Els Catarres - Jo Vinc D'Un Silenci - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Els Catarres - Jo Vinc D'Un Silenci - Live

Jo Vinc D'Un Silenci - Live
I Am Born From a Silence - Live
Jo vinc d′un silenci
I am born from a silence
Antic i molt llarg
Ancient and very long
De gent que va alçant-se
From people who have been rising
Des del fons dels segles
From the depths of the centuries
De gent que anomenen
From people called
Classes subalternes
Subaltern class
Jo vinc d'un silenci
I am born from a silence
Antic i molt llarg
Ancient and very long
Jo vinc de les places
I come from the squares
I dels carrers plens
And from the streets full
De xiquets que juguen
Of children who play
I de vells que esperen
And old people waiting
Mentre homes i dones
While men and women
Estan treballant
Are working
Als petits tallers
In small workshops
A casa o al camp
At home or in the fields
Jo vinc d′un silenci
I am born from a silence
Que no és resignat
That is not resigned
D'on comença l'horta
Where the garden begins
I acaba el secà
And the dry land ends
D′esforç i blasfèmia
Of effort and blasphemy
Perquè tot va mal
Because everything is wrong
Qui perd els orígens
Those who lose their origins
Perd la identitat
Lose their identity
Jo vinc d′un silenci
I am born from a silence
Antic i molt llarg
Ancient and very long
De gent sense místics
From people without mystics
Ni grans capitans
Or great captains
Que viuen i moren
Who live and die
En l'anonimat
In anonymity
Que en frases solemnes
Who in solemn phrases
No han cregut mai
Have never believed
Jo vinc d′una lluita
I am born from a struggle
Que és sorda i constant
That is deaf and constant
Jo vinc d'un silenci
I am born from a silence
Que romprà la gent
That will be broken by the people
Que ara vol ser lliure
Who now wants to be free
I estima la vida,
And loves life,
Que exigeix les coses
Who demands the things
Que li han negat
That have been denied to them
Jo vinc d′un silenci
I am born from a silence
Antic i molt llarg
Ancient and very long
Jo vinc d'un silenci
I am born from a silence
Que no és resignat
That is not resigned
Jo vinc d′un silenci
I am born from a silence
Que la gent romprà
That the people will break
Jo vinc d'una lluita
I am born from a struggle
Que és sorda i constant
That is deaf and constant

Writer(s): Eric Vergés, Joan Riera, Roser Cruells

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