur-vos sempre amb mi
I never called, but I always carried you with me
Pels bons anys
For the good years
Per quan la veu pujava octaves sense avís, brindeu-nos
For when the voice went up octaves without warning, toast to us
Digueu-li a ella que potser érem massa joves
Tell her that maybe we were too young
Però que no lamento res
But that I don't regret anything
I que sap no s'ha acabat
And that you know it's not over
Que quedi clar, si hi ha un després, l'espero
Let it be clear, if there is an after, I'll wait
Que m'enduc amb mi la nit més llarga, on ho vam ser tot
That I take with me the longest night, where we were everything
Que encara puc sentir les meves mans esbrinant-li el cos
That I can still feel my hands exploring her body
Amb un batec que es va atabalant
With a beat that is getting faster
El riure tonto de qui no en sap, i la tendresa del debutant
The silly laughter of someone who doesn't know, and the tenderness of the debutante
Un exèrcit d'estels és a fora esperant-me
An army of stars is outside waiting for me
Un exèrcit d'estels m'ha vingut a buscar
An army of stars has come to find me
Un exèrcit d'estels és a fora esperant-me
An army of stars is outside waiting for me
Un exèrcit d'estels m'ha vingut a buscar
An army of stars has come to find me

Writer(s): Ferran Pique Fargas, Joan Enric Barcelo Fabregas, Daniel Alegret Ruiz

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