Els Catarres - Animals - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Catarres - Animals

Una llum d'argent ha esborrat el món
A silver light has erased the world
I ha pintat de cel tots els teus racons
And painted the sky across all your corners
No és el primer (no és el primer)
It's not the first (it's not the first)
Ni l'últim cop
Nor the last time
Sento deu mil volts travessant-me el pit
I feel ten thousand volts running through my chest
I el tic-tac del pols segueix ascendint
And the ticking of my pulse keeps rising
Com la cançó (aquella cançó)
Like the song (that song)
Que ballàvem junts fins a embogir
We danced to together until we went crazy
Com animals
Like animals
Tu i jo som com animals
You and I are like animals
I ens tatuem nits sota la pell
And we tattoo nights under our skin
I mai hem volgut frenar-ho a temps
And we never wanted to stop it in time
Com animals
Like animals
Aturem el temps que ens tenim a prop
Let's stop time while we're close
Per sentir el moment i oblidar el record
To feel the moment and forget the memory
Tot està (tot està bé)
Everything is fine (everything is fine)
La ment en off
The mind off
I amb un fil de sol penjat entre els dits
And with a thread of sun hanging between our fingers
La petita mort ens omple d'estiu
The little death fills us with summer
Com la cançó (aquella cançó)
Like the song (that song)
Que ballàvem junts fins a embogir
We danced to together until we went crazy
Com animals
Like animals
Tu i jo som com animals
You and I are like animals
I ens tatuem nits sota la pell
And we tattoo nights under our skin
I mai hem volgut frenar-ho a temps
And we never wanted to stop it in time
Com animals
Like animals
Com animals
Like animals
Com animals
Like animals
Com animals
Like animals
Com animals
Like animals
Ens barregem lentament
We mix slowly
Com en un somni ancestral
Like in an ancestral dream
Ho fem instintivament
We do it instinctively
Perquè ho portem a la sang
Because it's in our blood
Ens barregem lentament
We mix slowly
Com en un somni ancestral
Like in an ancestral dream
Ho fem instintivament
We do it instinctively
Perquè ho portem a la sang
Because it's in our blood
Tu i jo som com animals
You and I are like animals
I ens tatuem nits sota la pell
And we tattoo nights under our skin
I mai hem volgut frenar-ho a temps
And we never wanted to stop it in time
Com animals
Like animals
I ens tatuem nits sota la pell
And we tattoo nights under our skin
I mai hem volgut frenar-ho a temps
And we never wanted to stop it in time
Com animals
Like animals
Com animals
Like animals

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