Elsa - Nostalgie-Cinéma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elsa - Nostalgie-Cinéma

Gira, Girano con me
Turn around, Turn around with me
Nel ora blu
In the blue hour
Un fito clown, un re
A fake clown, a king
E la nave va con te
And the ship departs with you
Non torna piu
Never returns
Lasciandomi sul set
Leaving me alone on set
La fontana di luce
The fountain of light
Che mi bagna la pelle
That bathes my skin
Diva-Divina, chi e?
Diva-Divine, who are you?
Federico mi chiama
Federico calls my name
Sulla nebbiosa strada
On the foggy road
All' ultimo ballo del re
At the king's last ball
Nostalgie... e cinema...
Nostalgia... and cinema...
Cine, cine ma perche
Cinema, cinema but why
Giochiamo qua
Do we play here
Alla dolce vita?
At the "Dolce Vita?"
Quando'l vento fa crollare
When the wind brings down
Piano pian'
Piano piano
Il cuor' della citta
The heart of the city
Un, due, tre, ott'e mezo
One, two, three, eight and a half
C'e la luna nel pozzo
The moon is in the well
Brilla soltanto per te
It shines only for you
E il fiato mi manca
And I lose my breath
Quando vedo chi balla
When I see who's dancing
All' ultimo ballo del re
At the king's last ball
Nostalfie che mi fai?
What do you do to me, Nostalgia?
Nostalgie cinema...
Ma la notte vola gia
But the night is already flying
Non sogno piu
I dream no more
Nella dolce citta
In the sweet city
E da sola ballo per la luna
And I dance alone for the moon
Che piange... se ne va...
That weeps...that leaves...
Tournent et retournent avec moi
Turn around and come back with me
Dans l'heure bleue
In the blue hour
Un faux clown et un roi
A foolish clown and a king
Et la navire s'en va avec toi
And the ship sets sail with you
Ne revient plus
Never to return
Me laissant seule sur le set
Leaving me alone on the set
La fontaine de lumière
The fountain of light
Qui me baigne la peau
That bathes my skin
Diva-Divine, qui es-tu?
Diva-Divine, who are you?
Federico m'appelle
Federico calls my name
Sur la route de brume
On the foggy road
Au dernier bal du roi
At the king's last ball
Nostalgie... et cinéma...
Nostalgia... and cinema...
Ciné, ciné mais pourquoi
Cinema, cinema but why
Jouons-nous ici
Do we play here
la "Dolce Vita"
The "Dolce Vita?"
Quand le vent fait crouler
When the wind brings down
Petit à petit
Piano piano
Le c
The h

Writer(s): Dorine Hollier, Georges Lunghini, Vincent-marie Bouvot

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