Els Catarres - 1983 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Catarres - 1983

Flota en l'aire,
It floats in the air,
Com el pol·len entre els arbres
Like pollen between the trees
Em la nostàlgia d'aquells anys
In the nostalgia of those years
El somriure enorme als llavis de qui tota la vida per davant
The huge smile on the lips of those who have their whole life ahead of them
Quan els dies
When the days
No sabien repetir-se
Didn't know how to repeat themselves
L'endemà era un full en blanc
The next day was a blank page
On hi cabien misteris i la infinita força per seguir somiant
Where mysteries and the infinite strength to continue dreaming fit
No viurem per sempre
We will not live forever
Però potser no ens cal tant temps
But maybe we don't need that much time
Només ser tan lliures com ahir, atrevits
Just be as free as yesterday, daring
No viurem per sempre
We will not live forever
Però potser no ens cal tant temps
But maybe we don't need that much time
Només ser tan lliures com ahir, atrevits
Just be as free as yesterday, daring
I ara em miro
And now I look at myself
I veig un boig ple d'esperança
And I see a madman full of hope
A l'altra banda del mirall
On the other side of the mirror
On encara hi guardo intacte l'esperit de mil nou-cents vuitanta-tres
Where I still keep intact the spirit of one thousand nine hundred eighty-three
Viu en un món sense pressa
Lives in a world without haste
On cada dia és un regal
Where every day is a gift
Que només pots entreveure en la mirada d'un nen que no por de res
That you can only glimpse in the eyes of a child who is not afraid of anything
No viurem per sempre
We will not live forever
Però potser no ens cal tant temps
But maybe we don't need that much time
Només ser tan lliures com ahir, atrevits
Just be as free as yesterday, daring
No viurem per sempre
We will not live forever
Però potser no ens cal tant temps
But maybe we don't need that much time
Només ser tan lliures com ahir, atrevits
Just be as free as yesterday, daring
No viurem per sempre
We will not live forever
Però potser no ens cal tant temps
But maybe we don't need that much time
Només ser tan lliures com ahir, atrevits
Just be as free as yesterday, daring
No viurem per sempre
We will not live forever
Però potser no ens cal tant temps
But maybe we don't need that much time
Només ser tan lliures com ahir, atrevits
Just be as free as yesterday, daring

Writer(s): Roser Vallier Cruells, Eric Pascual Verges, Joan Prats Riera

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