Els Amics De Les Arts - Jean Luc - En Directe Al Festival De Cap Roig / 2015 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Amics De Les Arts - Jean Luc - En Directe Al Festival De Cap Roig / 2015

Jean Luc - En Directe Al Festival De Cap Roig / 2015
Jean Luc - Live at the Cap Roig Festival / 2015
Ens vam retrobar una nit d'estiu en un cicle especial
We met one summer night at a special
De cinema francès a la fresca.
French film festival in the cool evening air.
El meu plan era tornar aviat però al final
My plan was to leave early but in the end
Tot es va anar allargant
Everything went on and on
I els dos vam decidir sortir de gresca.
And we both decided to go out and party.
Se'ns va fer tard.
It got late.
Va dir: "No agafis pas el cotxe, si vols et pots quedar.
She said: "Don't take the car, you can stay.
Que al pis hi tinc quarto exprés per convidats".
I have a spare guest room at my place".
"Et deixo aquí sobre un cobrellit
"I'll leave you on a blanket
Perquè ara no però després fot rasca,
Because now I won't but later I will,
Ja ho veuràs.
You'll see.
Si tens gana o vols aigua tu mateix
If you're hungry or want water, help yourself
Pots fer
You can
Pots fer com si fossis a casa."
You can make yourself at home."
La manera com va dir bona nit i va picar l'ullet era
The way she said goodnight and winked was
Fàcilment mal interpretable.
Easily misinterpreted.
Vaig augurar una nit per la posteritat,
I predicted a night for posterity,
Fer un cim, fer un 8.000
Climbing a peak, an 8,000 meter mountain
Fer quelcom difícilment igualable.
Doing something difficult to match.
Però allà no passava res,
But nothing happened there,
Només aquell silenci
Only that silence
Trencat pel meu somier.
Broken by my bed frame.
Potser no era el seu tipus,
Maybe I wasn't her type,
Millor que no fes res.
It's better that I didn't do anything.
I en una paret al fons
And on a wall in the back
Imprès en blanc i negre
Printed in black and white
Hi havia un pòster d'en Godard.
There was a poster of Godard.
Potser ell podria dir-me
Maybe he could tell me
Per què em ballava el cap.
Why my head was spinning.
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Vull entendre-ho però no puc.
I want to understand but I can't.
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Vull entendre-ho però no puc.
I want to understand but I can't.
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ell va dir que en casos com aquests
He said that in cases like this
No es tracta de ser més guapo o...
It's not about being more handsome or...
(Tu també estás guapo avui)
(You look handsome tonight too)
Sinó d'estar convençut de fer-ho.
But about being certain you're going to do it.
Jo vaig dir-li "Ja, però si ara hi vaig i ella no vol
I said to him "Yeah, but if I go to her and she doesn't want me
Després què? Després tot això acaba siguent
What then? All this ends up being
Un rollo patatero".
A potato chip mess".
Em va convidar a fumar
He invited me to smoke
I en un plano-seqüència una frase magistral
And in a long shot a masterful phrase
"Una dona és una dona
"A woman is a woman
No et preocupis, tant se val".
Don't worry, it doesn't matter".
L'endemà vam esmorzar, ah ah...
The next day we had breakfast, ah ah...
Ni tan sols vaig mirar-la i a l'hora de marxar
I didn't even look at her and when I left
Ella em va fer un petó
She kissed me
Que encara no interpretar.
And I still don't know how to interpret that.
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Vull entendre-ho però no puc.
I want to understand but I can't.
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Vull entendre-ho però no puc.
I want to understand but I can't.
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc
Ai Jean-Luc, ai Jean-Luc
Oh Jean-Luc, oh Jean-Luc

Writer(s): Els Amics De Les Arts

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