Els Amics De Les Arts - Reykjavik - En Directe Al Festival De Cap Roig / 2015 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Amics De Les Arts - Reykjavik - En Directe Al Festival De Cap Roig / 2015

Reykjavik - En Directe Al Festival De Cap Roig / 2015
Reykjavik - Live at the Cap Roig Festival / 2015
Jo em quedo les pelis d'en Kurosawa
I'll keep Kurosawa's films
I tu els discos d'en Lou Reed,
And you Lou Reed's records,
Tu la màquina del café perfecte
You keep the perfect coffee machine
I jo aquell wok tan ben parit,
And I'll keep the wok that's cooked so well,
Tu aquell jardinet de sobretaula
You keep that indoor garden on the table
Que vas voler comprar a Pekín,
That you wanted to buy in Beijing,
Que dius que
That you swear
Que a tu et relaxa
That it relaxes you
Però només fot que merda al pis,
But only makes a mess in the flat,
Jo aquell plat del sud d'aquells firaires magrebins,
I'll keep that dish from the Maghreb street fair,
Que et dic que si
That you tell me
Que em va de perles
That suits me well
Perquè m'aguanta els Tintins
Because it holds my Tintin comics well
I que tinguis sort a Reykjavik,
And I wish you luck in Reykjavik,
I que m'esborris del mòbil aviat,
And I hope you delete me from your phone soon,
I que els dies no s'et facin llargs,
And I hope the days don't seem long to you,
I no surtis mai sense un abric.
And never leave the house without a coat.
Ara potser et sembla que el món s'acaba
Now it may seem like the world is ending
I que ho haguem de cremar tot,
And that we have to burn everything down,
Però tan tu com jo en trobarem un altre
But you and I will find another one
I tot es posarà al seu lloc.
And everything will fall into place.
Durant aquest temps sense parella
During this time of no partner
Follarem pels descosits,
We'll be screwing like rabbits,
Que et dic que si,
That you tell me
Que sempre passa,
That always happens,
Ens seguirem trobant al llit
We'll keep meeting in bed
I tindrem temps per dedicar-nos
And we'll have time to give to ourselves
Cadascú pel seu costat,
Each one on their own,
Que et dic que si,
That you tell me
Que farem coses
That we'll do things
A les que haviem renunciat,
That we had given up on,
I tornar a conèixer als meus amics,
And to get to know my friends again,
I anar-m'en a les tantes al llit,
And to go to bed at whatever time I want,
I no mirar pelis d'en Hugh Grant,
And to not watch Hugh Grant movies,
No haver de pensar per endavant,
To not have to think ahead,
I que tinguis sort a Reykjavik,
And I wish you luck in Reykjavik,
I que en trobis un de ben plantat,
And I hope you find a good man,
I que el gel que ho glaça tot de nit,
And that the ice that freezes everything at night,
Et deixi engegar el cotxe al matí...
Lets you start your car in the morning...

Writer(s): Daniel Alegret Ruiz, Eduard Costa Garangou, Joan Enric Barcelo Fabregas, Ferran Pique Fargas

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