Els Amics De Les Arts - Les Coses - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Amics De Les Arts - Les Coses

Les Coses
The Things
que no hi ha dos sin tres i que tres sempre són massa
I know that there's no such thing as a second chance, and that three is always one too many
que vols que ens vagi bé, però sovint penses en l'altre
I know that you want us to be okay, but you often think of the other one
Les coses sempre volen el seu temps
Things always take their time
que com diu el refrany, Déu ajuda els matiners
I know that as the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves
Tu i jo esmorzem a quarts de dotze perquè estigui pels demés
You and I have breakfast at a quarter to twelve so that I can be there for others
Les coses al principi sempre van superbé
Things are always great at first
Si poguéssim viure confinats en aquesta gran mentida
If only we could live quarantined in this one big lie
I morir contents atrapats aquí
And die happy trapped here
Atrapats aquí
Trapped here
que no vull saber res més de tu
I know that I don't want to know anything more about you
Ara ets tan perfecta, ara tot és pur
Now you're so perfect, now everything is pure
que un deia "no res" i tothom li deia mestre
I know that one said "I know nothing" and everyone called him master
que jo ho sabia tot i ara espero veure què contestes
I know that I knew everything and now I'm waiting to see what you answer
Les coses, quan les dius tu semblen tan evidents
Things, when you say them, seem so obvious
Si poguéssim segrestar aquest riure absurd que ens fa tan lliures
If only we could kidnap this absurd laughter that makes us so free
I follar per sempre amb aquest delit
And fuck forever with this pleasure
Amb aquest delit
With this pleasure
que no vull saber res més de tu
I know that I don't want to know anything more about you
Ara ets tan perfecta, ara tot és pur
Now you're so perfect, now everything is pure
Atrapats aquí
Trapped here
Atrapats aquí
Trapped here
que no vull saber res més de tu
I know that I don't want to know anything more about you
Ara ets tan perfecta, ara tot és, tot és pur
Now you're so perfect, now everything is, everything is pure
que no vull saber res més de tu
I know that I don't want to know anything more about you
Ara ets tan perfecta, ara tot és pur
Now you're so perfect, now everything is pure
que un es deia Art i que en Simon era l'artista
I know that one was called Art and that Simon was the artist
que no sabré què fer si mai vols anar de solista
I know that I won't know what to do if you ever want to go solo
Les coses, ai, gaudim-les mentre encara puguem
Things, oh, let's enjoy them while we still can

Writer(s): Els Amics De Les Arts

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