Elvis Blue - Toe Ons Jonk Was - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elvis Blue - Toe Ons Jonk Was

Toe Ons Jonk Was
When We Were Young
Toe ons jonk was kon ons eet net wat ons wou
When we were young, we could eat whatever we wanted
Ons kon speel en ons kon 'n lang pouse hou
We could play and we could have a long break
Ons was fine daarmee om net hande vas te hou
We were fine with just holding hands
En ons ouers was die mooiste man en vrou
And our parents were the most beautiful man and woman
Toe ons jonk was
When we were young
Toe ons jonk was het ons nie geweet van hart breek nie
When we were young, we didn't know about heartbreak
Ons drome was groot en ons was nie bang nie
Our dreams were big and we were fearless
Toe ons jonk was was ons ouers nog bymekaar
When we were young our parents were still together
Oupas, oumas het geleef en niks was te swaar
Grandfathers, grandmothers were alive and nothing was too heavy
Toe ons jonk was
When we were young
Oh en ons tyd hier is al te min
Oh and our time here is too short
Ons is almal nou groot maar ons het klein begin
We are all grown up now, but we started small
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Toe ons jonk was het ons nog met ons bure gepraat
When we were young, we still talked to our neighbors
Daar was nie so ding soos kleur en ons het niemand gehaat
There was no such thing as color, and we hated no one
Toe ons jonk was het ons nog genoeg geld gehad
When we were young, we still had enough money
Ons harte was vol, ons was vir niemand kwaad
Our hearts were full, we were angry with no one
Toe ons jonk was, oh, toe ons jonk was
When we were young, oh, when we were young
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Toe ons jonk was kon ons glo dat God na ons kyk
When we were young, we could believe that God was watching us
Ons kon sien hoe Hy Sy arms na ons toe uitreik
We could see Him reach out His arms to us
Ons kon altyd met Hom praat, want Hy was naby
We could always talk to Him, because He was near
Ons het geweet dat Hy altyd by ons sal bly
We knew that He would always be with us
Toe ons jonk was, toe ons jonk was, oh, toe ons jonk was
When we were young, when we were young, oh, when we were young
Ooooh kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Ooooh come be young with me again
Ooooh kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Ooooh come be young with me again
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again
Al gaan die jare verby
Even though the years go by
Kom wees weer jonk saam met my
Come be young with me again

Writer(s): Elvis Blue

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