Els Amics De Les Arts - Ja No Ens Passa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Amics De Les Arts - Ja No Ens Passa

Ja No Ens Passa
It Doesn't Happen to Us Anymore
Ja no ens passa
It doesn't happen to us anymore
I no ens n'amaguem
We don't hide it
Que dúiem anys fent el paper
That we've been pretending for years
Fingint que cada dia el rebíem com si fos el primer
Acting like each day we've received it as if it were the first
Genial, que fort, que
Amazing, how great, how good
Ja no ens passa
It doesn't happen to us anymore
Ja no estem tant segurs
We're not so sure anymore
Que tinguem grans coses a fer
That we have great things to do
Ni que un destí ens esperi amb els braços oberts
Nor that destiny awaits us with open arms
I ens digui només tu, podies ser
And says only to you, you could be
Doncs ja no ens passa, tampoc improvitzem
Well it doesn't happen to us anymore, we don't improvise either
A l'aventura i ja veurem
Adventure and we'll see
L'assalt al tren de Glasgow va ser un joc de nens
The assault on the Glasgow train was child's play
No fem ni un pas en fals, planifiquem
We don't make a false step, we plan
No ens arrisquem
We don't take risks
I clar no ens passa, ningú no ens va avisar
And of course it doesn't happen to us, no one warned us
Va ser d'un dia per l'altre
It was from one day to the next
Ho vam trobar a faltar
We missed it
Ja no ens passa, ja no ens enamorem
It doesn't happen to us anymore, we don't fall in love anymore
Que no volem fer el passerell
We don't want to parade
Abans de caçar l'ós hem venut massa cops la pell
Before hunting the bear we have sold the skin too many times
I el mal que fa no el cura el temps
And the pain it causes is not cured by time
Ja no ens passa, mil dòlars pel primer
It doesn't happen to us anymore, a thousand dollars for the first one
Que ens porti aquí davant algú capaç d'escriure versos
That brings us here before someone capable of writing verses
Que ens facin un nus al coll
Who will put a noose around our necks
Una cançó que ens ho regiri a dintre tot
A song that will turn everything inside us upside down
Perquè no ens passa, ningú no ens va avisar
Because it doesn't happen to us, no one warned us
Que tot això se n'anava
That all of this was going away
Que tot era mentida, la vida
That everything was a lie, life
Era el que venia just desprès
Was what came right after
Ja no ens passa, ja no sortim de nit
It doesn't happen to us anymore, we don't go out at night anymore
Que l'endemà no som ningú
We are nobodies the next day
Que el dia que sortim, cantem tant allà al mig
The day we go out, we sing so loud there in the middle
Que ja podríem ser els pares d'algú
That we could already be someone's parents
Que això ja és massa, ja no ens creiem a cap
This is too much, we don't believe any
Dels que dieu saber el camí
Of those who say they know the way
Que no hi ha un pam de net
There is no clean inch
Però quan ballo s'enxampa en res
But when I dance it gets caught on nothing
Aquí tothom es fa el sorprès
Everyone's surprised here
Au vinga, fer punyetes tots
Come on, let's all masturbate
Que ja no ens passa, ningú no ens va avisar
Because it doesn't happen to us anymore, no one warned us
Que tot això se n'anava
That all of this was going away
Que tot era mentida, la vida
That everything was a lie, life
Era el que venia just després
Was what came right after

Writer(s): Alegret Ruiz Daniel, Barcelo Fabregas Joan Enric, Costa Garangou Eduard, Pique Fargas Ferran

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